
Manish Saggar

Manish Saggar, PhD, is a postdoctoral scholar working with Dr. Allan Reiss at the Center for Interdisciplinary Brain Sciences Research (CIBSR) in the Stanford University School of Medicine. Prior to this role, he graduated from the University of Texas at Austin with a Masters and Doctorate in Computer Science. His dissertation was titled, “A computational analysis of Meditation”. He is a meditator (since 13 years old) and loves to talk about his experiences. He has published several peer-reviewed articles in the areas of machine learning, robotics, and neuroscience. He has also spent a couple of summers in the industry working for Microsoft (in 2005) and Google (in 2006 and 2008). His current research interests include computational modeling, machine learning, signal processing, neuroimaging and cognitive neuroscience. He is currently working on several projects at CIBSR including (a) finding the neural correlates of creativity; (b) finding the “dark matter” of social interaction using multi-person brain scanning; and (c) understanding how atypical social cognition arises in patients with brain disorders.
