Prof. Dr. Tobias Friedrich

Finished Bachelor's and Master's Theses

This page lists all bachelor's and master's theses supervised at the Chair for Algorithm Engineering. Students interested in a thesis topic should just come to our floor and talk to potential supervisors. Publications based on those theses can be found below.

Theses in 2024



  • Sebastian Angrick: A Dichotomy Criterion for Matrix Partitions
  • Niko Hastrich: Structural Parameterization of Steiner Tree Packing
  • Jonas Schmidt: Directed Secluded Subgraph Problems

Theses in 2023


  • Erik Kohlros: Analyzing the sentiment distribution in Google search results
  • Jacob Schäfer: Mitigating Bias in Skin Lesion Classification Models Using Variational Autoencoders
  • Jakob Timm: Tolerant Closeness Testing on Partially Known Discrete Distributions
  • Jan Fehse: Determining Web Platforms with High Shares in Search Results
  • Jenny Sommerfeld: Simulating Detection for Brownian Motion via Reflective Walk on Spheres
  • Kilian Glase: Measuring the Distribution of Conspiracy-Promoting Content in Google Search Results
  • Nicola Kössler: An empirical study about the network properties of the VGIRGs
  • Till Bergmann: Testing Geometric Distributions via Learning and Tolerant Identity Testing


Theses in 2022


  • Jessica Dierking: Modelling Traffic Flow for Electric Vehicles
  • Rebekka Dunker: Introducing the Graph Parameter Cell Skeleton Dimension for Analysing Routing Algorithms
  • Julian Egbert: Electric Vehicle Charging Network Graphs Visualization
  • Christian Helms: On the k-Shortest Path Cover Problem
  • Ivan Khomutovskiy: The SKARF Routing Algorithm: A Generalisation of Arc-Flags Using Skeletons
  • Paula Marten: Isomorphisms and Embeddings between Limit Learning Settings
  • Niklas Mohrin: Behaviorally Correct Learning from Informants
  • Lukas Rost: Analyzing Schelling Games with Multi-Dimensional Types
  • Finn Schöllkopf: Heuristics for Placing new Electric Vehicle Charging Parks
  • Kathrin Thenhausen: The utility of clustering for real estate valuation


Theses in 2021


  • Sebastian Angrick: Analyzing Schelling Games with High Diversity
  • Ben Bals: Valuation of Real Estate Properties using Data-Driven Similarity Search
  • Niko Hastrich: Approximate k-Nearest-Neighbor Queries on Geographic Data in the Context of Real Estate Valuation
  • Maximilian Kleissl: Finding Deep Neural Network Architectures for Tabular Real Estate Data Using Genetic Algorithms
  • Jonas Schmidt: Analyzing Continuous Schelling Games
  • Lukas Weyand: Preparation of Real Estate Data for Deep Learning


  • Lukas Behrendt: A Best Response Algorithm for the Minimum Flow Network Creation Game
  • Wilhelm Friedemann: Parameterized Complexity of the Maximum-Weight Connected Subgraph Problem
  • Pascal Führlich: Improving Pairings at Swiss-System Tournaments and Analysis of Swiss Gambits
  • Hans Gawendowicz: On a Social Distancing Network Creation Game
  • Nicolas Klodt: Epidemic Thresholds for the SIS Contact Process on Stars and Clique Stars
  • Bashini Mahaarachchi (U Potsdam): Applying Deep Learning Methods to Create Parking Space Maps Using Satellite Images
  • Jannik Peters: Complexity of Popular Matchings with One- and Three-Sided Preference Lists
  • David Stangl: Learning by Doing: Adapting Branching for Better Pruning in Search Trees
  • Daniel Stephan: Routing with Low Stretch and Small Coordinates in Hyperbolic Random Graphs
  • Michael Vaichenker: Hardness and Approximation Results for Fair Ratio-Cut

Theses in 2020


  • Maximilian Böther: Heuristic Optimization of Strategic Alternative Routes in Traffic Networks Using Evolutionary Algorithms
  • Alina Gries: Reducing CO2 Emissions Through Strategic Routing
  • Otto Kißig: Efficiently Enumerating Maximal Route Segments Shared by Groups of Drivers
  • Leon Schiller: An Empirical Analysis of an Evolutionary Algorithm for the Single Alternative Path Problem
  • Armin Wells: Learning Restricted Regular Expressions From Finite Samples
  • Simon Wietheger: Solving the Single Alternative Path Problem by Efficiently Finding Multi-Criteria SSSPs


