Prof. Dr. Tobias Friedrich

Dr. Martin Schirneck

I recently moved to a new research group:

Theory and Application of Algorithms
University of Vienna

You can reach me there via martin.schirneck(at)univie.ac.at.

Research Interests

My research interests include various topics in mathematics and theoretical computer science.
I am currently working on the following subjects.

  • fault-tolerant data structures
  • data profiling
  • enumeration algorithms and complexity
  • parameterized complexity
  • evolutionary computation and black-box complexity

I have been involved in past and ongoing research projects in the Algorithm Engineering group. These projects include scientific work with our students as well as collaborations with partners in industry.

A short CV can be found here.


 In October 2018, I was invited to the Dagstuhl seminar on Algorithmic Enumeration to give a talk about Efficiently Enumerating Hitting Sets of Hypergraphs Arising in Data Profiling (slides).

I also had the opportunity to present my work at the Friedrich Schiller University Jena, the University of Glasgow, as well as the Humboldt University and Technical University Berlin. My contributed talks include presentations at ALENEX, ALT, ESA, FOGA, GECCO, IPEC, ITCS, MFCS, STACS, STOC, VLDB, and WEPA.

My ESA, ITCS, and STOC talks are available online.


As Advisor

As Guest Lecturer

As Teaching Assistant

Other Activities

In the Algorithm Engineering group, I am one of the mentors to the new members. I also maintain the group's news feed (RSS) and do some of the TYPO3 content management on our sites. Besides my studies, I try to increase article quality in the German Wikipedia, especially in the math and CS section.

In 2015, I was a tutor at the HPI Schülerkolleg teaching school children basic computer science.

I played Go as a member of the team Jena III in the German Bundesliga in the 2014/15 season.


A list of my publications can be found here and on DBLP.

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