Prof. Dr. Felix Naumann

Head / Leitung

Prof. Dr. Felix Naumann

Phone: +49 331 5509 280 (Assistant)
Fax: +49 331 5509 287
Office: Building F, F-2.03

Diana Stephan (Assistant)

Phone: +49 331 5509 280
Fax: +49 331 5509 287
Office: Building F, F-2.01

Swinda Krause (Program Manager Data & AI Cluster)

Phone: +49 331 5509 248; Mobil: +49 151-11739074
Office: Building F, F-2.09

Postdoctoral Researchers

Dr. Lisa Ehrlinger
Phone: +49 331 5509 326
Office: Building F, F-2.08

Research Staff / Wissenschaftliche Mitarbeiter

Divya Bhadauria
Office: Building F, F-2.05

Tobias Bleifuß

Phone: +49 331 5509 1303
Fax: +49 331 5509 287
Office: Building F, F-2.06

Youri Kaminsky

Phone: +49 331 5509 286
Fax: +49 331 5509 287
Office: Building F, F-2.07

Lukas Laskowski

Phone: +49 331 5509 xxx
Fax: +49 331 5509 287
Office: Building F, F-2.04

Daniel Lindner

Phone: +49 331 5509 3475
Fax: +49 331 5509 287
Office: Building F, F-2.07

Sedir Mohammed

Phone: +49 331 5509 280
Fax: +49 331 5509 287
Office: Building F, F-2.08

Francesco Pugnaloni

Phone: +49 331 5509 1303
Fax: +49 331 5509 287
Office: Building F, F-2.06

Sebastian Schmidl

Phone: +49 331 5509 4977
Fax: +49 331 5509 287
Office: Building F, F-2.04

Alejandro Sierra-Múnera
(Research School / Forschungskolleg)

Phone: +49 331 5509 280
Fax: +49 331 5509 287
Office: Building F, F-2.05

Research Guests

Prof. Dr. Ralf Krestel

ZBW / Kiel University

Prof. Dr. Fabian Panse

University of Augsburg

Prof. Dr. Thorsten Papenbrock

University of Marburg

Student Assistants / Studentische Hilfskräfte

  • Tomic Riedel: Student Assistant

Applications for student jobs are welcome at any time. Applications for internships etc. that do not address a member of the research group directly and that do not relate to the research topics of the group will not receive a response.

Ehemalige Mitarbeiter / Former members

  • Prof. Dr. Ziawasch Abedjan (PhD student, last seen as full professor at University of Hannover)
  • Prof. Dr. Mohammed AbuJarour (PhD student, last seen as full professor at XU Potsdam)
  • Dr. Alexander Albrecht (PhD student, last seen as co-founder of bakdata)
  • Dr. Jana Bauckmann (PhD student, last seen at Wissenschaftliches Institut der AOK - WIdO)
  • Dr. Jens Bleiholder (PhD student, last seen at Opitz Consulting, Berlin)
  • Dr. Falk Brauer (PhD student, last seen at In Mind Cloud, Singapore)
  • Dr. Christoph Böhm (PhD student, last seen as co-founder of bakdata)
  • Dr. Leon Bornemann (PhD student, last seen as IT Consultant for Data Engineering & Data Science at Netlight)
  • Dr. Stefano Cirillo (Research Intern and Postdoc, last seen as assistant professor at Università degli Studi Di Salerno)
  • Dr. Uwe Draisbach (PhD student, last seen as freelance BI expert)
  • Dr. Toni Gruetze (PhD student, last seen as freelance data engineer)
  • Dr. Mazhar Hameed (PhD student)
  • Dr. Hazar Harmouch (PhD student and Postdoc, last seen as assistant professor at University of Amsterdam at INDE lab)
  • Katrin Heinrich (Assistant)
  • Dr. Arvid Heise (PhD student, last seen as Senior Software Engineer at Ververica)
  • Dr. Nitisha Jain (PhD student, last seen as Postdoctoral Researcher at King's College, London)
  • Prof. Dr. Melanie Herschel born Weis (PhD student, last seen as associate professor at Nanyang Technological University, Singapore)
  • Maximilian Jenders (PhD student, last seen as Senior Data Scientist at GetYourGuide)
  • Anja Jentzsch (PhD student, last seen as Senior Software Engineer at Adesso AG)
  • Dr. Lan Jiang (PhD student, last seen as Data Scientist at StepStone)
  • Prof. Dr. Gjergji Kasneci (Senior Researcher, last seen as Professor of Responsible Data Science at TU Munich)
  • Frank Kaufer (PhD student, last seen as Domain Technology Officer at FlixBus)
  • Dr. Ioannis Koumarelas (PhD student, last seen as Data Scientist at Veeva Systems)
  • Prof. Dr. Ralf Krestel (Senior Researcher, last seen as full professor at Kiel University / ZBW)
  • Dr. Sebastian Kruse (PhD student, last seen as Staff Site Reliability Engineer, Google, Berlin)
  • Dr. Dustin Lange (PhD student, last seen as founder of IvyCheck)
  • Dr. Konstantina Lazaridou (PhD student, last seen as Machine Learning Engineer at Aleph Apha)
  • Dr. Johannes Lorey (PhD student, last seen at Ford, Cologne)
  • Dr. Michael Loster (PhD student and Postdoc, last seen as Founding Engineer at Noetica AI)
  • Prof. Dr. Saeedeh Momtazi (Research Guest, Postdoc, last seen as Assistant Professor at Amirkabir University of Technology, Iran)
  • Dr. Matteo Paganelli (Postdoc)
  • Prof. Dr. Fabian Panse (Postdoc, last seen at University of Augsburg)
  • Prof. Dr. Thorsten Papenbrock (Senior Researcher, last seen at University of Marburg)
  • Giulia Radtke (Assistant)
  • Dr. Tim Repke (PhD student, last seen as Postdoc at the Mercator Research Institute on Global Commons and Climate Change MCC)
  • Dr. Julian Risch (PhD student, last seen as Senior Machine Learning Engineer at deepset)
  • Dr. Eduardo Pena (Guest PhD Student)
  • Dr. Armin Roth (PhD student, last seen at curevac.com)
  • Dr. Morteza Saberi (DAAD PhD guest, last seen as Lecturer at University of Technology Sydney)
  • Ahmad Samiei (PhD student)
  • Sascha Szott (PhD student, last seen at BAM, Berlin)
  • Dr. Gerardo Vitagliano (PhD student, last seen at MIT, USA)
  • Dr. Phillip Wenig (PhD student, last seen as Data Scientist at Frequenz)
  • Dr. Tobias Zieger born Vogel (PhD student, last seen as Senior Software Engineer at Seerene)
  • Anna Zobel (assistant)
  • Dr. Zhe Zuo (PhD student, last seen as Senior Data Scientist at Siemens)

