Modern software is often designed and distributed as a collection of cooperating components - examples are microservice chains or network function virtualization. this can bring significant advantages in edge computing scenarios when components can be run close to a user. But once users start moving around, we need to make sure that the right component is available and running at the right location - we need to solve a mobile lifecycle management challenge.
The DFG-funded project SWAVES addresses this challenge. We will research how to distribute exectuable artefacts (e.g., source code, containers, virtual machine images) to edge computing sites, to transition them between different execution states (e.g., not running, cold or warm standby) and how to move state around between them. This requires complex decisions and should benefit greatly from mobility predictions. To address these issues, we will look at both conventional techniques as well as at machine learning-based approaches.
The research project will be undertaken in collaboration with Mercator fellows Carla Fabiana Chiasserini and Claudio Errore Casetti, both from Politecnico di Torino.
Job offer: Open position for a PhD student (fully-funded E13-style position) plus student assistant. Email Holger Karl if interested.