Prof. Dr. h.c. mult. Hasso Plattner

All Publications


  • 1.
    Halfpap, S., Schlosser, R.: Fragment Allocations for Partially Replicated Databases Considering Data Modifications and Changing Workloads. CIKM 2024, accepted (2024).
  • 2.
    Halfpap, S., Kossmann, J., Schlosser, R., Markl, V.: Looking Deeply into the Magic Mirror: An Interactive Analysis of Database Index Selection Approaches. VLDB 2024, PVLDB 17 (12), accepted (2024).
  • 3.
    Mattes, P., Schlosser, R., Herbrich, R.: Hieros: Hierarchical Imagination on Structured State Space Sequence World Models. ICML 2024, accepted (2024).
  • 4.
    Riekenbrauck, N., Weisgut, M., Lindner, D., Rabl, T.: A Three-Tier Buffer Manager Integrating CXL Device Memory for Database Systems. Joint International Workshop on Big Data Management on Emerging Hardware and Data Management on Virtualized Active Systems @ ICDE 2024 (2024).
  • 5.
    Groeneveld, J., Herrmann, J., Mollenhauer, N., Dreessen, L., Bessin, N., Schulze-Tast, J., Kastius, A., Huegle, J., Schlosser, R.: Self-Learning Agents for Recommerce Markets. Business & Information Systems Engineering 66 (4). 441–463 (2024).


  • 1.
    Schlosser, R., Weisgut, M., Huebscher, L., Nordemann, O.: Robust Index Selection for Stochastic Dynamic Workloads. Springer Nature Computer Science. 4 (1), 59 (2023).
  • 2.
    Perscheid, M., Plattner, H., Ritter, D., Schlosser, R., Teusner, R.: Enterprise Platform and Integration Concepts Research at HPI. ACM SIGMOD Record. 51 (4), 68–73 (2023).
  • 3.
    Schröder, K., Kastius, A., Schlosser, R.: Welcome to the Jungle: A Conceptual Comparison of Reinforcement Learning Algorithms. ICORES 2023. pp. 143–150 (2023).
  • 4.
    Hurdelhey, B., Weisgut, M., Boissier, M.: Workload-Driven Data Placement for Tierless In-Memory Database Systems. Datenbanksysteme für Business, Technologie und Web, BTW. pp. 47–70. Gesellschaft für Informatik e.V (2023).
  • 5.
    Schlosser, R., Chenavaz, R.: Joint Dynamic Pricing and Marketing-Mix Strategies for Revenue Management Applications with Stochastic Demand. International Transactions in Operational Research, accepted. (2023).
  • 6.
    Schlosser, R., Gönsch, J.: Risk-Averse Dynamic Pricing using Mean-Semivariance Optimization. European Journal of Operational Research. 310 (1), 1151–1163 (2023).
  • 7.
    Huegle, J., Hagedorn, C., Schlosser, R.: A kNN-based Non-Parametric Conditional Independence Test for Mixed Data and Application in Causal Discovery. ECML-PKDD 2023, accepted (2023).
  • 8.
    Matthies, C., Heinrich, R., Wohlrab, R.: Investigating Software Engineering Artifacts in DevOps Through the Lens of Boundary Objects. Proceedings of the 27th International Conference on Evaluation and Assessment in Software Engineering. ACM (2023).
  • 9.
    Klinke, P., Naumann, A., Wersich, R., Schlosser, R.: Coopetition: Learning to Play Skat using Reinforcement Learning. EGAI @ ECAI 2023 (2023).
  • 10.
    Schröder, K., Kastius, A., Schlosser, R.: A Comparison of State-of-the-Art Reinforcement Learning Algorithms Applied to the Traveling Salesman Problem. The Knowledge Engineering Review, accepted. (2023).


  • 1.
    Chenavaz, R., Klibi, W., Schlosser, R.: Dynamic Pricing with Reference Price Effects in Integrated Online and Offline Retailing. International Journal of Production Research. 60, 5854–5875 (2022).
  • 2.
    Bodner, T., Pietz, T., Bollmeier, L.J., Ritter, D.: Doppler: Understanding Serverless Query Execution. Proceedings of the SIGMOD Workshop on Big Data in Emergent Distributed Environments. (2022).
  • 3.
    Boissier, M.: Robust and Budget-Constrained Encoding Configurations for In-Memory Database Systems. Proceedings of the VLDB Endowment. pp. 780–793 (2022).
  • 4.
    Braun, T., Hurdelhey, B., Meier, D., Tsayun, P., Hagedorn, C., Huegle, J., Schlosser, R.: GPUCSL: GPU-Based Library for Causal Structure Learning. ICDM Open Project Forum. pp. 1236–1239 (2022).
  • 5.
    Kastius, A., Schlosser, R.: Multi-Agent Dynamic Pricing Using Reinforcement Learning and Asymmetric Information. Operations Research Proceedings (OR2022), to appear (2022).
  • 6.
    Schlosser, R., Kastius, A.: A Conceptual Framework for Studying Self-Learning Agents in Recommerce Markets. Operations Research Proceedings (OR 2022), to appear (2022).
  • 7.
    Richly, K., Schlosser, R., Boissier, M.: Budget-Conscious Fine-Grained Configuration Optimization for Spatio-Temporal Applications. Proceedings of the VLDB Endowment. pp. 4079–4092 (2022).
  • 8.
    Hagedorn, C., Lange, C., Huegle, J., Schlosser, R.: GPU Acceleration for Information-theoretic Constraint-based Causal Discovery. In: Le, T.D., Liu, L., Kıcıman, E., Triantafyllou, S., and Liu, H. (eds.) Proceedings of The KDD’22 Workshop on Causal Discovery, Proceedings of Machine Learning Research (PMLR) 185. pp. 30–60 (2022).
  • 9.
    Figge, F., Dimitrov, S., Schlosser, R., Chenavaz, R.: Does the circular economy fuel the throwaway society? The role of opportunity costs for products that lose value over time. Journal of Cleaner Production. 368 (133207), (2022).
  • 10.
    Lindner, D., Schumann, F., Alder, N., Bleifuss, T., Bornemann, L., Naumann, F.: Mining Change Rules. Proceedings of the 25th International Conference on Extending Database Technology, EDBT 2022, Edinburgh, UK, March 29 - April 1, 2022. pp. 2:91–2:103 (2022).
  • 11.
