Prof. Dr. Tilmann Rabl

Philipp Grulich

Affiliation: TU Berlin
Title: NebulaStream: Towards the Next Generation Stream Processing Platform for the Cloud and the Edge
Slides: PDF



Over the last decade, the increasing demand for real-time analytics has led to the development of several popular stream processing systems. However, the increasing heterogeneity in the cloud and the high distribution and dynamicity of the IoT introduces fundamental challenges for current stream processing systems.
With NebulaStream, we address these challenges by supporting cloud and IoT environments in a unified end-to-end data processing platform, which efficiently leverages hardware resources, supports a wide range of data processing use-case and adapts to changes in the environment and workload.
In this talk, we will present our vision for NebulaStream, provide an overview of its system architecture, and discuss several of our key research challenges. Furthermore, we will present the current status of the NebulaStream project as well as our plans on establishing an open-source community around NebulaStream.

Short CV

Philipp Grulich is a PhD student at the Database Systems and Information Management (DIMA) group at TU Berlin and is mentored by Prof. Dr. Volker Markl. His research focuses on the intersection of stream processing, query compilation, and modern hardware. Furthermore, he is a contributor to the NebulaStream project, which is currently developed by the Bifold IoT Lab under the leadership of Dr. Steffen Zeuch.