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Prof. Dr. Andreas Polze

Operating Systems and Middleware

At the group Operating Systems and Middleware group led by Prof. Dr. Andreas Polze, work is done "close to the metal". Firstly, new hardware trends that are to be utilized. This involves programming paradigms, design patterns and description techniques for large, distributed component systems and data centers. Part of the focus is how to measure and control energy consumption there as well. The other metal involves rails: Several projects are exploring new architectures for flexible, distributed rail control systems to control signals and switches. We examine real-time capability, fault tolerance and reliability through simulated experiments, in our laboratory, and directly on the track.

Prof. Andreas Polze


Head of Operating Systems and Middleware




Portrait of the Office Assistant for Operating Systems and Middleware / Software Architecture Sabine Wagner

Sabine Wagner

Office Assistant – Operating Systems and Middleware

Phone: +49 331 5509-220
Fax: +49 331 5509-229

About the research group

Last change: 17/09/2024, Mareike-Vic Schreiber