Prof. Dr. Tobias Friedrich

Optimizing Project Schedules

Bachelor Project - Winter 2017/18 and Summer 2018

Photo credit: HPI/K. Herschelmann

The bachelor project is a cornerstone for the praxis-related study at the Hasso Plattner Institute. Central to this project is a group of students cooperating in developing a solution for a software-project given by an industrial partner. For the bachelor project 2017/18, our project partner is KPMG AG Wirtschaftsprüfungsgesellschaft.

Problem and Motivation

All medium and large corporations are required to have their financial statements reviewed by an auditor. KPMG is one of the world's largest companies providing advisory services in the area of financial and tax audits. KPMG International employs more than one hundred thousand people with very different backgrounds at many locations worldwide. If we consider the task of a financial audit of a particular client, we see it consists of several subtasks. These need to be accomplished by different consultants according to a set of dependencies. Additionally, the financial audit needs to be completed before a given deadline. The assignment should fulfill a number of hard and soft constraints, such as the availability of an employee, the work in established teams, personal preferences and travel times. Moreover, for maximum customer satisfaction, the assignment should optimize the fit between the skills of the employees and the requirements of the project.


The results of this bachelor project have been accepted at the International Conference on Automated Planning and Scheduling 2019.

  • Mixed Integer Programming... - Download
    Peters, Jannik; Stephan, Daniel; Amon, Isabel; Gawendowicz, Hans; Lischeid, Julius; Salabarria, Julius; Umland, Jonas; Werner, Felix; Krejca, Martin S.; Rothenberger, Ralf; Kötzing, Timo; Friedrich, Tobias Mixed Integer Programming versus Evolutionary Computation for Optimizing a Hard Real-World Staff Assignment ProblemInternational Conference on Automated Planning and Scheduling (ICAPS) 2019: 541–554

Further, the students presented the results of this project at the Bachlorpodium 2018.

Project Team

The bachelor project is organized by the Algorithm Engineering group. The following group members and students are participating:

Project Supervisor

Hasso Plattner Institute

Office: A-1.10
Tel.: +49 331 5509-410
E-Mail: Friedrich(at)hpi.de


Office hours: on weekdays usually 9 a.m. to 4 p.m.
Office: A-1.7/8

E-Mail: Martin.Krejca(at)hpi.de

Ralf Rothenberger


Office hours: on weekdays usually 9 a.m. to 4 p.m.
Office: A-1.13

E-Mail: Ralf.Rothenberger(at)hpi.de

Isabel Amon


Hasso Plattner Institute

E-Mail: Sarah-Isabel.Amon(at)student.hpi.de

Hans Gawendowicz


Hasso Plattner Institute

E-Mail: Hans.Gawendowicz(at)student.hpi.de

Julius Lischeid


Hasso Plattner Institute

E-Mail: Julius.Lischeid(at)student.hpi.de

Jannik Peters


Hasso Plattner Institute

E-Mail: Jannik.Peters(at)student.hpi.de

Lennart Salabarria


Hasso Plattner Institute

E-Mail: Lennart.Salabarria(at)student.hpi.de

Daniel Stephan


Hasso Plattner Institute

E-Mail: Daniel.Stephan(at)student.hpi.de

Jonas Umland


Hasso Plattner Institute

E-Mail: Jonas.Umland(at)student.hpi.de

Felix Werner


Hasso Plattner Institute

E-Mail: Felix.Werner(at)student.hpi.de