  • Benjamin Feldmann: Distributed Unique Column Combinations Discovery
  • Simon Krogmann: Facility Location Games on Networks
  • Marcus Pappik: New Conditions via Markov Chains - Approximating Partition Functions of Abstract Polymer Models without Cluster Expansions
  • Marcus Wilhelm: Beating the Worst-Case - Analysis of a Practical Algorithm for Treewidth

Theses in 2019


  • Jorin Heide: Causal Discovery on Industrial Time Series Data and its Interaction with Lossy Compression
  • Linus Heinzl: Analysis of the Parameter Configuration of the Ramer-Douglas-Peucker Algorithm for Time Series Compression
  • Nicolas Klodt: Run Time Analysis of Evolutionary Algorithms for Time Series Compression
  • Felix Mujkanovic: Explaining the Predictions of Any Time Series Classifier
  • Lars Seifert: Minimizing Communication Cost for On-Line Time Series Compression
  • Arthur Zahn: Hybrid Genetic Algorithms for Time Series Compression by Piecewise Linear Approximation


  • Hagen Echzell: Flow-Based Network Creation Games
  • Stefanie Lowski (Diploma at HU Berlin): Selfish Network Creation with Distance-Dependent Edge Price
  • Valentin Pinkau: Hierarchical Graph Embeddings in Hyperbolic Space
  • Fabian Sommer: Controlling Assortativitiy in Heterogeneous Geometric Random Graphs
  • Sören Tietböhl: Improving evolutionary algorithms with activity: An initial study through MaxCut

Theses in 2018


  • Sarah-Isabel Amon: Optimierung von skillbasierten Dispositionen mit Hilfe evolutionärer Algorithmen
  • Hans Gawendowicz: Analyse einfacher evolutionärer Algorithmen auf dem Maximum-Cardinality-Matching-Problem
  • Julius Lischeid: Lexicographic Enumeration of Hitting Sets in Hypergraphs
  • Jannik Peters & Daniel Stephan: Comparison of MIP Solvers and Evolutionary Algorithms for Hard Real World Audit Assignment Problems
  • Lennart Salabarria: Untersuchung lokaler agentenbasierter Verbesserungsstrategien
  • Jonas Umland: Skillbasierte Mitarbeiterdisposition mittels ganzzahliger linearer Optimierung
  • Felix Werner: Interaktive Visualisierung skillbasierter Dispositionen


  • Philipp Fischbeck: On the Effectiveness of Data Reduction for Covering Problems in Real-World Transit Networks
  • Clemens Frahnow: Ring Migration Topology Helps Bypassing Local Optima in Evolutionary Computation
  • Cedric Freiberger: On the Runtime of the Louvain Modularity Optimization
  • Sven Ihde: Wireless and Metric Network Creation Games
  • Stefan Neubert: Mechanisms for Network Creation
  • David Schumann: Exploring Game Theoretic Models for Generating Real World Networks
  • Marianne Thieffry: Efficient Generation of Geometric Inhomogeneous Random Graphs
  • Christopher Weyand: Locality in Game Theoretic Models for Real-World Networks

Theses in 2017


  • Jan Eube: Bidirektionale Suche auf einer in Kacheln eingeteilten Karte
  • Thomas Feldtkeller: Analysis of Routing Algorithms on Tiled Map Data
  • Julius Severin: Visualizing Shortest Path Algorithms on Tiled Map Data
  • Fabian Sommer: Shortest Paths in a Tiled-Divided Map – Changing Node Priorities Based on the Accessibility of Tiles
  • Justin Trautmann: Cache Replacement Strategies for Routing Algorithms on Tiled Maps


Theses in 2016


  • Tobias Arndt: Field Study for Evaluating On-Street Parking Search Algorithms on Probabilistic Data
  • Danjiar Hafner: Deep Reinforcement Learning from Raw Pixels in Doom
  • Thomas Kellermeier: Routing Drivers for On-Street Parking Search in a Multi-Agent System
  • Simon Krogmann: Algorithms for Creating Parking Spot Search Routes With and Without Access to Parking Probabilities
  • Armin Razmdjou: Automatic Matching Between Large Road Networks on the Example of TomTom and OpenStreetMap


  • Martin Aschenbach (FSU Jena): Comparison of Restricted Language Identification from Informants
  • Dominik Müller: Analyzing Neuroevolution Algorithms
  • Michael Schneeweiß (FSU Jena): Gewinne Spiele durch Lernen

Theses in 2015


  • Andreas Goral (FSU Jena): Graph Isomorphism on Deterministic Scale-Free Networks


Student Papers

We are proud that our students regularly publish their results in peer-reviewed international scientific journals and conference proceedings. The following list presents all research papers based on one of the theses, our Bachelor and Master Projects, and Project Seminars.

