Accessibility Statement - Hasso Plattner Institute (HPI)
The Hasso Plattner Institute (HPI) strives to make its website accessible and usable for a variety of devices. In doing so, HPI complies with the guideelines of the Barrierefreie-Informationstechnik-Verordnung [Technology Directive of Barrier-Free Accessibility to Information](BITV) and the Web Accessibility Initiative (WAI) and implements the requirements of the European Directive on the accessibility of the websites and mobile applications of public authorities.
This statement of accessibility applies to the website The central area of the website has already been moved to a new, accessible system, while the research areas and projects will follow shortly. The website is therefore currently only partially accessible.
Currently supported functions:
- Adaptive design: The layout of the website automatically adapts to the screen of the end device (PC, notebook, tablet or smartphone). A simplified layout is displayed on smaller screens.
- Logical structure and organization of the site: The structure of the website is clear and logically designed to make navigation easier for all users.
- Keyboard operation: Navigation on the website is possible via the keyboard (tab function) to also enable use without a mouse.
- High contrast mode: A high contrast mode is available for people with visual impairments to improve the legibility of content.
- Animation stop: Animations on the website can be disabled to offer users with cognitive impairments or epilepsy a more enjoyable user experience.
Content that is not yet accessible:
- Research group and projekt pages: All pages that are still maintained in the old Website system have little to no accessibility.
- Forms, brochures and PDF files: Some forms, brochures and PDF files are not yet accessible at this time. These are being converted gradually into accessible formats. Due to the large volume of content, this process takes time. If you need a form or other document that is not yet accessible, please contact us and we will provide you with an accessible version.
- Images: Not all images are accessible and are being adapted accordingly.
- Videos: Videos do not have audio descriptions or full text alternatives.
- Graphics: Not all infographics are provided with meaningful alternative text
- Page syntax: Some pages contain minor syntax errors.
Feedback and contact details:
If you notice any existing barriers on our website or need information on content that is not yet accessible, please feel free to contact us. We are also grateful to know if certain content is presented in an unnecessarily complicated manner. We will endeavor to remedy any deficiencies communicated to us and to provide an accessible form for inaccessible information.
Contact Person
Enforcement procedure
If you receive an unsatisfactory response or no response from the above-mentioned point of contact within a period of four weeks, you can subbmit an application to the Enforcement Office for Digital Accessibility of the State of Brandenburg for a review of the information and measures mendtioned in the Accessibility Statement.
The Enforcement Office supports out-of-court dispute resolution when conflicts arise between public bodies in Brandenburg and people with disabilities. This arbitration procedure is free of charge. The involvement of legal counsel is not required.
You can reach the Enforcement Office using the following contact details:
Enforcement Office:
Ministry for Social Affairs, Health, Integration and Consumer Protection
of the State of Brandenburg
State Commissioner for Persons with Disabilities | Enforcement Office for Digital Accessibility
Henning-von-Tresckow-Straße 2-13, House S
14467 Potsdam
Telephone: +49 (0) 331 866-5048
Preparation of the declaration
This declaration was created on 28.August 2024.
Last change: 10/09/2024, Julia Porstendoerfer