
Assessing Team Learning

PI: Prof. Shelley Goldman, Prof. Bernard Roth


The goals of the Assessing Team Learning are to understand how teams constitute, create, or enact transformational learning environments for their members and to use that understanding to design and research tools to help track, reflect, and assess team collaborations and learning pathways to design thinking.

The proposed study is based on prior HPI-Stanford grant that resulted in a performance-based rubric for tracking the design thinking skills and practices for individual students, two reflective task-based assessments for assessing mindset development, and a prototype of a dashboard for Design Thinking instructors and learners. That work indicated that team learning and assessment was needed. The mixed method study will examine both the classroom and the many physical settings and conceptual spaces where and when teamwork occurs.

We plan to capture and understand how groups who are learning design thinking move well beyond the usual course collaborations into new, and possibly, shared conceptual spaces and mindsets. The goal is to understand the team experience and create tools that help instructors and students understand the learning that takes place.