    Justen, D.: Cost-efficiency and Performance Robustness in Serverless Data Exchange. Proceedings of the 2022 International Conference on Management of Data (SIGMOD ’22), Student Research Competition. pp. 2506–2508. Association for Computing Machinery, New York, NY, USA (2022).
  • 12.
    Paula, D.D., Hahn, D., Matthies, C., Uebernickel, F.: InnoPulse: a Tool to Support Collaborative Reflection in Creativity-Driven Engineering Projects. Proceedings of the Annual Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences. Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences (2022).
  • 13.
    Perscheid, M., Plattner, H., Ritter, D., Schlosser, R., Teusner, R.: Das Fachgebiet “Enterprise Platform and Integration Concepts” am Hasso-Plattner-Institut. Datenbank-Spektrum. 22, 175–180 (2022).
  • 14.
    Schlosser, R., Westphal, J., Pörschke, M., Maltenberger, T., Kaminsky, Y.: Self-Adaptive Agents in a Dynamic Pricing Duopoly: Competition, Collusion, and Risk Considerations. Springer Nature Computer Science. 3 (3), 1–17 (2022).
  • 15.
    Hagedorn, C., Huegle, J., Schlosser, R.: Understanding Unforeseen Production Downtimes in Manufacturing Processes using Log Data-driven Causal Reasoning. Journal of Intelligent Manufacturing. 33, 2027–2043 (2022).
  • 16.
    Weisgut, M., Ritter, D., Boissier, M., Perscheid, M.: Separated Allocator Metadata in Disaggregated In-Memory Databases: Friend or Foe?. 1st Workshop on Composable Systems (COMPSYS@IPDPS), awarded as best paper (2022).
  • 17.
    Kossmann, J., Kastius, A., Schlosser, R.: SWIRL: Selection of Workload-aware Indexes using Reinforcement Learning. 25th International Conference on Extending Database Technology (EDBT 2022). pp. 155–168 (2022).
  • 18.
    Richly, K., Schlosser, R., Brauer, J.: Enabling Risk-averse Dispatch Processes for Transportation Network Companies by Probabilistic Location Prediction. Communications in Computer and Information Science, Springer. 1623, 21–42 (2022).
  • 19.
    Schlosser, R., Kastius, A.: Stochastic Dynamic Pricing under Duopoly Competition with Mutual Strategy Adjustments. Operations Research Proceedings (OR 2021). pp. 367–372 (2022).
  • 20.
    Kastius, A., Schlosser, R.: Towards Transfer Learning for Revenue and Pricing Management. Operations Research Proceedings, OR2021. pp. 361–366 (2022).
  • 21.
    Weisgut, M., Hübscher, L., Nordemann, O., Schlosser, R.: Solver-Based Approaches for Robust Multi-Index Selection Problems with Reconfiguration Costs under Stochastic Dynamic Workloads. 11th International Conference on Operations Research and Enterprise Systems (ICORES 2022). pp. 28–39 (2022).
  • 22.
    Kossmann, J., Lindner, D., Naumann, F., Papenbrock, T.: Workload-driven, Lazy Discovery of Data Dependencies for Query Optimization. Proceedings of the Conference on Innovative Data Systems Research (CIDR) (2022).
  • 23.
    Kastius, A., Schlosser, R.: Dynamic Pricing under Competition using Reinforcement Learning. Journal of Revenue and Pricing Management. 21, 50–63 (2022).
  • 24.
    Schlosser, R.: Heuristic Mean Variance Optimization in Markov Decision Processes using State-Dependent Risk Aversion. IMA Journal of Management Mathematics. 33 (2), 181–199 (2022).
  • 25.
    Matthies, C., Teusner, R., Perscheid, M.: Challenges (and Opportunities!) of a Remote Agile Software Engineering Project Course During COVID-19. Proceedings of the 55th Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences. Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences (2022).


  • 1.
    Kossmann, J., Boissier, M., Dubrawski, A., Heseding, F., Mandel, C., Pigorsch, U., Schneider, M., Schniese, T., Sobhani, M., Tsayun, P., Wille, K., Perscheid, M., Uflacker, M., Plattner, H.: A Cockpit for the Development and Evaluation of Autonomous Database Systems. 37th IEEE International Conference on Data Engineering, ICDE. pp. 2685–2688 (2021).
  • 2.
    Kossmann, J., Papenbrock, T., Naumann, F.: Data dependencies for query optimization: a survey. VLDB Journal. (2021).
  • 3.
    Serth, S., Teusner, R., Meinel, C.: Impact of Contextual Tips for Auto-Gradable Programming Exercises in MOOCs. Proceedings of the Eighth ACM Conference on Learning @ Scale. pp. 307–310. ACM, Virtual Event, Germany (2021).
  • 4.
    Steinbeck, H., Teusner, R., Meinel, C.: Teaching the Masses on Twitch: An Initial Exploration of Educational Live-Streaming. Proceedings of the Eighth ACM Conference on Learning @ Scale. pp. 275–278. ACM, Virtual Event, Germany (2021).
  • 5.
    Serth, S., Staubitz, T., Teusner, R., Meinel, C.: CodeOcean and CodeHarbor: Auto-Grader and Code Repository. In: Shaffer, C., Brusilovsky, P., Koedinger, K., and Edwards, S. (eds.) SPLICE 2021 Workshop CS Education Infrastructure for All III: From Ideas to Practice. p. 5. 52nd ACM Technical Symposium on Computer Science Education, Virtual Event (2021).
  • 6.
    Dobrigkeit, F., Matthies, C., Pajak, P., Teusner, R.: Cherry Picking - Agile Software Development Teams Applying Design Thinking Tools. Agile Processes in Software Engineering and Extreme Programming textendash Workshops. pp. 201–206. Springer International Publishing (2021).
  • 7.
    Perscheid, C.: Comprior: facilitating the implementation and automated benchmarking of prior knowledge-based feature selection approaches on gene expression data sets. BMC Bioinformatics. 22, (2021).
  • 8.
    Heinzl, L., Hurdelhey, B., Boissier, M., Perscheid, M., Plattner, H.: Evaluating Lightweight Integer Compression Algorithms in Column-Oriented In-Memory DBMS. International Workshop on Accelerating Analytics and Data Management Systems Using Modern Processor and Storage Architectures, ADMS@VLDB (2021).
  • 9.
    Bethge, J., Serth, S., Staubitz, T., Wuttke, T., Nordemann, O., Das, P.-P., Meinel, C.: TransPipe - A Pipeline for Automated Transcription and Translation of Videos. Proceedings of the 7th European MOOC Stakeholder Summit (EMOOCs 2021). pp. 79–94. Universitätsverlag Potsdam, Potsdam, Germany (2021).
