Our group includes PostDocs, PhD students, and student assistants, and is headed by Prof. Felix Naumann. If you are interested in joining our team, please contact Felix Naumann.
For bachelor students we offer German lectures on database systems in addition to paper- or project-oriented seminars. Within a one-year bachelor project, students finalize their studies in cooperation with external partners. For master students we offer courses on information integration, data profiling, and information retrieval enhanced by specialized seminars, master projects and we advise master theses.
Most of our research is conducted in the context of larger research projects, in collaboration across students, across groups, and across universities. We strive to make available most of our datasets and source code.
This is a repeatability page for DC discovery algorithms. The algorithms are provided in the state their results have been published, but they may not represent the most recent version of their implementations.
DC Algorithms
The efficient discovery of denial constraints in tables is a challenging task. So far, our group has developed two DC discovey algorithms:
Our most recent addition to the family of DC discovery algorithm is a new approximate DC discovery algorithm DCFinder, which is also available as part of the metanome-algorithms respository.
The data profiling tool Metanome provides standardized interfaces to facilitate the comparison of different DC discovery methods.
Our DC algorithms have been exhaustively tested on the following datasets (please also see here for some of the files):