Prof. Dr. Ralf Herbrich

Here you can find the list of all people currently at the chair for Artificial Intelligence and Sustainability at the Hasso Plattner Institute. We have separate pages for postdocs, PhD students, Master & Bachelor students, scientific guests & partners, and former members.

Head & Office

Prof. Dr. Ralf Herbrich

Professor for Artificial Intelligence and Sustainability
Room: V-2.01
Phone: +49 (0)331 5509-3471
Email: ralf.herbrich(at)hpi.de

Thi Ngoc Dung Pham

Executive Assistant
Room: V-2.01
Phone: +49 (0)331 5509-3468
Email: thingocdung.pham(at)hpi.de
Office: office-herbrich(at)hpi.de

Postdoctoral & Senior Researchers

Rainer Schlosser

Senior Researcher
Room: V-2.05
Email: rainer.schlosser(at)hpi.de

CV & Publications


PhD Students

Alexander Kastius

Research Assistant
Room: V-2.05
Email: alexander.kastius(at)hpi.de
More Information

Nika Nizharadze

Research Assistant
Room: V-2.05
Email: nika.nizharadze(at)hpi.de

Nicolas Alder

Research Assistant
Room: V-2.05
Email: nicolas.alder(at)hpi.de

Leonhard Hennicke

Research Assistant
Room: V-2.05
Email: leonhard.hennicke(at)hpi.de

Master and Bachelor Students

Jan Lemcke

Maste Student 
Room: V-2.02
Email: Jan.Lemcke(at)student.hpi.uni-potsdam.de