  • 10.
    Weisgut, M.: Experimental Index Evaluation for Partial Indexes in Horizontally Partitioned In-Memory Databases. 32nd GI-Workshop on Foundations of Databases (GvDB) (2021).
  • 11.
    Teusner, R.: Situational Interventions and Peer Feedback in Massive Open Online Courses, https://doi.org/10.25932/publishup-50758, (2021).
  • 12.
    Huegle, J., Hagedorn, C., Perscheid, M., Plattner, H.: MPCSL - A Modular Pipeline for Causal Structure Learning. Proceedings of the 27th ACM SIGKDD Conference on Knowledge Discovery & Data Mining. pp. 3068–3076. Association for Computing Machinery, New York, NY, USA (2021).
  • 13.
    Huegle, J.: An Information-Theoretic Approach on Causal Structure Learning for Heterogeneous Data Characteristics of Real-World Scenarios. Proceedings of the Thirtieth International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence, IJCAI-21. pp. 4891–4892. International Joint Conferences on Artificial Intelligence Organization (2021).
  • 14.
    Lindner, D., Loeser, A., Kossmann, J.: Learned What-If Cost Models for Autonomous Clustering. New Trends in Database and Information Systems - ADBIS 2021 Short Papers, Doctoral Consortium and Workshops, Tartu, Estonia. pp. 3–13 (2021).
  • 15.
    Hesse, G., Matthies, C., Perscheid, M., Uflacker, M., Plattner, H.: ESPBench: The Enterprise Stream Processing Benchmark. Proceedings of the ACM/SPEC International Conference on Performance Engineering. pp. 201–212 (2021).
  • 16.
    Huegle, J., Hagedorn, C., Boehme, L., Poerschke, M., Umland, J., Schlosser, R.: MANM-CS: Data Generation for Benchmarking Causal Structure Learning from Mixed Discrete-Continuous and Nonlinear Data. WHY-21 @ NeurIPS 2021 (2021).
  • 17.
    Schlosser, R., Chenavaz, R., Dimitrov, S.: Circular Economy: Joint Dynamic Pricing and Recycling Investments. International Journal of Production Economics. 108117, 1–13 (2021).
  • 18.
    Hagedorn, C., Huegle, J.: GPU-Accelerated Constraint-Based Causal Structure Learning for Discrete Data. Proceedings of the 2021 SIAM International Conference on Data Mining (SDM). pp. 37–45 (2021).
  • 19.
    Schlosser, R.: Scalable Relaxation Techniques to Solve Stochastic Dynamic Multi-Product Pricing Problems with Substitution Effects. Journal of Revenue and Pricing Management. 20 (1), 54–65 (2021).
  • 20.
    Schlosser, R., Halfpap, S.: Robust and Memory-Efficient Database Fragment Allocation for Large and Uncertain Database Workloads. 24th International Conference on Extending Database Technology (EDBT 2021). pp. 367–372 (2021).
  • 21.
    Matthies, C., Dobrigkeit, F.: Experience vs Data: A Case for More Data-Informed Retrospective Activities. Lecture Notes in Business Information Processing. pp. 130–144. Springer International Publishing (2021).
  • 22.
    Richly, K., Schlosser, R., Boissier, M.: Joint Index, Sorting, and Compression Optimization for Memory-Efficient Spatio-Temporal Data Management. 37th IEEE International Conference on Data Engineering (ICDE). pp. 1901–1906 (2021).
  • 23.
    Halfpap, S., Schlosser, R.: Memory-Efficient Database Fragment Allocation for Robust Load Balancing when Nodes Fail. 37th IEEE International Conference on Data Engineering, ICDE 2021, Chania, Greece, April 19-22, 2021. pp. 1811–1816 (2021).
  • 24.
    Richly, K., Schlosser, R., Brauer, J., Plattner, H.: A Probabilistic Location Prediction Approach to Optimize Dispatch Processes in the Ride-Hailing Industry. HICSS 2021. pp. 1830–1840 (2021).
  • 25.
    Kaminsky, Y., Maltenberger, T., Pörschke, M., Westphal, J., Schlosser, R.: Pricing Competition in a Duopoly with Self-Adapting Strategies. 10th International Conference on Operations Research and Enterprise Systems (ICORES 2021). pp. 60–71 (2021).
  • 26.
    Huegle, J., Hagedorn, C., Uflacker, M.: Unterstützte Fehlerbehebung durch kausales Strukturwissen in Überwachungssystemen der Automobilfertigung. In: Götz, S., Linsbauer, L., Schaefer, I., and Wortmann, A. (eds.) Software Engineering 2021 Satellite Events, Lecture Notes in Informatics (LNI). Gesellschaft für Informatik, Bonn (2021).
  • 27.
    Hesse, G., Matthies, C., Uflacker, M.: How Fast Can We Insert? An Empirical Performance Evaluation of Apache Kafka. IEEE International Conference on Parallel and Distributed Systems (ICPADS). pp. 641–648 (2021).
  • 28.
    Hagedorn, C., Huegle, J.: Constraint-Based Causal Structure Learning in Multi-GPU Environments. In: Seidl, T., Fromm, M., and Obermeier, S. (eds.) Proceedings of the LWDA 2021 Workshops: FGWM, KDML, FGWI-BIA, and FGIR, Online, September 1-3, 2021. pp. 106–118. CEUR-WS.org (2021).


  • 1.
    Kossmann, J., Halfpap, S., Jankrift, M., Schlosser, R.: Magic mirror in my hand, which is the best in the land? An Experimental Evaluation of Index Selection Algorithms. Proceedings of the VLDB Endowment. pp. 2382–2395 (2020).
  • 2.
    Schmidt, C., Huegle, J.: Towards a GPU-Accelerated Causal Inference. HPI Future SOC Lab - Proceedings 2017. pp. 187–194 (2020).
  • 3.
    Perscheid, C.: Integrative Biomarker Detection on High-Dimensional Gene Expression Data Sets: A Survey on Prior Knowledge Approaches. Briefings in Bioinformatics. (2020).
  • 4.
