
HPI Connect

Welcome to HPI Connect - the Career Platform of the Hasso-Plattner-Institute!

HPI Connect is the career platform for students and alumni of the study courses "IT Systems Engineering", "Cybersecurity", "Digital Health" and "Data Engineering", as well as the HPI School of Design Thinking. It provides information on career opportunities, job offers and career related events. Companies can present themselves as employers and get in direct contact with our students and alumni for recruitment.

Video HPI Connect

Offers at HPI Connect

HPI Connect Jobportal - The platform for jobs, student and alumni profiles, and corporate presentation

HPI Connect Fair - All information about the annual networking event

HPI meets... Tech Talks - Companies provide insights into their project work

Entrepreneurship - Information worth knowing about the founding of a company and entrepreneurship offers of HPI

For Alumni - All about the HPI Alumni Service

Alumni Video Portraits - Individual portraits of careers of HPI alumni

Alumni Job Portraits - Individual portraits of jobs of HPI graduates


Upcoming events


Fireside Chat "25 Years HPI - Past, Present, Future"

We invite you to an Alumni Fireside Chat on the topic "25 Years of HPI - Past, Present, Future" on October 17, 2024, at … > Go to article