Prof. Dr. Felix Naumann


Enabling Change Exploration (Vision)

Tobias Bleifuß, Theodore Johnson, Dmitri V. Kalashnikov, Felix Naumann, Vladislav Shkapenyuk and Divesh Srivastava

Our vision paper "Enabling Change Exploration" has been accepted at the ExploreDB 2017 workshop. The workshop is co-located with SIGMOD/PODS 2017 in Chicago, IL. 


Data and metadata suffer many different kinds of change: values are inserted, deleted or updated; entities appear and disappear; properties are added or re-purposed, etc. Explicitly recognizing, exploring, and evaluating such change can alert to changes in data ingestion procedures, can help assess data quality, and can improve the general understanding of the dataset and its behavior over time. We propose a data model-independent framework to formalize such change. Our change-cube enables exploration and discovery of such changes to reveal dataset behavior over time.