Prof. Dr. Tobias Friedrich

Scientific Guest (last visit: Jan '24)

Department of Computer Science
Royal Holloway, University of London
London, United Kingdom

Scientific Guest (last visit: Dec '23)

Mathematics of Operations Research
University of Twente
Enschede, Netherlands

Scientific Guest (Sep '23)

School of Computer Science
University of Adelaide
Adelaide, Australia

Scientific Guest (last visit: Aug-Sep '23)

School of Computer Science
University of Adelaide
Adelaide, Australia

Frank Neumann

Scientific Guest (last visit: Aug-Sep '23)
Humboldt Fellow

School of Computer Science
University of Adelaide
Adelaide, Australia

Scientific Guest (Mar '23)

Diskrete Optimierung
Universität Bremen
Bremen, Germany

Scientific Guest (last visit: Jan '23)

Departamento de Ingeniería Matemática
Universidad de Chile
Santiago, Chile

Adel Nikfarjam

Scientific Guest (last visit: Jul-Aug '22)

School of Computer Science
University of Adelaide
Adelaide, Australia

Davide Bilò

Scientific Guest (last visit: Mar '22)
Mercator Fellow

Department of Humanities and Social Sciences
University of Sassari
Sassari, Italy

Scientific Guest (Sep '21)

Department of Informatics
Technical University of Munich
Munich, Germany

Scientific Guest (Mar-Jun '21)

DTU Compute
Technical University of Denmark
Kgs. Lyngby, Denmark

Scientific Guest (last visit: Mar-Sep '21)
Mercator Fellow

Computer Laboratory
University of Cambridge
Cambridge, United Kingdom

Scientific Guest (Jul '20)

International Real Estate Business School
University of Regensburg
Regensburg, Germany

Scientific Guest (last visit: Oct-Nov '19)

School of Computer Science
University of Adelaide
Adelaide, Australia

Scientific Guest (Aug '19)

Laboratoire d’Informatique
École Polytechnique, CNRS
Palaiseau, France

Scientific Guest (Aug '19)

School of Electrical Engineering and Computing
University of Newcastle
Newcastle, Australia

Scientific Guest (last visit: Aug '19)
Mercator Fellow

Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering
University of Waterloo
Waterloo, Canada

Scientific Guest (last visit: Aug '19)
Mercator Fellow

Instituto de Investigación en Inteligencia Artificial
Spanish Council for Scientific Research
Barcelona, Spain

Scientific Guest (last visit: May '19)

Max Planck Institute for Informatics
Saarbrücken, Germany

A picture of Dr. Warut Suksompong.

Scientific Guest (May '19)

Department of Computer Science
University of Oxford
Oxford, United Kingdom

Scientific Guest (Apr '19)

Algorithm Engineering
Humboldt University of Berlin
Berlin, Germany

Scientific Guest (Mar '19)

Departement of Computer Science
Trier University
Trier, Germany

Arnau Messegué Buisan

Scientific Guest (Feb '19)

Department of Computer Science
Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya
Barcelona, Spain

Scientific Guest (Jan '19)

Institute for Computer Science
Goethe University Frankfurt
Frankfurt am Main, Germany

Scientific Guest (Sep '18)

Department of Computer Science
University of Oxford
Oxford, UK


Scientific Guest (May '18)

Discrete Mathematics and Geometry
Technical University of Vienna
Vienna, Austria

Scientific Guest (Apr '18)

Algorithms and Complexity
University of Paderborn
Paderborn, Germany

Scientific Guest (Apr '18)

Optimization Department
Fraunhofer Institute for Industrial Mathematics
Kaiserslautern, Germany

Scientific Guest (last visit: Apr '18)

Scientia Professor of Artificial Intelligence
University of New South Wales
Kensington, Australia

Scientific Guest (Apr '18)

Economics and Computation Group
University of Liverpool
Liverpool, UK

Prof. Dr. Jose-Manuel Velasco

Scientific Guest (Jan-Mar '18)

Adaptive and Bioinspired Systems Research Group
Universidad Complutense de Madrid
Madrid, Spain

Scientific Guest (last visit: Jul'17)

Institute of Theoretical Computer Science
ETH Zurich
Zurich, Switzerland

Scientific Guest (Mar'17)

School of Computing Science
University of Glasgow
Glasgow, UK

Scientific Guest (Nov'16)

Department for Electrical Engineering and Computer Science
Technical University of Berlin
Berlin, Germany

Scientific Guest (Nov'16)

Department of Computer Science
University of Sheffield
Sheffield, United Kingdom

Scientific Guest (Sep'16)

Department of Industrial Engineering and Management
Ben-Gurion University of the Negev
Beer-Sheva, Israel

Scientific Guest (Sep'16)

Arbeitsgruppe Algorithmen und Komplexität
Technische Universität Kaiserslautern
Kaiserslautern, Germany

Dr. Vahan Mkrtchyan

Scientific Guest (Jul'16)

Department of Informatics and Applied Mathematics
Yerevan State University
Yerevan, Armenia

Scientific Guest (Jun'16)

Institute of Theoretical Informatics
Karlsruhe Institute of Technology
Karlsruhe, Germany

Scientific Guest (Apr-May'16)

Algorithms, Logic and Graphs Group
Technical University of Denmark
Kongens Lyngby, Denmark

Scientific Guest (Apr '16)

Institute of Mathematics
Ludwig Maximilian University
Munich, Germany

Scientific Guest (Nov'15)

School of Computer Science
University of Adelaide
Adelaide, Australia

Scientific Guest (Sep'15)

School of Engineering and Information Technology
Charles Darwin University
Darwin, Australia

Scientific Guest (Sep'15)

Department of Informatics
University of Bergen
Bergen, Norway

Scientific Guest (Jul'15)

School of Computer Science
University of Adelaide
Adelaide, Australia