Prof. Dr. Holger Giese

Sona Ghahremani, PhD

Postdoctoral Researcher

System Analysis and Modeling Group

Hasso Plattner Institut for Digital Engineering
University of Potsdam
Prof.-Dr.-Helmert-Str. 2-3
14482 Potsdam

Telefon: +49 (0)331 5509 157
E-Mail:    sona.ghahremani(at)hpi.de
Raum:      A-2.9

Research Interests

  • Neuro-symbolic and Generative AI
  • Autonomic Control and Self-adaptive Systems
  • Machine Learning
  • Molde-driven Engineering

Awards and Achievements

Scientific Activities

  • Program Committee ICSA 2025
  • Organizer of 1st Workshop on Neuro-Symbolic Software Engineering NSE 2025 at ICSE 2025 
  • Organizing Committee SEAMS 2025 (Artifact Evaluation Chair) 
  • Organizing Committee ACSOS 2024 (Doctoral Symposium Chair)
  • Session Chair of: Emergence and Self Organization session at ACSOS 2024
  • Invited Panelist SEAMS 2024 (Community Debate Track
  • Track Committee QUATIC 2024  (Quality in Adaptive Software Track)
  • Reviewer for ACM Transactions on Autonomous and Adaptive Systems (2023-2024) TAAS
  • Program Committee SEAMS 2024
  • Organizing Committee SEAMS 2024 (Publicity Co-Chair)
  • Reviewer for Minitrack on Self-Adaptive Systems and Applications at 57th Hawaii International Conference on Systems Sciences (HICSS)
  • Program Committee ACSOS 2023 (Posters and Demos)
  • Session Chair of: Digital twins and non-functional properties at SEAMS 2023 
  • Program Committee SEAMS 2023 
  • Program Committee SEAMS 2023 (Artifact) 
  • Program Committee ACSOS 2022 (Posters and Demos)
  • Program Committee Workshop on Adaptive, Learning Pervasive Computing Applications ALPACA 2022
  • Reviewer for Elsevier Journal Information and Software Technology (2021-2022) IST 
  • Session Chair of: Self-Adaptation and Machine Learning at SEAMS 2021
  • Program Committee Workshop on Self-aware Computing SeAC 2021
  • Reviewer for ACM Transactions on Autonomous and Adaptive Systems (2020-2021) TAAS
  • Organizing Committee ACSOS 2021 (Posters and Demos Chair)
  • Program Committee SEAMS 2021 
  • Program Committee SEAMS 2021 (Artifact) 
  • Organizing Committee SEAMS 2021 (Proceedings Chair)
  • Reviewer for Future Generation Computer Systems (2020-2021) FGSC
  • Program Committee Workshop on Self-aware Computing SeAC 2020
  • Session Chair of: Testing, Analysis, Reasoning, and Monitoring at SEAMS 2020
  • Program Committee ACSOS (Poster and Demo) 2020
  • Program Committee SEAMS 2020  (Artifact)
  • Program Committee ICAC (Poster and Demo) 2019
  • Subreviewer SEAMS 2016, 2017, 2018
  • Subreviewer ICAC 2016, 2017,2018
  • Subreviewer SASO 2015, 2016, 2017
  • Invited to attend the GI-Dagstuhl Seminar on Software Engineering for Intelligent and Autonomous Systems at Schloss Dagstuhl , 2018. (see report here)

Teaching Activities