Ehemalige Studentische Hilfkräfte / Former student assistants

  • Nicolas Alder (student research assistant)
  • Carl Ambroselli  (student research assistant)
  • Malte Barth (student research assistant)
  • Lawrence Benson (student research assistant)
  • Tanja Bergmann (student research assistant)
  • Joana Bergsiek (student research assistant)
  • Franziska Brosy (student research assistant)
  • Stefan Bunk (student research assistant)
  • Susanne Bülow (student research assistant)
  • Karsten Draba (student research assistant)
  • Christian Dullweber (student research assistant)
  • Benjamin Emde (student research assistant)
  • Claudia Exeler (tutor)
  • Benjamin Feldmann (student research assistant)
  • Dandy Fenz (student research assistant)
  • Moritz Finke (student research assistant)
  • Maxi Fischer (student research assistant)
  • Tobias Flach (student research assistant)
  • Mathias Flüggen (tutor)
  • Markus Freitag (student research assistant)
  • Fabian Garagnon (student research assistant)
  • Samuele Garda (student research assistant)
  • Lutz Gericke (tutor)
  • Dustin Glaeser (student research assistant)
  • Marvin Gorecki (student research assistant)
  • Danijar Hafner (student research assistant)
  • David Hahn (student research assistant)
  • Andreas Henning (student research assistant)
  • Fabian Heseding (student research assistant)
  • Max Hoffmann (student research assistant & tutor)
  • Michael Hopstock (student research assistant)
  • Ben Hurdelhey (student research assistant)
  • Jonas Keutel (student research assistant)
  • Murat Knecht (tutor)
  • Lasse Kohlmeyer (student research assistant)
  • Niklas Köhnecke (student research assistant)
  • Mirko Krause (IT support)
  • Alexander Kromer (tutor)
  • Johannes Kroschewski (IT support)
  • Axel Kroschk (student research assistant)
  • Patrick Kuhn (student research assistant)
  • Kshitij Kumar (student research assistant)
  • Claudia Lehmann (student research assistant)
  • Maria Lomaeva (student research assistant)
  • Fabian Lindenberg (student research assistant)
  • Andrina Mascher (student research assistant)
  • Asaduzzaman Miah (student research assistant)
  • Paul Möller (student research assistant)
  • Jan Ehmüller (student research assistant)
  • Tommy Neubert (student research assistant)
  • Hung Nguyen (student research assistant)
  • Hendrik Patzlaff (tutor)
  • Maria Perchyk (student research assistant)
  • Matthias Pohl (student research assistant)
  • Luk Prestin (tutor)
  • Hendrik Rätz (tutor)
  • Florian Reinhart (tutor)
  • Selina Reinhard (tutor)
  • Lucas Reisener (student research assistant)
  • Nils Rethmeier (student research assistant)
  • Stephan Richter (system administration)
  • Felix Rindt (tutor)
  • Julian Risch (student research assistant)
  • Ella Rosner (student research assistant)
  • Jan-Peer Rudolph (tutor)
  • Philipp Schmidt (student research assistant)
  • Lukas Schulze (student IT support)
  • Yannik Schröder (student research assistant)
  • Vincent Schwarzer (student research assistant)
  • Patricia Sowa (tutor)
  • Alexander Spivak (tutor)
  • Maximilian Stiede (tutor)
  • Florian Thomas (student research assistant)
  • Veronique Tietz (student research assistant)
  • Fabian Tschirschnitz (student research assistant)
  • Olena Vyshnevska (student research assistant)
  • Marius Walter (student research assistant)
  • Matthias Weidlich (student research assistant)
  • Erik Witzmann (student research assistant)
  • Paul Wullenweber (student research assistant)
  • Robin Wersich (tutor)
  • Jonas Zimmermann (tutor)