Computing on Encrypted Data (Lecture, Master, 3 ECTS)
Advanced Topics in Cryptography (Seminar, Master, 3 ECTS)
Asymmetric Password-Authenticated Key Exchange: Better Models & Proofs (Master Project, 12 ECTS)
Cryptographic Protocols (Seminar, Master, 6 ECTS)
Advanced Cryptography Research Seminar (Projectseminar, Master, 6 ECTS)
Quantum-Safe Cryptography (Lecture, Master, 3 ECTS, Dr. Gregor Seiler - IBM Research)
Reduced teaching due to sabbatical of Prof. Lehmann.
Our team supports the following teaching offers by Dr. Jiska Classen and Dr. Henning Seidler:
Mobile Security (Dr. Classen, Lecture, Master, 6 ECTS)
Anonymous Credentials (Seminar, Master, 6 ECTS)
Current Topics in Secure Messaging (Project/Seminar, Master, 6 ECTS)
MLS-based Multi-Client Authentication (Master Project, Master, 12 ECTS)
Cryptography and Society (Seminar, Master, 3 ECTS)
Password-based Authentication: Attacks & Defenses (Seminar, Master, 3 ECTS)
Quantum-Safe Cryptography (Lecture/Seminar, Dr. Gregor Seiler/IBM Research, Master, 3 ECTS)
Privacy-Preserving & Copy-Resistant Immunity Certificates (Master Project, Master, 12 ECTS)
Identity Management for End Users (Seminar, Master, 3 ECTS)
Identity Management for Secure Messaging (Seminar, Dr. Franziskus Kiefer/Wire, Master, 3 ECTS)
Prof. Dr. Anja Lehmann Cybersecurity - Identity Management
Room: H-1.13 Email: anja.lehmann(at)
Office:Luise Bauerecker, Ariane Geisler, Katrin Heinrich
Room: H-1.12 Email: office-lehmann(at)
Visiting Address:
Hasso Plattner Institute Campus I Building H (main building) Prof.-Dr.-Helmert-Straße 2-3 14482 Potsdam, Germany
We have several open PhD and Postdoc positions
07/24 | The paper "Password-Protected Key Retrieval with(out) HSM Protection" has been accepted at CCS'24.
05/24 | Anja Lehmann was appointed Program Co-Chair for EuroS&P'25 and 26.
04/24 | The paper "Helium: Scalable MPC among Lightweight Participants and under Churn" has been accepted at CCS'24.
02/24 | Two papers have been accepted at EuroS&P'24.
02/24 | We welcome Dr. Christian Mouchet in our group!