    Serth, S., Teusner, R., Meinel, C.: Digitale Arbeitsblätter mit interaktiven Programmieraufgaben im Informatik-Unterricht. In: Zender, R., Ifenthaler, D., Leonhardt, T., and Schumacher, C. (eds.) Lecture Notes in Informatics (LNI) - Proceedings: DELFI 2020 – Die 18. Fachtagung Bildungstechnologien der Gesellschaft für Informatik e.V. pp. 235–246. Gesellschaft für Informatik e.V. (GI), Bonn, Germany (2020).
  • 5.
    Dobrigkeit, F., de Paula, D., Carroll, N.: InnoDev Workshop: A One Day Introduction to Combining Design Thinking, Lean Startup and Agile Software Development. 2020 IEEE 32nd Conference on Software Engineering Education and Training (CSEE\&T). pp. 1–10. IEEE (2020).
  • 6.
    Matthies, C., Huegle, J., Dürschmid, T., Teusner, R.: Attitudes, Beliefs, and Development Data Concerning Agile Software Development Practices. In: Felderer, M., Hasselbring, W., Rabiser, R., and Jung, R. (eds.) Software Engineering 2020. pp. 73–74. Gesellschaft für Informatik e.V., Bonn (2020).
  • 7.
    Matthies, C.: Playing with Your Project Data in Scrum Retrospectives. Proceedings of the ACM/IEEE 42nd International Conference on Software Engineering: Companion Proceedings. pp. 113–115. ACM, New York, NY, USA (2020).
  • 8.
    Ramin, F., Matthies, C., Teusner, R.: More than Code: Contributions in Scrum Software Engineering Teams. Proceedings of the IEEE/ACM 42nd International Conference on Software Engineering Workshops. pp. 137–140. ACM, New York, NY, USA (2020).
  • 9.
    Halfpap, S., Schlosser, R.: Exploration of Dynamic Query-Based Load Balancing for Partially Replicated Database Systems with Node Failures. CIKM ’20: The 29th ACM International Conference on Information and Knowledge Management. pp. 3409–3412 (2020).
  • 10.
    Matthies, C., Dobrigkeit, F., Hesse, G.: Mining for Process Improvements: Analyzing Software Repositories in Agile Retrospectives. IEEE/ACM International Conference on Software Engineering Workshops (ICSEW). pp. 189–190. ACM, New York, NY, USA (2020).
  • 11.
    Bodner, T.: Elastic Query Processing on Function as a Service Platforms. Proceedings of the VLDB PhD Workshop. (2020).
  • 12.
    Schlosser, R.: Risk-Sensitive Control of Markov Decision Processes: A Moment-Based Approach with Target Distributions. Computers and Operations Research. 123 (104997), 1–15 (2020).
  • 13.
    Schlosser, R.: Stochastic Dynamic Pricing with Waiting and Forward-Looking Consumers. Communications in Computer and Information Science (CCIS), Vol. 1162. pp. 47–69. Springer (2020).
  • 14.
    Matthies, C., Dobrigkeit, F.: Towards Empirically Validated Remedies for Scrum Retrospective Headaches. Proceedings of the 53rd Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences (HICSS) (2020).
  • 15.
    Richly, K., Brauer, J., Schlosser, R.: Predicting Location Probabilities of Drivers to Improve Dispatch Decisions of Transportation Network Companies Based on Trajectory Data. 9th International Conference on Operations Research and Enterprise Systems, ICORES 2020. pp. 47–58 (2020).
  • 16.
    Schmidt, C., Huegle, J., Horschig, S., Uflacker, M.: Out-of-Core GPU-Accelerated Causal Structure Learning. Algorithms and Architectures for Parallel Processing. ICA3PP 2019. pp. 89–104. Springer International Publishing (2020).
  • 17.
    Dreseler, M., Boissier, M., Rabl, T., Uflacker, M.: Quantifying TPC-H Choke Points and Their Optimizations. Proceedings of the VLDB Endowment. pp. 1206–1220 (2020).
  • 18.
    Kossmann, J., Schlosser, R.: Self-driving database systems: a conceptual approach. Distributed and Parallel Databases. 38 (4), 795–817 (2020).
  • 19.
    Huegle, J., Hagedorn, C., Uflacker, M.: How Causal Structural Knowledge Adds Decision-Support in Monitoring of Automotive Body Shop Assembly Lines. In: Bessiere, C. (ed.) Proceedings of the Twenty-Ninth International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence, IJCAI-20. pp. 5246–5248. International Joint Conferences on Artificial Intelligence Organization (2020).
  • 20.
    Dobrigkeit, F., Pajak, P., de Paula, D., Uflacker, M.: DT@ IT Toolbox: Design Thinking Tools to Support Everyday Software Development. In: Meinel, C. and Leifer, L. (eds.) Design Thinking Research: Investigating Design Team Performance. pp. 201–227. Springer (2020).
  • 21.
    Schlosser, R., Halfpap, S.: A Decomposition Approach for Risk-Averse Index Selection. 32nd International Conference on Scientific and Statistical Database Management (SSDBM 2020). pp. 16:1–16:4 (2020).
  • 22.
    Lambers, L., Schneider, S., Weisgut, M.: Model-Based Testing of Read Only Graph Queries. International Conference on Software Testing, Verification and Validation Workshops (ICSTW) (2020).


  • 1.
    Hesse, G., Matthies, C., Glass, K., Huegle, J., Uflacker, M.: Quantitative Impact Evaluation of an Abstraction Layer for Data Stream Processing Systems. IEEE International Conference on Distributed Computing Systems (ICDCS). pp. 1381–1392 (2019).
  • 2.
    Dreseler, M., Kossmann, J., Boissier, M., Klauck, S., Uflacker, M., Plattner, H.: Hyrise Re-engineered: An Extensible Database System for Research in Relational In-Memory Data Management. 22nd International Conference on Extending Database Technology (EDBT). pp. 313–324 (2019).
  • 3.
    Serth, S., Teusner, R., Renz, J., Uflacker, M.: Evaluating Digital Worksheets with Interactive Programming Exercises for K-12 Education. Proceedings of the 2019 IEEE Frontiers in Education Conference (FIE). IEEE (2019).
  • 4.
    Matthies, C.: Agile Process Improvement in Retrospectives. 2019 IEEE/ACM 41st International Conference on Software Engineering: Companion Proceedings (ICSE-Companion). pp. 150–152. IEEE (2019).
  • 5.
    De Paula, D., Dobrigkeit, F., Cormican, K.: Doing it Right - Critical Success Factors for Design Thinking Implementation. 1, 3851–3860 (2019).
  • 6.
