Prof. Dr. Holger Giese

Christian Schäffer

Name at Birth: Christian Zöllner


System Analysis and Modeling Group

Hasso-Plattner-Institut for Digital Engineering
University of Potsdam
Prof.-Dr.-Helmert-Str. 2-3
14482 Potsdam


Tel: +49 331 5509 4809

E-Mail:  christian.schaeffer(at)hpi.de

Room:   A-2.7

Notice: I am currently on parental leave until early 2025. I will read and answer emails, but cannot guarantee a quick response. For urgent questions, please contact my colleagues.

Research Interests


  • Simulation
  • Graph Transformations
  • Triple Graph Grammars

Application Domains

  • Disaster Management
  • Training for Emergency Medical Personnel


  • Modeling Education


Lectures (as teaching assistant)

Lectures (as tutor)

  • Modeling I: Winter Term 2011/12, Winter Term 2012/13, Winter Term 2013/14, Winter Term 2014/15, Winter Term 2015/16, Winter Term 2016/17
  • Modeling II: Summer Term 2012, Summer Term 2013, Summer Term 2014, Summer Term 2015, Summer Term 2016

Seminars (as supervisor)

Bachelor projects (as supervisor)

  • Ask your Respository! (Winter Term 2018/19 and Summer Term 2019)
  • Human-in-the-loop-Simulation of Mass-casualty Incidents (Winter Term 2020/21 and Summer Term 2021)
  • A Digital Leadership Simulation for the Training of Emergency Medical Personnel (Winter Term 2021/22 and Summer Term 2022)
  • From planning games to incident simulation (Winter Term 2022/23 and Summer Term 2023)
  • Digital Simulation Training for Medical Surge in Hospitals (Winter Term 2023/24 and Summer Term 2024)



  • 25.10.2022, Accepted Paper:"Tool Support for the Teaching of State-Based Behavior Modeling", at: MODELS 2022 Educators Symposium, Montreal, Kanada
  • 14.10.2022, Invited Talk: "Human-in-the-loop-Simulation von MANV-Lagen als Übung für den Bevölkerungsschutz", at: Workshop "XR und mixed-reality im Ausbildungsbetrieb", FLORIAN Messe 2022, Dresden
  • 13.09.2022, Invited Talk: "Digitalisierung von Simulationssystemen für den gesundheitlichen Bevölkerungsschutz", at: Ringvorlesung "Aktuelle Themen der Katastrophenmedizin", BABZ, Online
  • 31.05.2022, Invited Talk: "Digitale Umsetzung der Führungssimulation (FüSim) MANV", at: Fortbildung für Lehrkräfte der Katastrophenmedizin der LandesfeuerwehrschulenBABZ, Bad Neuenahr-Ahrweiler
    • Joint presentation with the student team of the Bachelor Projekt 2021/22.
  • Autumn 2021, Invited Talks: "Digitalisierung der Dynamischen Patientensimulation", at: BABZ, Bad Neuenahr-Ahrweiler
    • 26.10.2021, Seminar Ärztliche und nichtärztliche Führungkräfte beim MANVI
    • 20.10.2021, Fortbildung für Lehrkräfte der Katastrophenmedizin der Landesfeuerwehrschulen
    • 22.09.2021, Fortbildung für Lehrkräfte der Katastrophenmedizin
  • 25.06.2021, Accepted Paper: "On the Complexity of Simulating Probabilistic Timed Graph Transformation Systems", at: STAF / ICGT 2021, Online [Video]
  • 07.06.2021, Invited Talk: "Digitalisierung der Dynamischen Patientensimulation", at: Ringvorlesung "Aktuelle Themen der Katastrophenmedizin", AKNZ, Online [Slides and Video]
  • 20.10.2020, Accepted Paper:"From Classic to Agile: Experiences from More than a Decade of Project-Based Modeling Education", at: MODELS 2020 Educators Symposium, Online
  • 26.06.2020, Accepted Paper: "A Simulator for Probabilistic Timed Graph Transformation Systems with Complex Large-Scale Topologies", at: ICGT 2020, Online [Video]
