Hasso-Plattner-Institut25 Jahre HPI
Hasso-Plattner-Institut25 Jahre HPI

Master of Science: Cybersecurity (phased out)*

*The Master's degree program in Cybersecurity is being phased out.The new Master 's degree program in Computer Science will start from the winter semester 2024/25 (subject to approval by the MWFK). Prospective students can register here to receive information about the start of applications.


Cyber ​​attacks on the political, business and private sectors are steadily increasing. In order to protect the rapidly growing databases and access to them against misuse, the protection of digital systems is becoming increasingly important. Experts in the field of cybersecurity are therefore highly demanded in business and in public authorities. The Cybersecurity master's degree program provides students who want to specialize in IT security with comprehensive analytical, methodological and technical skills.

Have you already completed a bachelor’s degree in the field of computer science, mathematics, IT system engineering, data engineering or in a related subject area? Would you like to undertake a practical and research-oriented computer science study program? Then we look forward to your application!

We enable students to learn in small groups with the special supervision of our professors. It is possible to begin the study program in the summer and in the winter semester.

Study Content

The Master of Science in Cybersecurity is a four-semester program at the Faculty of Digital Engineering, a faculty jointly founded by the Hasso Plattner Institute (HPI) and the University of Potsdam (UP).

The study focuses on researching and developing a new generation of security policies, methods and techniques for monitoring and securing complex IT infrastructures. Whether it is about the characteristics of different types of attacks, cryptographic algorithms, data protection aspects or open source intelligence - the degree program is mainly oriented towards practical problems and features engineering-inspired IT security solutions.

Besides receiving in-depth knowledge of IT technology, students achieve competency in so-called soft skills, which play a vital role in the successful management of large IT projects. 

Career Prospects for Master’s Degree Graduates

Graduates of the master’s program earn an invaluable professional qualification. They are able to take on leadership or management positions, particularly where the development, maintenance and operation of complex safety systems play an essential role. IT security experts identify and eliminate vulnerabilities or security holes in software systems. Upon graduation students are ready to assume the position of as security engineer, security analyst, chief security officer or IT security entrepreneur.

Module Groups

Model Curriculum: Master Cybersecurity

Scope of the Master's Program

Important Links