
Digital Masterpieces GmbH

One trillion photos are taken every year and billions of them will be shared online. Soon 90% of the world's internet traffic will be video. The impact of visual omnipresence is undeniable and the need for a simple way to produce individual videos and images increases for private users as well as for businesses. Digital Masterpieces has specialized on developing intuitive apps that enable users to easily produce images and videos in real-time. Based on state-of-the-art computational imaging and visual analytics together with machine learning, app users can easily process own videos and adjust images to their own preferences using their mobile devices. Our apps BeCasso, ArtCard and Clip2Comic open the world of visual content creation to everyone. The services are also available as SaaS-solution and used by organizations worldwide to create outstanding visual communication.    

Digital Masterpieces GmbH was founded in 2013 as a spin-off of the Computer Graphics Systems Group at the Hasso Plattner Institute (HPI) in Potsdam, Germany. The majority of the Digital Masterpieces team, particularly in research & development, are PhD and master students from the HPI. Due to the bilateral cooperation, Digital Masterpieces is able to integrate innovation from research in the development of its high-performance, software-as-a-service platform, software frameworks and apps for private and business users.
