Prof. Dr. Christoph Lippert

Noel Danz

PhD Candidate

Profilbild von Noel Danz

Room: G-2.1.31/32
Email: noel.danz(at)hpi.de

Research Interests & Projects

Graph Neural Networks in different fields of application. From pandemic dynamics forecasting over drug discovery, traffic forecasting to topological data analysis methods.

Current Project(s):

  • Work on DAKI-FWS in the following sub-projects:
    • pandmic dynamics forecasting with spatio-temporal resolution
    • weather-data enhanced traffic forecsating with graph neural networks
    • analysis of patient reported symptom data for respiratory diseases (spec. COVID19)


Teaching Activities

  • Tutor & Administration in "Introduction to Deep Learning" / "Deep Learning" in summer semester 2022.
  • Lectures in "Python for Data Science in Digital Health" block-seminar at HPI on Data visualization and statistics (winter semester 2021 - ongoing)


Taleb, A., Loetzsch, W., Danz, N., Severin, J., Gaertner, T., Bergner, B., & Lippert, C. (2020). 3d self-supervised methods for medical imaging. Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems, 33, 18158-18172.

Danz, N., Derwisch, O., Lehmann, A., Pünter, W., Stolle, M., & Ziemann, J. (2020). Security and Privacy of Decentralized Cryptographic Contact Tracing. IACR Cryptol. ePrint Arch., 2020, 1309. (Authors in alphabetical order)