Hasso-Plattner-Institut25 Jahre HPI
Hasso-Plattner-Institut25 Jahre HPI

Call for Proposals

We invite you to work on your research questions using the HPI Future SOC Lab's IT landscape. Submit a project proposal for the upcoming phase. If access to resources is still required for an ongoing project, a new project proposal can be submitted. 

The HPI Future SOC Lab’s Steering Committee, which comprises representatives of HPI and the industry partners, will decide about the approval of your project proposals. This will be done during the Future SOC Lab Day.


Topics of interest, but not limited to:

Applications in the areas of Machine Learning and Blockchain  
GPU Computing  
Application Containerization and Unikernels  
Service-Oriented-Computing (SOC)  
Cloud Computing  
In-Memory Database Technology  
Multicore Architectures  
On-Demand Delivery Models for Business Applications  
and other ...  

Resource Utilization


At the end of a project phase, all project-related data is deleted and access to resources in the Lab is deactivated.

After approval of a project proposal, the research projects will receive free of charge access to the IT infrastructure of the Future SOC Lab until the next HPI Future SOC Lab Day (approx. 6 months). If resources are still required after this duration, a new project proposal must be submitted.

Projects can request exclusive access to certain resources of the HPI Future SOC Labs. Please inform the team by e-mail at least two weeks before the start.


Roles and Expectations

When submitting a project proposal, we will ask for two contact information. 

1. Principle Investigator (=PI): Usually a Chair holder / Professor / Lecturer / Research Group Lead / or similar, who may accept the terms of use on behalf of the institution. This person has access to the FSOC portal and can manage the project: (among others) process the request, upload documents such as reports and posters, request access for team members, and submit continued project requests.

2. Contact Person (=CP): Usually a scientific employee / research project lead, serves as contact person for the project. This person has access to the FSOC portal and has the same rights as PI. In addition, he/she is responsible for communicating information and reminders to all team members.

Another role is that of the team members

- You have access to the IT resources of the Lab, but you do not have access to the FSOC portal. The management of the project in the FSOC portal takes over Principle Investigator and Contact Person.


E-Mail Communication:

We use an E-Mail distribution list for information that all projects receive in the same way. This list contains Principle Investigator and Contact Person. The Contact Person is responsible for ensuring that all project participants are informed.

End of a project phase on the Future SOC Lab Day:
- Submission of a technical report (3-5 pages), approximately 2 weeks before the end
- Submission of a scientific poster, approximately 2 weeks before the end
- Presentation of the results or research topic in front of the Future SOC Lab Community, mostly on Future SOC Lab Day
- If necessary, submission of another project proposal to extend the accesses, approximately 1 week before the end
All templates and guidelines can be found here.