Hasso-Plattner-Institut25 Jahre HPI
Hasso-Plattner-Institut25 Jahre HPI

Advisory Service for HPI Students

Which seminars should I take this semester? Where can I get a performance overview? How does the semester abroad work? Students at Hasso Plattner Institute receive support and supervision during their studies. Professors, staff in the departments and in  administration, as well as the students themselves, are always available to help and advise.

The Office of Student Affairs is available to assist students in all organizational matters: from the program of study to registration of courses and achievements, to the issuing of certificates and other documents.

The program advisors are subject-specific contacts and answer questions about the content of the individual degree program. For any issues during your studies, please contact our student advisor Prof. Giese.

Within the framework of the Erasmus+ program, HPI students can spend a semester abroad at a partner university or an internship at one of SAP's locations around the world. The International Student and Scholar Services (ISSS ) can provide information and advice.

HPI offers several internal contact and advisory points, including a psychological advice hotline and the complaints office for violations of the General Act on Equal Treatment (according to § 13 AGG), which help students and employees with problems and questions.

The student council acts on behalf of the student representatives and supports cooperation between students and lecturers, the faculty and the institute. HPI students can also turn to the student council for help with problems and questions.

From the beginning of their studies, all Master's students are assigned a professor to act as their mentor and liaison lecturer.

HPI students can find out about career opportunities and job offers on HPI Connect, the HPI career platform. In addition, the Connect team regularly organizes events such as the Connect Fair or the "Startup Talks @ HPI".