Prof. Dr. Felix Naumann


Zhe Zuo, Michael Loster, Felix Naumann, Ralf Krestel, Julian Risch 

Our two papers "Uncovering Business Relationships: Context-sensitive Relationship Extraction for Difficult Relationship Types" and "How Do Search Engines Work? A Massive Open Online Course with 4000 Participants" have been accepted for presentation at the Lernen, Wissen, Daten, Analysen Conference (LWDA), which takes place from September 11th to 13th, 2017, in Rostock. 


Uncovering Business Relationships: Context-sensitive Relationship Extraction for Difficult Relationship Types

This paper establishes a semi-supervised strategy for extracting various types of complex business relationships from textual data by using only a few manually provided company seed pairs that exemplify the target relationship. Additionally, we offer a solution for determining the direction of asymmetric relationships, such as “ownership of”. We improve the reliability of the extraction process by using a holistic pattern identification method that classifies the generated extraction patterns. Our experiments show that we can accurately and reliably extract new entity pairs occurring in the target relationship by using as few as five labeled seed pairs.

How Do Search Engines Work? A Massive Open Online Course with 4000 Participants

Massive Open Online Courses (MOOCs) have introduced a new form of education. With thousands of participants per course, lectur- ers are confronted with new challenges in the teaching process. In this pa- per, we describe how we conducted an introductory information retrieval course for participants from all ages and educational backgrounds. We analyze different course phases and compare our experiences with regular on-site information retrieval courses at university. PDF