Fig.3 - Abstraction layer exposing different memory regions.
8.2.2. Typed Memory Regions
Each memory region can also be typed based on its use case. The speaker proposes global state, global scratch, and private scratch. The global state is used for coherent and synchronous communication. Exchanging data can be done asynchronously and coherently and would be typed as a global scratch. Local computations should be typed as private scatch.
Different dataflow systems can map their operations into these typed memory regions based on their purpose and properties. DBMS operations for synchronization would be typed as global state, while the input data for ML and AI can typed as global scatch.
8.2.3. Control Plane Tasks
Switching to the control plane, Prof. Dr. Jana Giceva mentions basic memory region ownership schemes, like singular, transferred, or shared ownership. Managing the ownership is essential to avoid data movement or copying. Secondly, the control planes manage the lifetimes of the memory regions. Therefore, garbage collection needs a lightweight metadata system to keep track of the usage of memory regions. Further tasks like resource monitoring and deployment are assigned to the control plane.
9. Conclusion
In the presentation by Dr. Prof. Jana Giceva, the main goal of making future-proof data processing is achievable by an open compilation and optimization framework. The proposed ideas add abstraction layers; however, the approach avoids a trade between higher abstractions and performance.
The central concept relies on whiteboxing the optimization and compilation framework by making them more interchangeable in each step by adding declarative suboperators and intermediate formats. The research prototype LingoDB implements the ideas presented. Its comparison with DuckDB, Hyper, and Umbra shows that a hardware-agnostic data processing system with carefully crafted abstraction layers still achieves competitive performance while increasing flexibility and extensibility.
The last topic of her presentation covered a request for blackboxing the underlying hardware to be independent of the rapid evolution of these; she introduced a memory-centric system. Her proposal offers an abstraction for selecting the correct memory type based on declarative attributes.
10. References
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