Prof. Dr. Vaibhav Bajpai

Open Positions


Open Postdoctoral and PhD positions

Contact: Prof. Vaibhav Bajpai

We are seeking to fill several positions at the doctoral and postdoctoral stage. These positions come with teaching responsibilities. 

Job advertisement



PostDoctoral and PhD Scholarships

Contact: Prof. Vaibhav Bajpai­­­

The HPI Research Schooloffers regularly PhD and PostDoc scholarships. The annual application deadlines are 1st February (starting in April) and 15th August (starting in October). Please reach out to discuss your application with us. More information about scholarships can be found here.



Open Student Research and Teaching Assistant Positions

Contact: Prof. Vaibhav Bajpai

We are seeking (HPI) student assistants to support our ongoing research and teaching activities. 



Research Internships and Research Visits

Contact: Prof. Vaibhav Bajpai

We are open to discussing opportunities for research internships (for doctoral students) and research stays (for postdoctoral researchers), especially from highly-qualified candidates from abroad to come spend some time with us at our beautiful campus in Potsdam.