

Thursday, 14 November 2024 (subject to change)

The first day of the empowerHER+ conference sets the stage for tech topics and professional inspiration. The experts will take the audience on a deep dive into the latest research and future topics in the tech sector


9:00 a.m.Entrance
9:30 a.m. 

Opening (German)

09:45 a.m.

Keynote: Digitalisation and Mental Health (English)

10:15 a.m.

Panel: Ask me anything #Cybersecurity (German)

Cybersecurity is one of the most important topics when it comes to the digitalization of our world. This panel will address the most important issues surrounding this field of research and what it is like to work in this area.

ModeratorRosmarie Debski, student - Hasso Plattner Institute and working student - Ambrosys

11:00 a.m.Coffee break 
11:30 a.m.

Fireside Chat about Deep Tech and AI Regulation (English)

In the Fireside Chat we want to discuss ethical issues related to AI and Deep Tech. The speakers discuss what is important in the context of regulation and why this is relevant for society.

ModeratorDilem Kaya, Master Student Advanced Neurofeedback & Upskilling GmbH

12:00 p.m. 

Spotlight: Research topics of the next generation (English)

PhD student Arpita Kappattanavar presents her Digital Health research on tracking behavior and eating habits with smart devices.

  • Arpita Kappattanava,
    Guest Research Assistant Digital Health - Connected Healthcare, Hasso-Plattner-Institut
12:30 p.m.

Inspiration-Talk (German)

    13:00 p.m.Find your lunch date: Lunch break with networking café
    2:00 p.m.In conversation with our sponsor DeliveryHero (German)
    2:45 p.m.

    Impuls (English) 

    3:15 p.m.Coffee break 
    3:45 p.m.

    Panel: AI and Bodies (English)

    The panel takes the audience on an interdisciplinary journey, exploring and questioning the possibilities of artificial intelligence in relation to bodies and gender. The panelists will talk about their perspectives on avatars, AI Fashion Week and more.

    ModeratorCharlotte Balcke, Student - Hasso Plattner Institute

    4:30 p.m.

    Keynote: Software Engineering (English)

    5:00 p.m.Resumé and conclusion (German & English)
    5:10 p.m.Evening program


    Friday, 15 November 2024 (subject to change)

    We want to work on solutions, define milestones, and commit to concrete goals. Participants and experts will come together in several streams to (inter)actively define proposed solutions.


    9:00 a.m.

    Network café over breakfast

    9:30 a.m.Opening and indroducing the streams (German)
    10:00 a.m.Start of streams Part 1 (German)


    Stream 1: New Work for Academic Career Paths (English)

    Stream 2: Empowerment for your career (German)

    2.15 p.m.

    Presentation of the solutions from Stream 1 (German)

    3.15 p.m.Resumé and closing