[ 2024 ] [ 2023 ] [ 2022 ] [ 2021 ] [ 2020 ] [ 2019 ] [ 2018 ] [ 2017 ] [ 2016 ]

2024 [ nach oben ]

  • Sauer, Pascal; Cseh, Ágnes; Lenzner, Pascal Improving ranking quality and fairness in Swiss-system chess tournamentsJournal of Quantitative Analysis in Sports 2024
  • A Contraction Tree SAT En... - Download
    Horev, Yinon; Shay, Shiraz; Cohen, Sarel; Friedrich, Tobias; Issac, Davis; Kamma, Lior; Niklanovits, Aikaterini; Simonov, Kirill A Contraction Tree SAT Encoding for Computing Twin-WidthAdvances in Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining 2024

2023 [ nach oben ]

  • Crossover for Cardinality... - Download
    Friedrich, Tobias; Kötzing, Timo; Radhakrishnan, Aishwarya; Schiller, Leon; Schirneck, Martin; Tennigkeit, Georg; Wietheger, Simon Crossover for Cardinality Constrained OptimizationACM Transactions on Evolutionary Learning and Optimization 2023: 1–32
  • Social Distancing Network... - Download
    Friedrich, Tobias; Gawendowicz, Hans; Lenzner, Pascal; Melnichenko, Anna Social Distancing Network CreationAlgorithmica 2023
  • Evolutionary Minimization... - Download
    Böther, Maximilian; Schiller, Leon; Fischbeck, Philipp; Molitor, Louise; Krejca, Martin S.; Friedrich, Tobias Evolutionary Minimization of Traffic CongestionIEEE Transactions on Evolutionary Computation 2023: 1809–1821
  • Automated valuation model... - Download
    Krämer, Bastian; Stang, Moritz; Doskoč, Vanja; Schäfers, Wolfgang; Friedrich, Tobias Automated valuation models: improving model performance by choosing the optimal spatial training levelJournal of Property Research 2023: 365–390
  • Improved And Optimized Dr... - Download
    Cohen, Sarel; Hershcovitch, Moshik; Taraz, Martin; Kißig, Otto; Issac, Davis; Wood, Andrew; Waddington, Daniel; Chin, Peter; Friedrich, Tobias Improved And Optimized Drug Repurposing For The SARS-CoV-2 PandemicPlos One 2023
  • Single-Peaked Jump Schell... - Download
    Friedrich, Tobias; Lenzner, Pascal; Molitor, Louise; Seifert, Lars Single-Peaked Jump Schelling GamesInternational Symposium on Algorithmic Game Theory (SAGT) 2023
  • The Swiss Gambit - Download
    Cseh, Ágnes; Führlich, Pascal; Lenzner, Pascal The Swiss GambitAutonomous Agents and Multi-Agent Systems (AAMAS) 2023
  • Single-Peaked Jump Schell... - Download
    Friedrich, Tobias; Lenzner, Pascal; Molitor, Louise; Seifert, Lars Single-Peaked Jump Schelling GamesAutonomous Agents and Multiagent Systems (AAMAS) 2023: 2899–2901
  • Efficiently Computing Dir... - Download
    Böther, Maximilian; Kißig, Otto; Weyand, Christopher Efficiently Computing Directed Minimum Spanning TreesSIAM Symposium on Algorithm Engineering and Experiments (ALENEX) 2023: 86–95
  • Applying Skeletons to Spe... - Download
    Khomutovskiy, Ivan; Dunker, Rebekka; Dierking, Jessica; Egbert, Julian; Helms, Christian; Schöllkopf, Finn; Casel, Katrin; Fischbeck, Philipp; Friedrich, Tobias; Isaac, Davis; Krogmann, Simon; Lenzner, Pascal Applying Skeletons to Speed Up the Arc-Flags Routing AlgorithmSIAM Symposium on Algorithm Engineering and Experiments (ALENEX) 2023: 110–122
  • Automated Valuation Model... - Download
    Krämer, Bastian; Stang, Moritz; Doskoč, Vanja; Schäfers, Wolfgang; Friedrich, Tobias Automated Valuation Models: Improving Model Performance by Choosing the Optimal Spatial Training LevelAmerican Real Estate Society (ARES) 2023: 1–26
  • Fair Correlation Clusteri... - Download
    Casel, Katrin; Friedrich, Tobias; Schirneck, Martin; Wietheger, Simon Fair Correlation Clustering in ForestsFoundations of Responsible Computing (FORC) 2023: 9:1–9:12
  • Cliques in High-Dimension... - Download
    Friedrich, Tobias; Göbel, Andreas; Katzmann, Maximilian; Schiller, Leon Cliques in High-Dimensional Geometric Inhomogeneous Random GraphsInternational Colloquium on Automata, Languages and Programming (ICALP) 2023: 62:1–62:13
  • Strategic Resource Select... - Download
    Gadea Harder, Jonathan; Krogmann, Simon; Lenzner, Pascal; Skopalik, Alexander Strategic Resource Selection with Homophilic AgentsInternational Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence (IJCAI) 2023: 2701–2709
  • The Impact of Cooperation... - Download
    Friedrich, Tobias; Gawendowicz, Hans; Lenzner, Pascal; Zahn, Arthur The Impact of Cooperation in Bilateral Network CreationACM Symposium on Principles of Distributed Computing (PODC) 2023
  • Solving Directed Feedback... - Download
    Angrick, Sebastian; Bals, Ben; Casel, Katrin; Cohen, Sarel; Friedrich, Tobias; Hastrich, Niko; Hradilak, Theresa; Issac, Davis; Kißig, Otto; Schmidt, Jonas; Wendt, Leo Solving Directed Feedback Vertex Set by Iterative Reduction to Vertex CoverSymposium on Experimental Algorithms (SEA) 2023: 10:1–10:14
  • Strongly Hyperbolic Unit ... - Download
    Bläsius, Thomas; Friedrich, Tobias; Katzmann, Maximilian; Stephan, Daniel Strongly Hyperbolic Unit Disk GraphsSymposium Theoretical Aspects of Computer Science (STACS) 2023: 13:1–13:17