    Kossmann, J., Schlosser, R.: A Framework for Self-Managing Database Systems. 2019 IEEE 35th International Conference on Data Engineering Workshops (ICDEW). pp. 100–106 (2019).
  • 7.
    Dobrigkeit, F., de Paula, D.: Design thinking in practice: understanding manifestations of design thinking in software engineering. Proceedings of the 2019 27th ACM Joint Meeting on European Software Engineering Conference and Symposium on the Foundations of Software Engineering - ESEC/FSE 2019. pp. 1059–1069. ACM Press, Tallinn, Estonia (2019).
  • 8.
    Matthies, C.: Feedback in Scrum: Data-Informed Retrospectives. 2019 IEEE/ACM 41st International Conference on Software Engineering: Companion Proceedings (ICSE-Companion). pp. 198–201. IEEE (2019).
  • 9.
    Matthies, C., Huegle, J., Dürschmid, T., Teusner, R.: Attitudes, Beliefs, and Development Data Concerning Agile Software Development Practices. 2019 IEEE/ACM 41st International Conference on Software Engineering: Software Engineering Education and Training (ICSE-SEET). pp. 158–169. IEEE (2019).
  • 10.
    Dreseler, M.: Storing STL Containers on NVM. Persistent Programming in Real Life (2019).
  • 11.
    Schlosser, R., Richly, K.: Dynamic Pricing Competition with Unobservable Inventory Levels: A Hidden Markov Model Approach. Communications in Computer and Information Science. pp. 15–36. Springer (2019).
  • 12.
    Grasnick, B., Perscheid, C., Uflacker, M.: A Framework for the Automatic Combination and Evaluation of Gene Selection Methods. In: Fdez-Riverola, F., Mohamad, M.S., Rocha, M., Paz, J.F.D., and González, P. (eds.) 12th International Conference on Practical Applications of Computational Biology and Bioinformatics (PACBB) 2018. Springer (2019).
  • 13.
    Perscheid, C., Uflacker, M.: Integrating Biological Context into the Analysis of Gene Expression Data. In: Rodríguez, S., Prieto, J., Faria, P., Kłos, S., Fernández, A., Mazuelas, S., Jiménez-López, M.D., Moreno, M.N., and Navarro, E.M. (eds.) Distributed Computing and Artificial Intelligence, Special Sessions, 15th International Conference. pp. 339–343. Springer International Publishing, Cham (2019).
  • 14.
    Schlosser, R.: Data-Driven Stochastic Dynamic Pricing and Ordering. Operations Research Proceedings 2018. pp. 397–403 (2019).
  • 15.
    Schlosser, R., Walther, C., Boissier, M., Uflacker, M.: Automated Repricing and Ordering Strategies in Competitive Markets. AI Communications. 32, 15–29 (2019).
  • 16.
    Schlosser, R.: Stochastic Dynamic Pricing with Strategic Customers and Reference Price Effects. 8th International Conference on Operations Research and Enterprise Systems, ICORES 2019. pp. 179–188 (2019).
  • 17.
    Schmidt, C., Uflacker, M.: Workload-Driven Data Placement for GPU-Accelerated Database Management Systems. Datenbanksysteme für Business, Technologie und Web BTW 2019, 18. Fachtagung des GI-Fachbereichs ,,Datenbanken und Informationssysteme" (DBIS), 4.-8. März 2019, Rostock, Germany, Workshopband (2019).
  • 18.
    Halfpap, S., Schlosser, R.: A Comparison of Allocation Algorithms for Partially Replicated Databases. IEEE 35th International Conference on Data Engineering (ICDE 2019). pp. 2008–2011 (2019).
  • 19.
    Halfpap, S., Schlosser, R.: Workload-Driven Fragment Allocation for Partially Replicated Databases Using Linear Programming. IEEE 35th International Conference on Data Engineering (ICDE 2019). pp. 1746–1749 (2019).
  • 20.
    Richly, K.: Optimized Spatio-Temporal Data Structures for Hybrid Transactional and Analytical Workloads on Columnar In-Memory Databases. Proceedings of the VLDB 2019 PhD Workshop, co-located with the 45th International Conference on Very Large Databases (VLDB 2019). (2019).
  • 21.
    Boissier, M., Jendruk, M.: Workload-Driven and Robust Selection of Compression Schemes for Column Stores. 22nd International Conference on Extending Database Technology, EDBT. pp. 674–677 (2019).
  • 22.
    Matthies, C., Dobrigkeit, F., Hesse, G.: An Additional Set of (Automated) Eyes: Chatbots for Agile Retrospectives. IEEE/ACM International Workshop on Bots in Software Engineering (BotSE). pp. 34–37. IEEE (2019).
  • 23.
    Schlosser, R., Kossmann, J., Boissier, M.: Efficient Scalable Multi-Attribute Index Selection Using Recursive Strategies. 35th IEEE International Conference on Data Engineering, ICDE. pp. 1238–1249. IEEE (2019).
  • 24.
    Klauck, S., Plauth, M., Knebel, S., Strobl, M., Santry, D., Eggert, L.: Eliminating the Bandwidth Bottleneck of Central Query Dispatching Through TCP Connection Hand-Over. Datenbanksysteme für Business, Technologie und Web (BTW), 18. Fachtagung des GI-Fachbereichs "Datenbanken und Informationssysteme" (DBIS). pp. 97–106 (2019).
  • 25.
    Halfpap, S.: Efficient Scale-Out Using Query-Driven Workload Distribution and Fragment Allocation. Proceedings of the VLDB 2019 PhD Workshop co-located with the 45th International Conference on Very Large Databases (VLDB 2019) (2019).
  • 26.
    Matthies, C., Hesse, G.: Towards Using Data to Inform Decisions in Agile Software Development: Views of Available Data. International Conference on Software Technologies (ICSOFT). pp. 552–559. SciTePress (2019).
  • 27.
    Hesse, G., Sinzig, W., Matthies, C., Uflacker, M.: Application of Data Stream Processing Technologies in Industry 4.0: What is Missing?. International Conference on Data Science, Technology and Applications (DATA). pp. 304–310. SciTePress (2019).
  • 28.
    Schlosser, R., Richly, K.: Dynamic Pricing under Competition with Data-Driven Price Anticipations and Endogenous Reference Price Effects. Journal of Revenue & Pricing Management. 18, 451–464 (2019).
  • 29.
