In HPI's Masters program, we are looking for students with both exceptional grades and experience in software development in order to drive projects with our industry partners. Prospective students should have a strong interest in working on applied computer science problems directly with our partners. This particular approach to project work supports students in building relationships with potential employers: many of our previous project student assignments have led to (international) internships and job offers. Project students are welcome to engage in any of the following activities:
- HYRISE HYRISE is an open-source columnar in-memory database engine written in C++. Hyrise tackles challenges of autonomous database management. If you are interested to contribute to this project or to perform measurements and experiments in the context of autonomous database management research, please contact Marcel Weisgut or Jan Kossmann.
- Skyrise is a serverless query processor for interactive in-situ analytics on cold data in cloud storage. If you are interested in C++ systems programming, distributed OLAP database systems, or modern cloud infrastructure, feel free to contact Thomas Bodner.
- Data-Driven Causal Inference Causal structure learning has the intention to estimate the underlying causal graphical model from observational data. In our research, we address open challenges in this field by improvements in both the application of statistical and probabilistic concepts, and the efficient implememtation of algorithms using modern hardware, e.g., GPUs. Our goal is to enable an utilization in a real world context. If you are interested in this topic, please contact Johannes Huegle or Christopher Hagedorn.
- Data-Driven Decision-Making and Optimal Control The need for automated data-driven decision-making is everywhere and becomes increasingly important. In our research, we seek to derive automated decision-support using quantitative methods of operations research and data science applied in the areas of (i) operations management and (ii) database optimization. Please contact Dr. Rainer Schlosser.
- Composable Enterprise Software A focus on business processes as the cornerstone of enterprise software allows for a fundamental different angle on building enterprise software in a composable fashion. In our research, we determine requirements for languages to model executable processes, suitable architectures to enable high volume process execution, and appropriate layouts to store and distribute data for transaction processing as well as holisitic analytics. Please contact Dr. Ralf Teusner.
For more information about our ongoing projects, have a look at our projects website. We are able to compensate students on an individual basis depending on experience and the particular industry project they will be working on. Please contact Dr. Michael Perscheid for details.