AutoAssembler automatically converts laser-cut 2D cutting plans to 3D models so users can perform parametric manipulations on the models. Unlike our earlier paper assembler3 where users manually reconstruct models. AutoAssembler uses a beam search algorithm to search possible ways of assembling plates. It uses joints on these plates to combine them into assembly candidates. It thereby preferably pursues candidates (1) that have no intersecting plates, (2) that fit into a small bounding box, (3) that use plates whose joints fit together well, (4) that do not add many unpaired joints, (5) that make use of constraints posed by other plates, and (6) that conform to symmetry axes of the plates. This works for models that have at least one edge joint (finger or t-joint). In our technical evaluation, we imported 66 models using autoAssembler. AutoAssembler assembled 79% of those models fully automatically; another 18% of models required on average 2.7 clicks of post-processing, for an overall success rate of 97%.