Prof. Dr. Anja Lehmann


  • ZKPs and BBS for Digital Identities - Overview & Perspectives [slides]
    SPRIND EUDI Wallet conference, Berlin, September 2024
  • (Strong) aPAKE Revisited: Capturing Multi-User Security and Salting [slides]
    EuroS&P conference, Vienna, July 2024
  • Privacy-Preserving Single Sign-On [slides]
    Attributes+Hiding Workshop @ Eurocrypt, Zürich, May 2024
  • Privacy-Preserving Authentication: Concepts, Applications, and New Advances [slides]
    ACNS Conference (Keynote), June 2021
  • ScrambleDB: Oblivious (Chameleon) Pseudonymization-as-a-Service [slides]
    Privacy Enhancing Technologies Symposium, Stockholm, July 2019
  • Updatable Encryption & Key Rotation [slides]
    Summer School on real-world crypto and privacy (Invited talk), Šibenik, June 2019
  • Group Signatures - Concepts, Applications, and New Advances [slides]
    Summer School on real-world crypto and privacy (Invited talk), Šibenik, June 2019
  • Data Pseudonymization & Key Management: from complex systems to simple solutions [slides]
    ECRYPT-NET School on Integrating Advanced Cryptography with Applications (Invited talk), Kos, September 2018
  • Privacy-Preserving and Auditable Data Exchange [slides]
    ECRYPT-NET School on Integrating Advanced Cryptography with Applications (Invited talk), Kos, September 2018
  • Password-Based Cryptography: Strong Security from Weak Secrets [slides]
    Summer School on real-world crypto and privacy (Invited talk), Šibenik, June 2018
  • Privacy-Enhancing Technologies: Anonymous Credentials and Pseudonym Systems [slides]
    Summer School on real-world crypto and privacy (Invited talk), Šibenik, June 2018
  • Updatable Encryption with Post-Compromise Security [slides]
    Eurocrypt conference, Tel Aviv, May 2018
  • Cryptography for the Real World: From Theory to Practice and Vice Versa
    Uni Hamburg - Informatics Colloquium (Invited talk), Hamburg, December 2017
  • Cryptographic Approaches to Tokenization, Pseudonymization & Transparency [slides]
    IFIP summer school on privacy and identity management (Invited talk), Ispra, September 2017
  • UC-Secure Non-Interactive (Adaptively-Secure) Public-Key Encryption [slides]
    IEEE CSF conference, Santa Barbara, August 2017
  • Privacy-Enhancing Technologies: DAA, Anonymous Credentials and Pseudonym Systems [slides]
    ECRYPT-CSA Workshop on Complex Crypto Protocols (Invited talk), Bristol, May 2017
  • Privacy-Preserving & User-Auditable Pseudonym Systems [slides]
    IEEE EuroS&P conference, Paris, April 2017
  • Privacy for Distributed Databases via (Un)linkable & Auditable Pseudonyms [slides]
    CryptoAction Symposium, Amsterdam, March 2017
  • Direct Anonymous Attestation and TPM 2.0: Getting Provably-Secure Crypto into the Real-World [slides][video]
    Real World Cryptography Conference (Invited talk), New York, January 2017
  • (Un)linkable Pseudonyms for Governmental Databases [slides]
    ACM CCS conference, Denver, October 2015
  • Cryptography for People (Strong Crypto from Passwords & (Un)linkable Pseudonyms) [slides]
    IFIP summer school on privacy and identity management (Invited talk), Edinburgh, August 2015
  • Privacy-Enhancing Technologies & Applications to eHealth [slides]
    Health 2.0 Forum (Invited talk), Zurich, April 2015
  • A Movie Streaming Application & ABC4Trust as Services in the Cloud [slides]
    ABC4Trust Summit, Brussels, January 2015
  • Integrating Privacy-Enhancing Credentials in the FutureID Architecture
    EAB Research Projects Conference (EAB-RPC), Darmstadt, September 2014
  • Memento: How to Reconstruct Your Secrets from a Single Password in a Hostile Environment [slides][video]
    CRYPTO, Santa Barbara, August 2014
  • Privacy-Enhancing Credentials Going Live: From Theory to Practice (and vice-versa)
    USI Lugano, May 2014