Synopsis: While current graphics APIs are fragmented into different ecosystems (OpenGL, OpenGL-ES, DirectX, Metal), the new Vulkan standard promises true platform compatibility. In this thesis, a system for executing visual computing assets (VCAs) on mobile devices should be developed and compared to previous approaches. The major question this thesis would address is, how to effectively (and possibly automatically) adapt Vulkan-based image processing VCAs for mobile platforms, e.g., using MoltenVK on iOS. A number of reference VCAs are provided and could be integrated into existing iOS/Android frameworks of our research partner, Digital Masterpieces GmbH.
The master thesis can be used to start as a software developer at our research partner Digital Masterpieces GmbH ( in Potsdam or for a PhD position at the Computer Graphics Systems chair. If you are interested or have any further questions please contact the research group Computer Graphics Systems:
- Prof. Dr. Jürgen Döllner (office-doellner(at)
- Dr. Matthias Trapp (matthias.trapp(at)
- Max Reimann (max.reimann(at)