2022 [ nach oben ]

  • Efficiently Enumerating H... - Download
    Bläsius, Thomas; Friedrich, Tobias; Lischeid, Julius; Meeks, Kitty; Schirneck, Martin Efficiently Enumerating Hitting Sets of Hypergraphs Arising in Data ProfilingJournal of Computer and System Sciences 2022: 192–213
  • Three-Dimensional Popular... - Download
    Cseh, Ágnes; Peters, Jannik Three-Dimensional Popular Matching with Cyclic PreferencesAutonomous Agents and Multi-Agent Systems (AAMAS) 2022: 77–87
  • Pareto Optimal and Popula... - Download
    Cseh, Ágnes; Friedrich, Tobias; Peters, Jannik Pareto Optimal and Popular House Allocation with Lower and Upper QuotasAutonomous Agents and Multi-Agent Systems (AAMAS) 2022: 300–308
  • An Efficient Branch-and-B... - Download
    Bläsius, Thomas; Friedrich, Tobias; Stangl, David; Weyand, Christopher An Efficient Branch-and-Bound Solver for Hitting SetAlgorithm Engineering and Experiments (ALENEX) 2022
  • Optical Character Recogni... - Download
    Hildebrandt, Philipp; Schulze, Maximilian; Cohen, Sarel; Doskoč, Vanja; Saabni, Raid; Friedrich, Tobias Optical Character Recognition Guided Image Super ResolutionSymposium on Document Engineering (DocEng) 2022: 1–4
  • Improving Ranking Quality... - Download
    Führlich, Pascal; Cseh, Ágnes; Lenzner, Pascal Improving Ranking Quality and Fairness in Swiss-System Chess TournamentsACM Conference on Economics and Computation (EC) 2022: 1101–1102
  • Towards Explainable Real ... - Download
    Angrick, Sebastian; Bals, Ben; Hastrich, Niko; Kleissl, Maximilian; Schmidt, Jonas; Doskoč, Vanja; Katzmann, Maximilian; Molitor, Louise; Friedrich, Tobias Towards Explainable Real Estate Valuation via Evolutionary AlgorithmsGenetic and Evolutionary Computation Conference (GECCO) 2022: 1130–1138
  • Crossover for Cardinality... - Download
    Friedrich, Tobias; Kötzing, Timo; Radhakrishnan, Aishwarya; Schiller, Leon; Schirneck, Martin; Tennigkeit, Georg; Wietheger, Simon Crossover for Cardinality Constrained OptimizationGenetic and Evolutionary Computation Conference (GECCO) 2022: 1399–1407
    Best Paper Award (Theory Track)
  • Social Distancing Network... - Download
    Friedrich, Tobias; Gawendowicz, Hans; Lenzner, Pascal; Melnichenko, Anna Social Distancing Network CreationInternational Colloquium on Automata, Languages and Programming (ICALP) 2022: 62:1–62:21
  • What’s Wrong with Deep ... - Download
    Böther, Maximilian; Kißig, Otto; Taraz, Martin; Cohen, Sarel; Seidel, Karen; Friedrich, Tobias What’s Wrong with Deep Learning in Tree Search for Combinatorial OptimizationInternational Conference on Learning Representations (ICLR) 2022
  • Fixed-Parameter Sensitivi... - Download
    Bilò, Davide; Casel, Katrin; Choudhary, Keerti; Cohen, Sarel; Friedrich, Tobias; Lagodzinski, J.A. Gregor; Schirneck, Martin; Wietheger, Simon Fixed-Parameter Sensitivity OraclesInnovations in Theoretical Computer Science (ITCS) 2022: 23:1–23:18

