Prof. Dr. Tilmann Rabl

Lecture Series on HPI Research


Tilmann Rabl , Felix Naumann, Bert Arnrich, Ralf Herbrich, Vaibhav Bajpai, Jiska Classen, Holger Karl, Gerard de Melo, Anja Lehmann, Christian Dörr.


This collaborative lecture series will feature presentations by HPI professors. We want to give an overview of the breadth of research at HPI in an approachable format. Besides an overview of research topics, we will introduce the breadth of the research groups at HPI. The lecture series is a collaboration of professors at HPI.


The course will be held in L-E.03, Tuesdays, 5pm. The first session will also be streamed on Zoom: zoom.us/j/92274001314

Date      Topic     Lecturer

09.04.2024          Opening              Tilmann Rabl

16.04.2024          Data Quality and Data Preparation          Felix Naumann

23.04.2024          Connected Health           Bert Arnrich

30.04.2024          AI & Sustainability           Ralf Herbrich

07.05.2024          Data Processing on Modern Hardware  Tilmann Rabl

14.05.2024          No class              

21.05.2024          No class              

28.05.2024          Data-intensive Internet Computing        Vaibhav Bajpai

04.06.2024          Cybersecurity - Mobile & Wireless           Jiska Classen

11.06.2024          Internet Technolgies & Softwarization   Holger Karl

18.06.2024          Recent Trends in AI         Gerard de Melo

25.06.2024          No class              

02.07.2024          Crypto & Privacy              Anja Lehmann

09.07.2024          Networks & Cybersecurity          Christian Dörr

16.07.2024          Student Poster Session

General information

You can access the course on Moodle.

The course is graded and has 3 ECTS.


The course is available for both bachelor and masters students, with the same deliverables but different requirements.

Lecture summary

Write a summary for one selected lecture. Depending on the number of participants, this will be done in groups. Each lecture will be assigned to one person or group.

All summaries will be published on the course website. The summary should give a quick and engaging overview of the talk (10-15 min reading time). We will ask the presenters to review your summary and help you with questions.

Individual Poster Project

Prepare an A1 poster (portrait format), with one of the following contents, depending on your study level. You will present your poster at the final session.

Bachelor Students: Based on one or more of the lectures, you can either prepare a technology landscape or explain a data science or data engineering process. Both should be as detailed as possible.

Master Students: To extend technology or methodology presented in one or multiple of the lectures, you should prepare a research project proposal. The poster should highlight goal, problem, and solution of your proposal and the connection to the lecture.

Mark Breakdown

    50% - Lecture summary

    50% - Individual poster project

Lecture Summary

Your first task is to summarize the presentation in groups.

You can find your group through the participants link on the left menu of Moodle.

Your summary of the presentation should contain the following:

  •     Introduction of speaker
  •     Engaging overview of the lecture
    •         Goal, problem, solution
    •         Background
    •         Main ideas, methodology, approach
    •         Main results
    •         Summary

The summary will be added to the course website (it should be 10-15 min reading time)

Examples for such text can be found in the Morning Paper - blog.acolyer.org

We will ask the presenter to review the summary

Formatting and submission:

  •     Plain HTML formatting
  •     Single ZIP file with all contents

Deadline: 2 weeks after the presentation or opening of the assignment, whichever is later.

Individual Poster Project

Plenary presentation on July 16th.

Deadline: Please upload the poster by July 9th.

For Bachelor Students:

  •     Based on one of the lectures
  •     Summary of one system, algorithm, technology, or methodology presented
  •     As detailed as possible

For Master Students

  •     Research project proposal
  •     Extend the technology or methodology of one more lectures
  •     Goal, problem, solution & connection to the lecture


  •     The posters will be printed in portrait orientation in A1
  •     Please use the HPI template of the example below or the InDesign Template in the HPI website internal

The posters should contain:

  •     Title
  •     Your name and study level (Master or Bachelor)
  •     Abstract (1-2 paragraphs)
  •     The poster should reference lecture contents as described above
  •     The poster must be self-explanatory
