Prof. Dr. Holger Giese


Bachelor Project on Mass Casualty Incident Simulation presented at the HPI Bachelor Podium 2021

Student Team and Project Supervisors (left to right): Prof. Dr. Holger Giese, Matthias Barkowsky, Julian Schmidt, Florian Krummrey, Marvin Müller-Mettnau, Christian Zöllner and Clemens Schielicke (Photo: HPI/K. Herschelmann)

After working on their bachelor project "A Digital Leadership Simulation for the Training of Emergency Medical Personnel" for two semesters, the student team presented their results at the HPI Bachelorpodium 2022 under the title:

  • Üben bis der Arzt kommt: Ein digitales Training für Führungskräfte im medizinischen Bevölkerungsschutz

In their project, the team developed a web application that enables emergency medical leadership personnel to practice the tratment of large amounts of injured persons during a mass casualty incident. The project was conducted in cooperation with the German Federal Academy for Civil Protection and Civil Defense (Bundesakademie für Bevölkerungsschutz und Zivile Verteidigung, BABZ) and the volunteer aid organization Malteser Hilfsdienst e.V. Berlin.

The HPI Bachelorpodium in this year took place on HPI campus on 7. July 2021. A recoding of the talk (in German) can be seen here:

The student team consists of Julian Schmidt, Clemens Schielicke, Florian Krummrey and Marvin Müller-Mettnau. They were supervised by Prof. Dr. Holger Giese, Christian Zöllner and Matthias Barkowsky.

The application developed during the project is published as an open source project on GitHub. The students also successfully wrote their bachelor's theses on various topics related to the main project.

We thank the student team for their motivated work at the System Analysis and Modeling group in the previous two semester and for their impressive results!

It is planned to continue working on the domain of simulation training for emergency medical personnel at the System Anaylsis and Modeling group, for example by our proposed next bachelor project.