Hasso-Plattner-Institut25 Jahre HPI
Hasso-Plattner-Institut25 Jahre HPI

Digital Technology, Governance and Policy

Prof. Dr. Gillian Bolsover

The scientific focus of the professorship is on the analysis of computational propaganda and the effects of bots, algorithms, disinfomation and other forms of automated politcal opinion manipulation on politics and society, as well as the changing nature of politics and citizenship in the Internet Age. This professorship is funded by the German Society for International Cooperation (GIZ) for a period of five years.

Before joining the HPI, Dr Bolsover worked as a Lecturer in Politics and Media at the University of Leeds and as a Researcher in the Social Sciences at the University of Oxford's Internet Institute. Dr Bolsover has published influential research on misinformation in the 2016 US and French Presidential Elections, Chinese state computational propaganda and occupation of online spaces, and online ethno-nationalism in the 2019 Indian General Election.


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Prof. Dr. Gillian Bolsover

Digital Technology, Governance and Policy

Room: H-3.3
Tel.: 0331 5509-3422
E-Mail: Gillian.Bolsover(at)hpi.de



Christine Buckley 
Room: H-3.4, V-1.17
Tel.: 0331 5509-3422
E-Mail: office-bolsover(at)hpi.de