2021 [ nach oben ]

  • Selfish Creation of Socia... - Download
    Bilò, Davide; Friedrich, Tobias; Lenzner, Pascal; Lowski, Stefanie; Melnichenko, Anna Selfish Creation of Social NetworksConference on Artificial Intelligence (AAAI) 2021: 5185–5193
  • Learning Languages with D... - Download
    Berger, Julian; Böther, Maximilian; Doskoč, Vanja; Gadea Harder, Jonathan; Klodt, Nicolas; Kötzing, Timo; Lötzsch, Winfried; Peters, Jannik; Schiller, Leon; Seifert, Lars; Wells, Armin; Wietheger, Simon Learning Languages with Decidable HypothesesComputability in Europe (CiE) 2021: 25–37
  • Drug Repurposing using Li... - Download
    Cohen, Sarel; Hershcovitch, Moshik; Taraz, Martin; Kißig, Otto; Wood, Andrew; Waddington, Daniel; Chin, Peter; Friedrich, Tobias Drug Repurposing using Link Prediction on Knowledge Graphs with Applications to Non-Volatile MemoryComplex Networks and their Applications (ComplexNetworks) 2021: 742–753
  • From Symmetry to Asymmetr... - Download
    Behrendt, Lukas; Casel, Katrin; Friedrich, Tobias; Lagodzinski, J. A. Gregor; Löser, Alexander; Wilhelm, Marcus From Symmetry to Asymmetry: Generalizing TSP Approximations by ParametrizationFundamentals of Computation Theory (FCT) 2021: 53–66
  • Fine-Grained Localization... - Download
    Berger, Julian; Bleidt, Tibor; Büßemeyer, Martin; Ding, Marcus; Feldmann, Moritz; Feuerpfeil, Moritz; Jacoby, Janusch; Schröter, Valentin; Sievers, Bjarne; Spranger, Moritz; Stadlinger, Simon; Wullenweber, Paul; Cohen, Sarel; Doskoč, Vanja; Friedrich, Tobias Fine-Grained Localization, Classification and Segmentation of Lungs with Various DiseasesCVPR Workshop on Fine-Grained Visual Categorization (FGVC@CVPR) 2021
  • Evolutionary Minimization... - Download
    Böther, Maximilian; Schiller, Leon; Fischbeck, Philipp; Molitor, Louise; Krejca, Martin S.; Friedrich, Tobias Evolutionary Minimization of Traffic CongestionGenetic and Evolutionary Computation Conference (GECCO) 2021: 937–945
    Best-Paper Award (RWA Track)
  • Two-Stage Facility Locati... - Download
    Krogmann, Simon; Lenzner, Pascal; Molitor, Louise; Skopalik, Alexander Two-Stage Facility Location Games with Strategic Clients and FacilitiesInternational Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence (IJCAI) 2021: 292–298
  • A Color-blind 3-Approxima... - Download
    Casel, Katrin; Friedrich, Tobias; Issac, Davis; Klodt, Nicolas; Seifert, Lars; Zahn, Arthur A Color-blind 3-Approximation for Chromatic Correlation Clustering and Improved HeuristicsKnowledge Discovery and Data Mining (KDD) 2021: 882–891
  • Drug Repurposing for Mult... - Download
    Kißig, Otto; Taraz, Martin; Cohen, Sarel; Doskoč, Vanja; Friedrich, Tobias Drug Repurposing for Multiple COVID Strains using Collaborative FilteringICLR Workshop on Machine Learning for Preventing and Combating Pandemics (MLPCP@ICLR) 2021
  • Software Forest: A Visual... - Download
    Atzberger, Daniel; Cech, Tim; de la Haye, Merlin; Söchting, Maximilian; Scheibel, Willy; Limberger, Daniel; Döllner, Jürgen Software Forest: A Visualization of Semantic Similarities in Source Code using a Tree MetaphorProceedings of the 16th International Joint Conference on Computer Vision, Imaging and Computer Graphics Theory and Applications -- Volume 3 IVAPP 2021: 112–122
  • Efficiency and Stability ... - Download
    Friedemann, Wilhelm; Friedrich, Tobias; Gawendowicz, Hans; Lenzner, Pascal; Melnichenko, Anna; Peters, Jannik; Stephan, Daniel; Vaichenker, Michael Efficiency and Stability in Euclidean Network DesignSymposium on Parallelism in Algorithms and Architectures (SPAA) 2021: 232–242
  • Drug Repurposing Using Li... - Download
    Kißig, Otto; Taraz, Martin; Cohen, Sarel; Friedrich, Tobias Drug Repurposing Using Link Prediction on Knowledge GraphsICML Workshop on Computational Biology (WCB@ICML) 2021: 742–753