    Schmidt, C., Huegle, J., Bode, P., Uflacker, M.: Load-Balanced Parallel Constraint-Based Causal Structure Learning on Multi-Core Systems for High-Dimensional Data. SIGKDD Workshop on Causal Discovery. pp. 59–77 (2019).
  • 30.
    Hesse, G., Matthies, C., Sinzig, W., Uflacker, M.: Adding Value by Combining Business and Sensor Data: An Industry 4.0 Use Case. In: Li, G., Yang, J., Gama, J., Natwichai, J., and Tong, Y. (eds.) International Conference on Database Systems for Advanced Applications (DASFAA). pp. 528–532. Springer International Publishing (2019).
  • 31.
    Matthies, C., Dobrigkeit, F., Ernst, A.: Counteracting Agile Retrospective Problems with Retrospective Activities. In: Walker, A., O’Connor, R.V., and Messnarz, R. (eds.) Systems, Software and Services Process Improvement. EuroSPI 2019. Communications in Computer and Information Science. pp. 532–545. Springer International Publishing (2019).


  • 1.
    Schlosser, R., Walther, C., Boissier, M., Uflacker, M.: Data-Driven Inventory Management and Dynamic Pricing Competition on Online Marketplaces. Proceedings of the International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence (IJCAI 2018). pp. 5856–5858 (2018).
  • 2.
    Richly, K.: Leveraging Spatio-Temporal Soccer Data to Define a Graphical Query Language for Game Recordings. 2018 IEEE International Conference on Big Data (Big Data). pp. 3456–3463. IEEE (2018).
  • 3.
    Hiller, J., Kimmerlin, M., Plauth, M., Heikkila, S., Klauck, S., Lindfors, V., Eberhardt, F., Bursztynowski, D., Santos, J.L., Hohlfeld, O., Wehrle, K.: Giving Customers Control over Their Data: Integrating a Policy Language into the Cloud. 2018 IEEE International Conference on Cloud Engineering (IC2E) (2018).
  • 4.
    Dreseler, M., Kossmann, J., Frohnhofen, J., Uflacker, M., Plattner, H.: Fused Table Scans: Combining AVX-512 and JIT to Double the Performance of Multi-Predicate Scans. Joint Workshop of HardBD (International Workshop on Big Data Management on Emerging Hardware) and Active (Workshop on Data Management on Virtualized Active Systems), in conjunction with ICDE (2018).
  • 5.
    Matthies, C., Teusner, R., Hesse, G.: Beyond Surveys: Analyzing Software Development Artifacts to Assess Teaching Efforts. IEEE Frontiers in Education Conference (FIE). pp. 1–9 (2018).
  • 6.
    Teusner, R., Hille, T., Staubitz, T.: Effects of Automated Interventions in Programming Assignments: Evidence from a Field Experiment. L@S 2018: Fifth Annual ACM Conference on Learning at Scale (2018).
  • 7.
    Kossmann, J.: Self-Driving: From General Purpose to Specialized DBMSs. Proceedings of the VLDB 2018 PhD Workshop co-located with the 44th International Conference on Very Large Databases (VLDB 2018), Rio de Janeiro, Brasil, Aug 27-31, 2018 (2018).
  • 8.
    Richly, K.: A survey on trajectory data management for hybrid transactional and analytical workloads. 2018 IEEE International Conference on Big Data (Big Data). pp. 562–569. IEEE (2018).
  • 9.
    Dobrigkeit, F., de Paula, D., Uflacker, M.: Breaks with a Purpose. Design Thinking Research. pp. 59–76. Springer (2018).
  • 10.
    Boissier, M., Schlosser, R., Uflacker, M.: Hybrid Data Layouts for Tiered HTAP Databases with Pareto-Optimal Data Placements. 34th IEEE International Conference on Data Engineering, ICDE. pp. 209–220 (2018).
  • 11.
    Dobrigkeit, F., de Paula, D., Uflacker, M.: InnoDev - A Software Development Methodology Integrating Design Thinking, Scrum and Lean Startup. In: Plattner, H., Meinel, C., and Leifer, L. (eds.) Design Thinking - Research Looking Further: Design Thinking Beyond Solution-Fixation. pp. 199–228. Springer (2018).
  • 12.
  • 13.
    Teusner, R., Hille, T.: On the Impact of Programming Exercise Descriptions. Proceedings of the 2018 Learning With MOOCS (LWMOOCS2018). pp. 51–54. IEEE (2018).
  • 14.
    Dobrigkeit, F., Wilson, M., Nicolai, C., others: Adding Scrum-style project management to an advanced Design Thinking class. DS 91: Proceedings of NordDesign 2018, Linköping, Sweden, 14th-17th August 2018. (2018).
  • 15.
    Perscheid, C., Faber, L., Kraus, M., Arndt, P., Janke, M., Rehfeldt, S., Schubotz, A., Slosarek, T., Uflacker, M.: A Tissue-aware Gene Selection Approach for Analyzing Multi-tissue Gene Expression Data. The 9th Workshop on Integrative Data Analysis in Systems Biology (IDASB), IEEE International Conference on Bioinformatics and Biomedicine (BIBM) (2018).
  • 16.
    Perscheid, C., Grasnick, B., Uflacker, M.: Integrative Gene Selection on Gene Expression Data: Providing Biological Context to Traditional Approaches. Journal of Integrative Bioinformatics. (2018).
  • 17.
    Schlosser, R., Richly, K.: Dynamic Pricing Strategies in a Finite Horizon Duopoly with Partial Information. 7th International Conference on Operations Research and Enterprise Systems, ICORES 2018. pp. 21–30 (2018).
  • 18.
    Schlosser, R.: Stochastic Dynamic Multi-Product Pricing under Competition. Operations Research Proceedings 2017. pp. 527–533 (2018).
  • 19.
    Schmidt, C., Huegle, J., Uflacker, M.: Order-independent constraint-based causal structure learning for gaussian distribution models using GPUs. SSDBM ’18 Proceedings of the 30th International Conference on Scientific and Statistical Database Management. pp. 19:1–19:10. ACM, New York, NY, USA (2018).
  • 20.
    Ruhrländer, R.P., Boissier, M., Uflacker, M.: Improving Box Office Result Predictions for Movies Using Consumer-Centric Models. Proceedings of the 24th ACM SIGKDD International Conference on Knowledge Discovery & Data Mining, KDD. pp. 655–664 (2018).
  • 21.
    Schlosser, R., Boissier, M.: Dealing with the Dimensionality Curse in Dynamic Pricing Competition: Using Frequent Repricing to Compensate Imperfect Market Anticipations. Computers and Operations Research. 100, 26–42 (2018).
