Your Gateway to Innovation

Talent is the key for driving the innovation needed to take companies to the top of their industry and solve the challenges our society faces.

Computer science graduates can serve as architects and multipliers by translating their knowledge into action and can thus play a major role in this endeavor.

At HPI we want to bridge the gap between academia and industry from the very beginning by providing numerous paths to connect and engage. Offering our students the support they need and opening doors in both directions is a mission we are passionate about.

As HPI is the European launchpad for the digital leaders of tomorrow, we are happy to educate, encourage and support individuals with the capacity to shape  the digital technologies of the future.

We are in this together – together with our partners we envision, design and build on that mission.
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How We Connect Talent and Industry

We offer numerous opportunities to engage with HPI's top talent and foster innovation.

Our Partners

Meet the Team

Portrait of Head of Industry Partnerships Nadine Schröder

Nadine Schröder

Head of Industry Partnerships

Phone: +49 331 5509-4828

Placeholder image for person

Leoni Schulze

Talent Manager

Phone: +49 331 5509-193

Last change: 17/09/2024, Julia Porstendörfer