
NeXenio GmbH

NeXenio GmbH offers IT services as well as product development and the operation of IT applications and services in the area of cloud storage, real-time collaboration, social media analytics, and data mining. NeXenio presents a cloud solution with nexboard that combines design thinking with global collaboration and provides a unique opportunity for a shared work experience. From what started with simple post-its and went on to become integrated video transmission, neXboard facilitates the smooth interaction between, for example, product development and consulting.
NeXenio specializes in development and co-innovation in the area of high security. Together with the German Federal Printing Office (Bundesdruckerei), neXenio developed a secure cloud storage that splits all encrypted files into separate “puzzle pieces.” This innovation opens up a completely new way for companies to store their confidential data in the cloud. Additionally, neXenio specializes in scalable systems and Big Data analysis — for instance the requirement analysis of millions of social media posts.

The two founders of neXenio, Patrick Hennig und Philipp Berger, began their research work at the HPI Chair of Internet Technologies and Systems led by Prof. Christoph Meinel.