2020 [ nach oben ]

  • Hitting Set Enumeration w... - Download
    Birnick, Johann; Bläsius, Thomas; Friedrich, Tobias; Naumann, Felix; Papenbrock, Thorsten; Schirneck, Martin Hitting Set Enumeration with Partial Information for Unique Column Combination DiscoveryProceedings of the VLDB Endowment 2020: 2270–2283
  • A Strategic Routing Frame... - Download
    Bläsius, Thomas; Böther, Maximilian; Fischbeck, Philipp; Friedrich, Tobias; Gries, Alina; Hüffner, Falk; Kißig, Otto; Lenzner, Pascal; Molitor, Louise; Schiller, Leon; Wells, Armin; Wietheger, Simon A Strategic Routing Framework and Algorithms for Computing Alternative PathsAlgorithmic Approaches for Transportation Modelling, Optimization, and Systems (ATMOS) 2020: 10:1–10:14
  • Memetic Genetic Algorithm... - Download
    Friedrich, Tobias; Krejca, Martin S.; Lagodzinski, J. A. Gregor; Rizzo, Manuel; Zahn, Arthur Memetic Genetic Algorithms for Time Series Compression by Piecewise Linear ApproximationInternational Conference on Neural Information Processing (ICONIP) 2020: 592–604
  • Flow-Based Network Creati... - Download
    Echzell, Hagen; Friedrich, Tobias; Lenzner, Pascal; Melnichenko, Anna Flow-Based Network Creation GamesInternational Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence (IJCAI) 2020: 139–145

2019 [ nach oben ]

