
HPI inside... Google

At a Glance

Date: July 15, 2024

Time: from 4 p.m.

Location: Google-BerlinTucholskystraße 2, 10117 Berlin

HPI @ Google - come join the Google Berlin office where HPI students will be talking with Googlers from DeepMind, the Google Safety Engineering Center in Munich, the Chrome & ChromeOS group, and local Berlin teams about generative AI, browser security, and open source development trends. Come for the talks and stay for the coffee & snacks with HPI students, Google employees, and HPI alumnus Alexander Kuscher.


  • Alexander Kuscher, Senior Director, Product Management, Platforms & Devices (Host)
  • Bartosz Fabianowski, Engineering Lead, ChromeOS, Platforms & Devices (Host, and talks about Open Source OS Development)
  • Dominic Battré, Engineering Lead, Chrome Browser (talks about Browser AI / Autofill)
  • Artem Sokolov, Research Scientist, Foundational Research (talks about Data selections for training AI models)


If you would like to take part in the event, please use the registration form. The event is exclusively for HPI students and alumni. The number of participants is limited. Therefore, a registration does not guarantee you can take part in the event.We will confirm your participation in due time to the event.

