Hasso-Plattner-Institut25 Jahre HPI
Hasso-Plattner-Institut25 Jahre HPI

Neuland – The HPI Podcast

Gain knowledge about the digital world. Experts from the Hasso Plattner Institute speak in the German Podcast 'Neuland' (The Unknown Territory) comprehensibly about digital developments and trends, as well as the opportunities and risks of digitization. Each episode deals with a socially relevant topic: From the power of artificial intelligence, the blockchain to hounding in social media. 

Follow uns on iTunes, Spotify, Amazon Musicor directly at www.podcast.hpi.de.

Newest Episode

Prof. Martin Andree
Leon Stebe

Media scientist Prof. Martin Andree researches and teaches on the power of large digital giants. He discussed his book "Big Tech muss weg!" with students at HPI as part of the Professional Skills Colloquium. His thesis: If things go on like this, the media system and thus the basis of our democracy will finally fall into the laps of the large digital corporations due to the dynamics of the digital transformation alone. Prof. Andree talks about this thesis and possible solutions in this episode of our podcast.

HPI Podcast Topic Overview:

HPI Podcast Neuland Themenkachel: Clean-IT
HPI Podcast Neuland Themenkachel: Digitale Transformation
HPI Podcast Neuland Themenkachel: Cybersecurity
HPI Podcast Neuland Themenkachel: Entrepreneurship
HPI Podcast Neuland Themenkachel: Data Science
HPI Podcast Neuland Themenkachel: Informatik
HPI Podcast Neuland Themenkachel: Design Thinking
HPI Podcast Neuland Themenkachel: Künstliche Intelligenz
HPI Podcast Neuland Themenkachel: Digitale Bildung
HPI Podcast Neuland Themenkachel: Studium
HPI Podcast Neuland Themenkachel: Digital Health
HPI Podcast Neuland Themenkachel: Women in Tech

All Podcast Topics

HPI Podcast Neuland: Clean-IT
HPI Podcast Neuland: Cybersecurity
HPI Podcast Neuland: Data Science
HPI Podcast Neuland: Design Thinking
HPI Podcast Neuland: Digital Transformation
HPI Podcast Neuland: Digital Health
 HPI Podcast Neuland: Digital Education
HPI Podcast Neuland: Entrepreneurship
Mona Ghazi

Since she was a child, Mona Ghazi has dreamed of becoming an entrepreneur. She began studying business administration at the age of 14, founded her first start-up at 16, followed by a degree in computer science a year later. Today she runs her second company: With "Optimo", Mona aims to help industrial companies to provide employees with professional development via an app and thus enable lifelong learning. She is also doing a doctorate in neuro-entrepreneurship and is working on how high performers can integrate mindfulness into their everyday lives. In the Spiegel cover story from May 2023, the 21-year-old explained how GenZ ticks and wants to work. At the same time, she says: "I'm not the typical GenZ!" In an interview with host Leon Stebe, Mona talks about her motivation as an entrepreneur and how hypnosis helps her to feel better.

HPI Podcast Neuland: Computer Science
HPI Podcast Neuland: Artificial Intelligence
HPI Podcast Neuland: Studies
HPI Podcast Neuland: Women in Tech