  • 22.
    Paula, D. de, Dobrigkeit, F., Cormican, K., others: From team collaboration to product success-the domino effect of design thinking. DS 91: Proceedings of NordDesign 2018, Linköping, Sweden, 14th-17th August 2018. (2018).
  • 23.
    Matthies, C.: Scrum2Kanban: Integrating Kanban and Scrum in a University Software Engineering Capstone Course. Proceedings of the 2nd International Workshop on Software Engineering Education for Millennials. pp. 48–55. ACM, New York, NY, USA (2018).
  • 24.
    Menning, A., Grasnick, B.M., Ewald, B., Dobrigkeit, F., Nicolai, C.: Verbal focus shifts: Forms of low coherent statements in design conversations. Design Studies. 57, 135–155 (2018).
  • 25.
    Schlosser, R., Boissier, M.: Optimal Repricing Strategies in a Stochastic Infinite Horizon Duopoly. Communications in Computer and Information Science (CCIS). pp. 129–150. Springer (2018).
  • 26.
    Podlesny, N.J., Kayem, A.V.D.M., von Schorlemer, S., Uflacker, M.: Minimising Information Loss on Anonymised High Dimensional Data with Greedy In-Memory Processing. 29th International Conference on Database and Expert Systems Applications - DEXA 2018 (2018).
  • 27.
    Schlosser, R., Boissier, M.: Dynamic Pricing under Competition on Online Marketplaces: A Data-Driven Approach. Proceedings of the 24th ACM SIGKDD International Conference on Knowledge Discovery & Data Mining, KDD. pp. 705–714 (2018).
  • 28.
    Dreseler, M., Gasda, T., Kossmann, J., Uflacker, M., Plattner, H.: Adaptive Access Path Selection for Hardware-Accelerated DRAM Loads. Australasian Database Conference (ADC) (2018).
  • 29.
    Schmidt, C., Dreseler, M., Akin, B., Roy, A.: A Case for Hardware-Supported Sub-Cache Line Accesses. Data Management on New Hardware (DaMoN), in conjunction with SIGMOD (2018).
  • 30.
    Hesse, G., Reissaus, B., Matthies, C., Lorenz, M., Kraus, M., Uflacker, M.: Senska - Towards an Enterprise Streaming Benchmark. TPC Technology Conference (TPCTC). pp. 25–40. , Cham (2018).
  • 31.
    Boissier, M., Kurzynski, D.: Workload-Driven Horizontal Partitioning and Partition Pruning for Large HTAP Systems. 2018 IEEE 34th International Conference on Data Engineering Workshops. pp. 116–121 (2018).
  • 32.
    Perscheid, C., Benzler, J., Hermann, C., Janke, M., Moyer, D., Laedtke, T., Adeoye, O., Denecke, K., Kirchner, G., Beerman, S., Schwarz, N., Tom-Aba, D., Krause, G.: Ebola Outbreak Containment: Real-Time Task and Resource Coordination With SORMAS. Frontiers in ICT. 5, 7 (2018).
  • 33.
    Teusner, R., Matthies, C., Staubitz, T.: What Stays in Mind? - Retention Rates in Programming MOOCs. 2018 IEEE Frontiers in Education Conference (FIE) (2018).
  • 34.
    Kossmann, J., Dreseler, M., Gasda, T., Uflacker, M., Plattner, H.: Visual Evaluation of SQL Plan Cache Algorithms. Australasian Database Conference (ADC) (2018).
  • 35.
    Boissier, M.: Reducing the Footprint of Main Memory HTAP Systems: Removing, Compressing, Tiering, and Ignoring Data. PhD Workshop at VLDB. CEUR-WS.org (2018).


  • 1.
    Folkerts, H., Neves, M.: Olelo’s named-entity recognition web service in the BeCalm TIPS task. BeCalm Workshop (2017).
  • 2.
    Staubitz, T., Teusner, R., Meinel, C.: Towards a Repository for Open Auto-Gradable Programming Exercises. 2017 IEEE International Conference on Teaching, Assessment, and Learning for Engineering (TALE) (2017).
  • 3.
    Zimmermann, T., Djürken, T., Mayer, A., Janke, M., Boissier, M., Schwarz, C., Schlosser, R., Uflacker, M.: Detecting Fraudulent Advertisements on a Large E-Commerce Platform. Proceedings of the Nineteenth International Workshop on Data Warehousing and OLAP, DOLAP, Venice, Italy, March 21, 2017 (2017).
  • 4.
    Schwarz, C., Schmidt, C.: Interactive Product Cost Simulation on Coprocessors. HPI Future SOC Lab: Proceedings 2015. pp. 103–107 (2017).
  • 5.
    Lorenz, M., Rudolph, J.-P., Hesse, G., Uflacker, M., Plattner, H.: Object-Relational Mapping Revisited - A Quantitative Study on the Impact of Database Technology on O/R Mapping Strategies. Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences (HICSS). pp. 4877–4886 (2017).
  • 6.
    Menning, A., Grasnick, B.M., Ewald, B., Dobrigkeit, F., Nicolai, C.: Combining computational and human analysis to study low coherence in design conversations. Analysing Design Thinking: Studies of Cross-Cultural Co-Creation. 291 (2017).
  • 7.
    Menning, A., Grasnick, B.M., Ewald, B., Dobrigkeit, F., Nicolai: Combining Computational and Human Analysis to Study Low Coherence in Design Conversations. In: Christensen, B.T., Ball, L.J., and Halskov, K. (eds.) Analysing Design Thinking: Studies of Cross-Cultural Co-Creation. pp. 291–309. CRC Press, Leiden,The Netherlands : {CRC} Press/Balkema, [2017] (2017).
  • 8.
    Staubitz, T., Teusner, R., Meinel, C.: openHPI’s Coding Tool Family: CodeOcean, CodeHarbor, CodePilot. Automatische Bewertung von Programmieraufgaben (ABP) (2017).
  • 9.
    Teusner, R., Wittstruck, N., Staubitz, T.: Video Conferencing as a Peephole to MOOC Participants. 2017 IEEE International Conference on Teaching, Assessment, and Learning for Engineering (TALE). IEEE (2017).
  • 10.
    Schlosser, R., Boissier, M.: Optimal Price Reaction Strategies in the Presence of Active and Passive Competitors. Proceedings of the 6th International Conference on Operations Research and Enterprise Systems (ICORES), Porto, Portugal. pp. 47–56 (2017).
