Prof. Dr. Holger Karl

Internet-Technology and Softwarization

Research Topics

The internet, mobile access networks, or data centers share a trend: Fixed, built-in functionality is replaced by software for forwarding packets, providing access to cached data, managing the network, and  realizing functionality akin to microservices in general-purpose software. This paves the way to new approaches for "zero-touch networking", e.g., by machine learning directly inside the network. It also enables new scenarios, e.g., controlling machines where short latency matters. 

The research group Internet-Technology and Softwarization started in July 2021. We research Internet technology in general and for various specific forms of networks, e.g., mobile access networks, wireless networks for shorter ranges and more specific application areas, or data-centre networks. A common theme across these technological domains is so-called network softwarization (hence the group name)

You can find more information about our research agenda on a separate page

Topics of the research group


The group offers lectures, seminars, project and theses topics in the context of distributed systems and network, from wireless over mobile systems to Internet-scale technologies, for both Bachelor and Master programs. You can find more information about the current or upcoming semester, and mid-term outlook on planned coures, material about recent semesters as well as other teaching-related information (e.g., material from older classes or online lectures) on separate pages. 

Social media

More information about the research group - short-term, also on a lighter note - will be available on our Twitter account: @itswhpi