Boosting Research – Amplifying Impact

Welcome to the HPI Public Partnerships & Third-Party Funding Acquisition team page. We are engaged in the following areas:

  1. HPI Stakeholder Ecosystem

  2. HPI Flagship Conferences

  3. Fundraising

Stakeholder Ecosystem

Innovation and digital transformation are teamwork. That is why we continuously work to build and strengthen a diverse network of scientists, industry partners and the public. Our goal is to develop innovative solutions for current societal challenges. We firmly believe that real change can only be achieved through joint efforts. 

Through our research clusters, including Data and AI, Digital Health and Cybersecurity, we at HPI offer our expertise to advance the design of the political digital agenda. We have been committed to advancing digital education in Germany for many years as an institute. 

We support public administration in developing viable concepts for a secure and effective digital state. Energy-efficient IT systems and sustainable AI are at the core of current research.

Examples of our involvement in our partner network

  • Digital Minister Conference 2024 at the HPI
  • Digital Summit 2023 (Jena): HPI Townhall on the energy balance of digitization
  • Digital Cabinet Meeting 2018 at the HPI
Digital Minister Conference 2024 at the HPI
Digital Minister Conference 2024 at the HPI

That is why we organize flagship conferences on various socially relevant topics every year, bringing together our broad stakeholder network. Our three most important annual flagship conferences include the Potsdam Conference on National CyberSecurity, the AI @ HPI Conference, and the Digital Health Summit (starting in 2025).

  • Potsdam Conference on National Cybersecurity: Here, leading experts discuss current challenges and innovative solutions for cybersecurity in Germany.

  • AI@HPI Conference: This Conference (formerly the clean-IT Conference) highlights artificial intelligence's latest developments and applications in various fields.

  • Digital Health Innovation Summit: From 2025, we will offer a new platform for exchanging ideas on digital innovations in healthcare.

At these events, we bring together leading experts, decision-makers and interest groups. Groundbreaking topics of digital transformation are discussed, current developments are presented and innovative solutions are developed together. Our conferences offer a unique platform for the exchange of ideas. Valuable contacts can be made here. In this way, we promote networking and innovation. We invite you to attend our flagship conferences and actively participate in the discussions.

Join our Newsletter

Become part of our movement to drive digital transformation in various areas of society. The HPI Event Newsletter provides regular information about current and upcoming HPI events.

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Conference Partners

Support our flagship conferences: If you would like to support our flagship conferences as an event partner, we would be delighted to hear from you 

partner up

Third-party funding

The Hasso Plattner Institute is involved in various public and private R&D projects as a research-intensive scientific institute. Our team supports HPI-scientists in identifying funding programs from industry and the public sector for research projects, writing funding applications professionally, finding R&D partners and successfully acquiring third-party funding.

If you are interested in joint R&D projects with HPI, don't hesitate to get in touch

Partner up

Meet the Team

Portrait of Head of Strategic Partnerships and Acquisitions Maxim Asjoma

Dr. Maxim Asjoma

Head of Public Partnerships

Phone: +49 331 5509-531

Portrait of Manager Public Partnerships Dr. Mandy Schönherr

Dr. Mandy Schönherr

Manager of Public Partnerships

Phone: +49 331 5509-246

Portrait of the Assistant for Public Partnerships Alina Kolb

Alina Kolb

Assistent for Public Partnerships

Phone: +49 331 5509-4838

Last change: 17/09/2024, Julia Porstendörfer