This collaborative lecture series will fill the gap for the research methods master course. The lecture series is a collaborative effort of several professors and research associates at HPI.
Vaibhav Bajpai, Patrick Baudisch, Niclas Böhmer, Gillian Bolsover, Holger Karl, Christoph Lippert, Stefan Neubert, Bernhard Renard, George Skretas, Marcel Weisgut.
Time and Location:
The course will be held on Mondays 3:15pm, room L-E.03 (lecture hall).
Date | Topic | Lecturer |
14.10.24 | Opening | Johannes Wolf |
21.10.24 | Science: Institutions, Processes and Misconceptions | Stefan Neubert |
28.10.24 | tbd | |
04.11.24 | The Road to PhD | George Skretas |
11.11.24 | It takes a plan to change a plan: How to create a research plan? | Bert Arnrich |
18.11.24 | tbd | |
25.11.24 | Experiments and Experimental Design | Bernhard Renard |
02.12.24 | Visualising Data - Graphs and Graphics | Gillian Bolsover |
09.12.24 | Reproducibility | Sebastian Schmidl |
16.12.24 | Pitfalls in Scientific Writing | Christoph Lippert |
06.01.25 | Dual Use | Bernhard Renard |
13.01.25 | Experimentally Evaluating System Performance | Marcel Weisgut |
20.01.25 | Reviewing and Academic Publishing | Niclas Böhmer |
27.01.25 | Reading, Writing, Speaking: Basic skills for scientists | Holger Karl |
03.02.25 | Student Poster Session |
Lecture summary
Write a summary for one selected lecture. Depending on the number of participants, this will be done in groups. Each lecture will be assigned to one person or group.
All summaries will be published on the course website. The summary should give a quick and engaging overview of the talk (10-15 min reading time). We will ask the presenters to review your summary and help you with questions.
Individual Poster Project
Prepare an A1 poster (portrait format), with the following contents. You have to present your poster at the final session. Prepare a small research proposal on a topic of your choice, incorporating the research methods you have learned in the course. The contents can be in any topic represented at HPI. The poster should highlight the goal, the problem, and a solution of your proposal and you should be able to explain how you incorporated the knowledge acquired in the lecture in the preparation and presentation of the paper.
Mark Breakdown
- 50% - Lecture summary
- 50% - Individual poster project
Lecture Summary
Your first task is to summarize the presentation in groups.
You can find your group through the participants link on the left menu of Moodle.
Your summary of the presentation should contain the following:
- Overview of the lecture
- Topic
- Background
- Aspects of research methods presented
- Summary
- References
The summary will be added to the course website (it should be 10-15 min reading time)
We will ask the presenter to review the summary, please reach out to the presenter with a draft before submitting the final
Formatting and submission:
- Plain HTML formatting
- Single ZIP file with all contents
Deadline: 2 weeks after the presentation or opening of the assignment, whichever is later.
Individual Poster Project
Plenary presentation on Feb 3.
Deadline: Please upload the poster by Feb 1.
- Research proposal on topic of your choice
- Utilizing the research methods acquired in the course
- Please use the HPI template
- Print it yourself in the Maker Universe
- Please use the HPI template
The posters should contain:
- Title
- Your name and study program
- Abstract (1-2 paragraphs)
- The poster must be self-explanatory
- You should be able to explain the research methods you applied for creating the poster and your presentation