Prof. Dr. Holger Giese

Fujaba - From UML to Java and Back Again

Fujaba is an Open Source UML CASE tool project started at the software engineering group of Paderborn University in 1997. In 2002, Fujaba has been redesigned and became the Fujaba Tool Suite, with a plug-in architecture, allowing developers to add functionality easily while retaining full control over their contributions.

Fujaba followed the model driven development philosophy right from its beginning in 1997. At the early days, Fujaba had a special focus on code generation from UML diagrams resulting in a visual programming language with a special emphasis on object structure manipulating rules.

Today, several independent tool suites are under development. We are involved in the development of the Fujaba Real Time Tool Suite for our research for the model-driven development of embedded realtime systems and a Triple-Graph-Grammar based algorithms for incremental model transformation and synchronization.


  • Improved Flexibility and Scalability by Interpreting Story Diagrams. Giese, Holger; Hildebrandt, Stephan; Seibel, Andreas T. Magaria, J. Padberg, G. Taentzer (reds.) (2009). (Vol. 18)
  • Feature Report: Modeling and Interpreting EMF-based Story Diagrams. Giese, Holger; Hildebrandt, Stephan; Seibel, Andreas (2009).
  • Fujaba’s Future in the MDA Jungle - Fully Integrating Fujaba and the Eclipse Modeling Framework?. Becker, Basil; Giese, Holger; Hildebrandt, Stephan; Seibel, Andreas (2008).
  • Synthesis of Real-Time Component Behavior. Technical Report (tr-ri-08-296), Henkler, Stefan; Seibel, Andreas; Giese, Holger (2008).
  • Tool Support for Developing Advanced Mechatronic Systems: Integrating the Fujaba Real-Time Tool Suite with CAMeL-View. Burmester, Sven; Giese, Holger; Henkler, Stefan; Hirsch, Martin; Tichy, Matthias; Boiko, Vadim; Gambuzza, Alfonso; Münch, Eckehard; Vöcking, Henner (2007). 801–804.
  • Nobody’s perfect: Interactive Synthesis from Parametrized Real-Time Scenarios. Giese, Holger; Henkler, Stefan; Hirsch, Martin; Klein, Florian (2006). 67–74.
  • Incremental Model Synchronization with Triple Graph Grammars. Giese, Holger; Wagner, Robert in Lecture Notes in Computer Science (LNCS), O. Nierstrasz, J. Whittle, D. Harel, G. Reggio (reds.) (2006). (Vol. 4199) 543–557.
  • Hybrid UML Components for the Design of Complex Self-optimizing Mechatronic Systems. Burmester, Sven; Giese, Holger; Oberschelp, Oliver in Informatics in Control, Automation and Robotics I, J. Braz, H. Araújo, A. Vieira, B. Encarnacao (reds.) (2006).
  • Story Diagrams in Real-Time Software. Tichy, Matthias; Giese, Holger; Seibel, Andreas in Technical Report, H. Giese, B. Westfechtel (reds.) (2006). (Vol. 06-275) 15–22.
  • A PlugIn for the Development of Resource Aware Components with Mechatronic UML. Giese, Holger; Henkler, Stefan; Hirsch, Martin in Technical Report, H. Giese, B. Westfechtel (reds.) (2006). (Vol. 06-275) 51–55.
  • Visual Integration of UML 2.0 and Block Diagrams for Flexible Reconfiguration in Mechatronic UML. Burmester, Sven; Giese, Holger (2005). 109–116.
  • The SceBaSy PlugIn for the Scenario-Based Synthesis of Real-Time Coordination Patterns for Mechatronic UML. Giese, Holger; Tissen, Sergej (2005). 67–70.
  • A Plugin for Checking Inductive Invariants when Modeling with Class Diagrams and Story Patterns. Becker, Basil; Giese, Holger; Schilling, Daniela (2005). 1–4.
  • Worst-Case Execution Time Optimization of Story Patterns for Hard Real-Time Systems. Burmester, Sven; Giese, Holger; Seibel, Andreas; Tichy, Matthias (2005). 71–78.
  • Model-Driven Architecture for Hard Real-Time Systems: From Platform Independent Models to Code. Burmester, Sven; Giese, Holger; Schäfer, Wilhelm in Lecture Notes in Computer Science (LNCS) (2005). (Vol. 3748) 25–40.
  • Extending Fault Tolerance Patterns by Visual Degradation Rules. Tichy, Matthias; Giese, Holger (2005). 67–74.
  • The Fujaba Real-Time Tool Suite: Model-Driven Development of Safety-Critical, Real-Time Systems. Burmester, Sven; Giese, Holger; Hirsch, Martin; Schilling, Daniela; Tichy, Matthias (2005). 670–671.
  • Visual Model-Driven Development of Software Intensive Systems: A Survey of available Techniques and Tools. Burmester, Sven; Giese, Holger; Henkler, Stefan (2005). 11–18.
