Explore the state of the art in Artificial Intelligence in Medicine
Interdisciplinary summer school, directed at young medical doctors and young computational / mathematical scientists (PhD students / junior postdocs)
Learn about applications and methods of AI in medicine
Discuss with peers and experts in AI in Medicine current trends in the field
Invited Speakers
Tim Beissbarth, Unimedizin Göttingen
Harald Binder, Uniklinik Freiburg
Tim Friede, Unimedizin Göttingen
Nils Grabe, Uni Heidelberg
Christoph Lippert, HPI Potsdam
Andreas Stahl, Unimedizin Greifswald
Mario Stanke, Uni Greifswald
Fabian Theis, Helmholtz-Zentrum Müchen
Olaf Wolkenhauer, Uni Rostock
Lars Kaderali, Unimedizin Greifswald
No registration fee, Travel stipends available
Limited number of places (max 30 participants), Registration Deadline December 31, 2019
Selected participants will be informed in January 2020
Lars Kaderali - lars.kaderali(at)uni-greifswald.de
Further information
The summerschool is generously funded by the Joachim Herz Stiftung.