HPI Digital Health Cluster

Trends and Concepts in Digital Health

General Information

  • Teaching staff: Florian Borchert, Dr. Matthieu-P. Schapranow
  • Course kickoff: Tue Apr 16, 2024 @ 01.30pm s.t.
  • Dates & times (selected dates for joint presentations only):
    • Tue 01.30pm-03.00 pm s.t. (Campus II, L-1.02)
  • 2 Semesterwochenstunden (SWS) 3 ECTS (graded)
  • Limit: Max. number of participants defined by the number of provided topics.
  • After the kickoff event in the first course, you have to send us your preferred seminar topics (due date will be mentioned in the kickoff slides). Afterwards, you will be assigned to one of your preferred topics, which needs to be confirmed through official course enrollment by you.


  • Topics and selection procedure will be presented during the seminar kick-off course.


  • A: Pre-trained Models for Medical Language
  • B: Generative Models for Medical Language
  • C: Telematics Infrastructure in Germany: Overview and Concepts
  • D: EU AI Act
  • E: E-Prescription in Germany vs. the rest of the world
  • F: Digital Health Data Sources for Research and Science

Scope of the seminar


The purpose of this seminar is to deepen your knowlegde on latest trends and concepts in Digital Health (DH). You will select your preferred topic from a list of available seminar topics presented during the course kick-off. The assigned topic defines the focus of your individual contribution throughout the remainder of the seminar. You will conduct research on the selected topic, acquire latest knowledge on the topic, evaluate and interprete latest state of the art, and share your results with your fellow students.

Your tutors will introduce selected concepts and tools you, which are relevant for your chosen seminar projects. You will acquire a deep knowledge on the selected course topic. Please bear in mind: Some of the used data sets might require you to either sign-up on a webpage, agree to follow data handling steps, sign a data use or confidentially agreement, or similar aspects. We will equip you with the required knowledge to conduct research on the selected topic and provide you access to additional materials for your chosen projects.

What we can expect from you

We expect you to:

  • Deep-dive into the selected DH topic technology,
  • Conduct research on related work in the specific field,
  • Assess the current state of the art, and
  • Evaluate the state of the art and share your results with your fellow students. 

Please assess yourself: You should have a profound understanding of digital health topics, programming/development skills are not mandatory. 

What you can expect from us

You can expect from us a continous coaching with regards to your select project topic throughout the whole semester, e.g. in regular appointments with your tutor. Furthermore, we will provide you guidance for improving your presentation and scientific writing skills. You will share your individual results in an intermediate and a final presentation with all participants. The presentation will help you to communicate your approach and intermediate results to others as well as to receive individual feedback on your approach and individual progress. Ultimately, you will document your findings in a scientific report at the end of the seminar.


The final grading will be determined by the following individual parts, each of them must be passed individually: 

  • Seminar results, i.e. intermediate + final presentation conducted during the seminar slots (40%), 
  • Research article about your individual contribution submitted at the end of the seminar (40%), and
  • Individual commitment throughout the seminar (20%).