  • Partitioning and Modular Code Synthesis for Reconfigurable Mechatronic Software Components. Burmester, Sven; Giese, Holger; Gambuzza, Alfonso; Oberschelp, Oliver C. Bobeanu (red.) (2004). 66–73.
  • Modular Design and Verification of Component-Based Mechatronic Systems with Online-Reconfiguration. Giese, Holger; Burmester, Sven; Schäfer, Wilhelm; Oberschelp, Oliver (2004). 179–188.
  • Hybrid UML Components for the Correct Design of Self-optimizing Mechatronic Systems. Technical Report (tr-ri-03-246), Burmester, Sven; Giese, Holger; Oberschelp, Oliver (2004). 1–42.
  • Modeling Reconfigurable Mechatronic Systems with Mechatronic UML. Burmester, Sven; Tichy, Matthias; Giese, Holger U. Aßmann (red.) (2004). 155–169.
  • Component Templates for Dependable Real-Time Systems. Tichy, Matthias; Becker, Basil; Giese, Holger in Technical Report, A. Schürr, A. Zündorf (reds.) (2004). (Vol. 04-253) 27–30.
  • Design of Self-Managing Dependable Systems with UML and Fault Tolerance Patterns. Tichy, Matthias; Schilling, Daniela; Giese, Holger (2004).
  • Making Mechatronic Agents Resource-aware in order to Enable Safe Dynamic Resource Allocation. Burmester, Sven; Gehrke, Matthias; Giese, Holger; Oberthür, Simon B. Georgio (red.) (2004). 175–183.
  • Incremental Design and Formal Verification with UML/RT in the FUJABA Real-Time Tool Suite. Burmester, Sven; Giese, Holger; Hirsch, Martin; Schilling, Daniela (2004). 1–20.
  • A Self-Optimizing Run-Time Architecture for Configurable Dependability of Services. Tichy, Matthias; Giese, Holger in Architecting Dependable Systems II, R. de Lemos, C. Gacek, A. Romanovsky (reds.) (2004). (Vol. 3069) 25–51.
  • Tool Integration at the Meta-Model Level within the FUJABA Tool Suite. Burmester, Sven; Giese, Holger; Niere, Jörg; Tichy, Matthias; Wadsack, Jörg P.; Wagner, Robert; Wendehals, Lothar; Zündorf, Albert in International Journal on Software Tools for Technology Transfer (STTT) (2004). 6(3) 203–218.
  • Design and Simulation of Self-Optimizing Mechatronic Systems with Fujaba and CAMeL. Burmester, Sven; Giese, Holger; Klein, Florian in Technical Report, A. Schürr, A. Zündorf (reds.) (2004). (Vol. 04-253) 19–22.
  • Hybrid UML Components for the Design of Complex Self-optimizing Mechatronic Systems. Burmester, Sven; Giese, Holger; Oberschelp, Oliver H. Araujo, A. Vieira, J. Braz, B. Encarnacao, M. Carvalho (reds.) (2004). 222–229.
  • The Fujaba Real-Time Statechart PlugIn. Burmester, Sven; Giese, Holger in Technical Report, H. Giese, A. Zündorf (reds.) (2003). (Vol. 04-247) 1–8.
  • Towards the Incremental Model Checking of Complex RealTime UML Models. Hirsch, Martin; Giese, Holger in Technical Report, H. Giese, A. Zündorf (reds.) (2003). (Vol. 04-247) 9–12.
  • A Plug-In for Flexible and Incremental Consistency Management. Wagner, Robert; Giese, Holger; Nickel, Ulrich in Technical Report (2003).
  • Tool Integration at the Meta-Model Level within the FUJABA Tool Suite. Burmester, Sven; Giese, Holger; Niere, Jörg; Tichy, Matthias; Wadsack, Jörg P.; Wagner, Robert; Wendehals, Lothar; Zündorf, Albert (2003). 51–56.
  • A Formal Calculus for the Compositional Pattern-Based Design of Correct Real-Time Systems.. Technical Report (tr-ri-03-240), Giese, Holger (2003).
  • Towards the Compositional Verification of Real-Time UML Designs. Giese, Holger; Tichy, Matthias; Burmester, Sven; Schäfer, Wilhelm; Flake, Stephan (2003). 38–47.
  • Seamless UML Support for Service-based Software Architectures. Tichy, Matthias; Giese, Holger in Lecture Notes in Computer Science (LNCS), N. Guelfi, E. Artesiano, G. Reggio (reds.) (2003). (Vol. 2952) 128–138.
  • Real-Time Statechart Semantics. Technical Report (tr-ri-03-239), Giese, Holger; Burmester, Sven (2003). 1–32.
  • Code Generation for Hard Real-time Systems from Real-time Statecharts. Technical Report (tr-ri-03-244), Burmester, Sven; Giese, Holger; Schäfer, Wilhelm (2003). 1–15.
  • Towards the Compositional Verification of Real-Time UML Designs. Technical Report (tr-ri-03-241), Giese, Holger; Schilling, D.; Tichy, Matthias; Burmester, Sven; Schäfer, Wilhelm; Flake, S. (2003). 1–47.
  • Towards Service-Based Flexible Production Control Systems and their Modular Modeling and Simulation. Giese, Holger; Nickel, Ulrich A. in Lecture Notes in Informatics (LNI) (2002). (Vol. P5)