  • Routing for On-Street Par... - Download
    Friedrich, Tobias; Krejca, Martin S.; Rothenberger, Ralf; Arndt, Tobias; Hafner, Danijar; Kellermeier, Thomas; Krogmann, Simon; Razmjou, Armin Routing for On-Street Parking Search using Probabilistic DataAI Communications 2019: 113–124
  • Island Models Meet Rumor ... - Download
    Doerr, Benjamin; Fischbeck, Philipp; Frahnow, Clemens; Friedrich, Tobias; Kötzing, Timo; Schirneck, Martin Island Models Meet Rumor SpreadingAlgorithmica 2019: 886–915
  • Efficiently Enumerating H... - Download
    Bläsius, Thomas; Friedrich, Tobias; Lischeid, Julius; Meeks, Kitty; Schirneck, Martin Efficiently Enumerating Hitting Sets of Hypergraphs Arising in Data ProfilingAlgorithm Engineering and Experiments (ALENEX) 2019: 130–143
  • Mixed Integer Programming... - Download
    Peters, Jannik; Stephan, Daniel; Amon, Isabel; Gawendowicz, Hans; Lischeid, Julius; Salabarria, Julius; Umland, Jonas; Werner, Felix; Krejca, Martin S.; Rothenberger, Ralf; Kötzing, Timo; Friedrich, Tobias Mixed Integer Programming versus Evolutionary Computation for Optimizing a Hard Real-World Staff Assignment ProblemInternational Conference on Automated Planning and Scheduling (ICAPS) 2019: 541–554
  • Understanding the Effecti... - Download
    Bläsius, Thomas; Fischbeck, Philipp; Friedrich, Tobias; Schirneck, Martin Understanding the Effectiveness of Data Reduction in Public Transportation NetworksWorkshop on Algorithms and Models for the Web Graph (WAW) 2019: 87–101
  • Convergence and Hardness ... - Download
    Echzell, Hagen; Friedrich, Tobias; Lenzner, Pascal; Molitor, Louise; Pappik, Marcus; Schöne, Friedrich; Sommer, Fabian; Stangl, David Convergence and Hardness of Strategic Schelling SegregationWeb and Internet Economics (WINE) 2019: 156–170

2018 [ nach oben ]

  • Efficient Shortest Paths ... - Download
    Bläsius, Thomas; Freiberger, Cedric; Friedrich, Tobias; Katzmann, Maximilian; Montenegro-Retana, Felix; Thieffry, Marianne Efficient Shortest Paths in Scale-Free Networks with Underlying Hyperbolic GeometryInternational Colloquium on Automata, Languages, and Programming (ICALP) 2018: 20:1–20:14
  • Ring Migration Topology H... - Download
    Frahnow, Clemens; Kötzing, Timo Ring Migration Topology Helps Bypassing Local OptimaParallel Problem Solving From Nature (PPSN) 2018: 129–140
  • Memory-restricted Routing... - Download
    Bläsius, Thomas; Eube, Jan; Feldtkeller, Thomas; Friedrich, Tobias; Krejca, Martin S.; Lagodzinski, J. A. Gregor; Rothenberger, Ralf; Severin, Julius; Sommer, Fabian; Trautmann, Justin Memory-restricted Routing With Tiled Map DataSystems, Man, and Cybernetics (SMC) 2018: 3347–3354
  • Towards a Systematic Eval... - Download
    Bläsius, Thomas; Friedrich, Tobias; Katzmann, Maximilian; Krohmer, Anton; Striebel, Jonathan Towards a Systematic Evaluation of Generative Network ModelsWorkshop on Algorithms and Models for the Web Graph (WAW) 2018: 99–114

2017 [ nach oben ]

  • Island Models Meet Rumor ... - Download
    Doerr, Benjamin; Fischbeck, Philipp; Frahnow, Clemens; Friedrich, Tobias; Kötzing, Timo; Schirneck, Martin Island Models Meet Rumor SpreadingGenetic and Evolutionary Computation Conference (GECCO) 2017: 1359–1366
  • Efficient Best Response C... - Download
    Friedrich, Tobias; Ihde, Sven; Keßler, Christoph; Lenzner, Pascal; Neubert, Stefan; Schumann, David Efficient Best Response Computation for Strategic Network Formation under AttackSymposium on Algorithmic Game Theory (SAGT) 2017: 199–211
  • Brief Announcement: Effic... - Download
    Friedrich, Tobias; Ihde, Sven; Keßler, Christoph; Lenzner, Pascal; Neubert, Stefan; Schumann, David Brief Announcement: Efficient Best Response Computation for Strategic Network Formation under AttackSymposium on Parallelism in Algorithms and Architectures (SPAA) 2017: 321–323

2016 [ nach oben ]

  • Probabilistic Routing for... - Download
    Arndt, Tobias; Hafner, Danijar; Kellermeier, Thomas; Krogmann, Simon; Razmjou, Armin; Krejca, Martin S.; Rothenberger, Ralf; Friedrich, Tobias Probabilistic Routing for On-Street Parking SearchEuropean Symposium on Algorithms (ESA) 2016: 6:1–6:13
  • Towards an Atlas of Compu... - Download
    Kötzing, Timo; Schirneck, Martin Towards an Atlas of Computational Learning TheorySymposium on Theoretical Aspects of Computer Science (STACS) 2016: 47:1–47:13