Prof. Dr. Christoph Lippert

Wei-Cheng Lai, M.Sc.

Research Assistant, PhD Candidate

Room: G-2.1.33

E-Mail: wei-cheng.lai(at)hpi.de

Research Interests & Projects

  • Generative Models in medical applications, especially GANs
  • Applied Causal Inference in Deep Learning
  • Contrastive Learning 
  • Medical Imaging, Structural MRIs and fMRIs

Current project(s):

  • SyReal ( a BMBF-funded consortium project): The goal is to use realistic synthetic medical images to reduce bias in medical applications. Here modified StyleGANs is used to generate MR Imagings. 

Teaching Activities

  • Tutor & Administration in "Introduction to Deep Learning" / "Deep Learning" in SS22 (Summer semester 2022).
  • Tutor for projects in Advanced Machine Learning Seminar in SS22 - ongoing WS22/23.