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Prof. Dr. Felix Naumann

Information Systems

The Research Group of Information Systems, led by Prof. Dr. Felix Naumann, is occupied with the efficient and effective handling of heterogeneous data and texts in large systems. Leitmotifs are information integration, data quality, and data analysis. Among other things, the Research Group develops methods for data profiling, data preparation and data cleansing for structured data. From textual data, particularly that from art, we extract, for example, people, places and works, as well as their relationship to each other.

Prof. Felix Naumann


Head of Information Systems




Portrait of the Office Assistant for the Chairs of Data Engineering Systems and Information Systems, Diana Stephan

Diana Stephan

Office Assistant for Information Systems

Phone: +49 331 5509-280
Fax: +49 331 5509-287

About the research group

Last change: 17/09/2024, Mareike-Vic Schreiber