Dayanikli, D., Lehmann, A.: (Strong) aPAKE Revisited: Capturing Multi-User Security and Salting. IEEE EuroS&P (to appear) (2024).
Asymmetric Password-Authenticated Key Exchange (aPAKE) protocols, particularly Strong aPAKE (saPAKE) have enjoyed significant attention, both from academia and industry, with the well-known OPAQUE protocol currently undergoing standardization. In (s)aPAKE, a client and a server collaboratively establish a high-entropy key, relying on a previously exchanged password for authentication. A main feature is its resilience against offline and precomputation (for saPAKE) attacks. OPAQUE, as well as most other aPAKE protocols, have been designed and analyzed in a single-user setting, i.e., modelling that only a single user interacts with the server. By the composition framework of UC, security for the actual multi-user setting is then conjectured. As any real-world (s)aPAKE instantiation will need to cater multiple users, this introduces a dangerous gap in which developers are tasked to extend the single-user protocol securely and in a UC-compliant manner. In this work, we extend the (s)aPAKE definition to directly model the multi-user setting, and explicitly capture the impact that a server compromise has across user accounts. We show that the currently standardized multi-user version of OPAQUE might not provide the expected security, as it is insecure against offline attacks as soon as the file for one user in the system is compromised. This is due to using shared state among different users, which violates the UC composition framework. When extending the aPAKE security in the multi-client setting, we notice that the widely used security definition captures significantly weaker security guarantees than what is offered by many protocols. Essentially, the aPAKE definition assumes that the server stores emphunsalted password-hashes, whereas several protocols explicitly use a salt to protect against precomputation attacks. We therefore propose a definitional framework that captures different salting approaches -- thus showing that the security gap between aPAKE and saPAKE can be smaller than expected.
Dayanikli, D., Lehmann, A.: Provable Security Analysis of the Secure Remote Password Protocol. IEEE CSF (to appear) (2024).
This paper analyses the Secure Remote Password Protocol (SRP) in the context of provable security. SRP is an asymmetric Password-Authenticated Key Exchange (aPAKE) protocol introduced in 1998. It allows a client to establish a shared cryptographic key with a server based on a password of potentially low entropy. Although the protocol was part of several standardization efforts, and is deployed in numerous commercial applications such as Apple Homekit, 1Password or Telegram, it still lacks a formal proof of security. This is mainly due to some of the protocol's design choices which were implemented to circumvent patent issues. Our paper gives the first security analysis of SRP in the universal composability (UC) framework. We show that SRP is UC-secure against passive eavesdropping attacks under the standard CDH assumption in the random oracle model. We then highlight a major protocol change designed to thwart active attacks and propose a new assumption -- the additive Simultaneous Diffie Hellman (aSDH) assumption -- under which we can guarantee security in the presence of an active attacker. Using this new assumption as well as the Gap CDH assumption, we prove security of the SRP protocol against active attacks. Our proof is in the "Angel-based UC framework", a relaxation of the UC framework which gives all parties access to an oracle with super-polynomial power. In our proof, we assume that all parties have access to a DDH oracle (limited to finite fields). We further discuss the plausibility of this assumption and which level of security can be shown without it.
Dayanikli, D., Lehmann, A.: Password-Based Credentials with Security against Server Compromise. ESORICS (2023).
Password-based credentials (PBCs), introduced by Zhang et al. (NDSS'20), provide an elegant solution to secure, yet convenient user authentication. Therein the user establishes a strong cryptographic access credential with the server. To avoid the assumption of secure storage on the user side, the user does not store the credential directly, but only a password-protected version of it. The ingenuity of PBCs is that the password-based credential cannot be offline attacked, offering essentially the same strong security as standard key-based authentication. This security relies on a secret key of the server that is needed to verify whether an authentication token derived from a password-based credential and password is correct. However, the work by Zhang et al. assumes that this server key never gets compromised, and their protocol loses all security in case of a breach. As such a passive leak of the server's stored verification data is one of the main threats in user authentication, our work aims to strengthen PBC to remain secure even when the server's key got compromised. We first show that the desired security against server compromise is impossible to achieve in the original framework. We then introduce a modified version of PBCs that circumvents our impossibility result and formally define a set of security properties, each being optimal for the respective corruption setting. Finally, we propose a surprisingly simple construction that provably achieves our stronger security guarantees, and is generically composed from basic building blocks.