Prof. Dr. Holger Giese

Mustafa Ghani

System Analysis and Modeling Group

Hasso Plattner Institute for Digital Engineering
Prof.-Dr.-Helmert-Str. 2-3
D-14482 Potsdam, Germany


Phone: +49 (0)331 5509 3479

E-Mail: Mustafa.Ghani@hpi.de

Room:  A-2.11


M. Ghani, S. Schneider, M. Maximova and H. Giese
"Deriving Delay-Robust Timed Graph Transformation System Models"
17th International Conference on Graph Transformation (ICGT 2024) (to appear)


M. Ghani and H. Giese
"Portable Nets"
Proceedings of the International Workshop on Petri Nets and Software Engineering (PNSE 2024) (to appear)