  • 11.
    Teusner, R., Hille, T., Hagedorn, C.: Aspects on Finding the Optimal Practical Programming Exercise for MOOCs. Proceedings of the 47th Annual Frontiers in Education (FIE) Conference. IEEE (2017).
  • 12.
    Treffer, A., Uflacker, M.: Back-in-Time Debugging in Heterogeneous Software Stacks. 2017 IEEE International Symposium on Software Reliability Engineering Workshops (ISSREW). IEEE (2017).
  • 13.
    Dobrigkeit, F., de Paula, D.F.O.: The Best Of Three Worlds - The Creation Of InnoDev a Software Development Approach that Integrates Design Thinking, Scrum and Lean Startup. Proceedings of the 21st International Conference on Engineering Design (ICED17), Vol. 8: Human Behaviour in Design. pp. 319–328. , Vvancouver, Canada (2017).
  • 14.
    Treffer, A., Perscheid, M., Uflacker, M.: Bringing back-in-time debugging down to the database. 2017 IEEE 24th International Conference on Software Analysis, Evolution and Reengineering (SANER). IEEE (2017).
  • 15.
    Teusner, R., Rollmann, K.-A., Renz, J.: Taking Informed Action on Student Activity in MOOCs. Proceedings of the Fourth (2017) ACM Conference on Learning @ Scale. pp. 149–152. ACM, New York, NY, USA (2017).
  • 16.
    Matthies, C., Treffer, A., Uflacker, M.: Prof. CI: Employing Continuous Integration Services and GitHub Workflows to Teach Test-Driven Development. 2017 IEEE Frontiers in Education Conference (FIE). pp. 1–8 (2017).
  • 17.
    Schlosser, R.: Stochastic Dynamic Pricing and Advertising in Isoelastic Oligopoly Models. European Journal of Operational Research. 259, 1144–1155 (2017).
  • 18.
    Uflacker, M., Schlosser, R., Meinel, C.: Ertragsmanagement im Wandel - Potentiale der In-Memory Technologie. In: Gläß, R. and Leukert, B. (eds.) Handel 4.0: Die Digitalisierung des Handels. Strategien, Technologien, Transformation. pp. 177–190. Springer Gabler (2017).
  • 19.
    Richly, K., Moritz, F., Schwarz, C.: Utilizing Artificial Neural Networks to Detect Compound Events in Spatio-Temporal Soccer Data. SIGKDD’17 Workshop on Mining and Learning from Time Series (MiLeTS) (2017).
  • 20.
    Kraus, M., Niedermeier, J., Jankrift, M., Tietboehl, S., Stachewicz, T., Folkerts, H., Uflacker, M., Neves, M.: Olelo: a web application for intuitive exploration of biomedical literature. Nucleic acids research. (2017).
  • 21.
    Boissier, M., Spivak, A., Meyer, C.: Improving Materialization for Tiered Column Stores: A Workload-Aware Ansatz Based on Table Reordering. ACSW ’17 Proceedings of the Australasian Computer Science Week Multiconference, ACSW ’17. pp. 25:1–25:10. ACM, New York, NY, USA (2017).
  • 22.
    Serth, S., Podlesny, N., Bornstein, M., Lindemann, J., Latt, J., Selke, J., Schlosser, R., Boissier, M., Uflacker, M.: An Interactive Platform to Simulate Dynamic Pricing Competition on Online Marketplaces. 21st IEEE International Enterprise Distributed Object Computing Conference, EDOC 2017, Quebec City, QC, Canada, October 10-13, 2017. pp. 61–66. IEEE (2017).
  • 23.
    Boissier, M., Schlosser, R., Podlesny, N., Serth, S., Bornstein, M., Latt, J., Lindemann, J., Selke, J., Uflacker, M.: Data-Driven Repricing Strategies in Competitive Markets: An Interactive Simulation Platform. Proceedings of the Eleventh ACM Conference on Recommender Systems (RecSys ’17). pp. 355–357. ACM, New York, NY, USA (2017).
  • 24.
    Schapranow, M.-P., Brauer, J., Plattner, H.: The Data Donation Pass: Enabling Sovereign Control of Personal Healthcare Data. Proceedings of the World Congress in Computer Science, Computer Engineering, and Applied Computing. CSCE (2017).
  • 25.
    Dreseler, M., Kissinger, T., Djürken, T., Eric, L., Uflacker, M., Habich, D., Plattner, H., Lehner, W.: Hardware-Accelerated Memory Operations on Large-Scale NUMA Systems. Eighth International Workshop on Accelerating Analytics and Data Management Systems Using Modern Processor and Storage Architectures (ADMS), in conjunction with VLDB (2017).
  • 26.
    Neves, M., Folkerts, H., Jankrift, M., Niedermeier, J., Stachewicz, T., Tietböhl, S., Kraus, M., Uflacker, M.: Olelo: A Question Answering Application for Biomedicine. ACL’17 Demo (2017).
  • 27.
    Kraus, M., Schapranow, M.-P.: An In-Memory Database Platform for Systems Medicine. Proceedings of the International Conference on Bioinformatics and Computational Biology. pp. 93–100. The International Society for Computers and Their Applications (ISCA) (2017).
  • 28.
    Hesse, G., Matthies, C., Reissaus, B., Uflacker, M.: A New Application Benchmark for Data Stream Processing Architectures in an Enterprise Context: Doctoral Symposium. ACM International Conference on Distributed and Event-based Systems (DEBS). pp. 359–362 (2017).
  • 29.
    Klauck, S.: Scalability, Availability, and Elasticity through Database Replication in Hyrise-R. Proceedings of the 4th HPI Cloud Symposium “Operating the Cloud” 2016. pp. 1–10 (2017).
  • 30.
    Neves, M.: A parallel collection of clinical trials in Portuguese and English. 10th Workshop on Building and Using Comparable Corpora (BUCC) at ACL’17 (2017).
  • 31.
    Neves, M., Eckert, F., Folkerts, H., Uflacker, M.: Assessing the performance of Olelo, a real-time biomedical question answering application. Biomedical Natural Language Processing (BioNLP) Workshop at ACL’17 (2017).
  • 32.
    Schapranow, M.-P.: Die digitale Transformation mitgestalten — Der Datenspendeausweis: Souveräner Umgang mit persönlichen Gesundheitsdaten. Plattform Life Sciences. 38–39 (2017).
  • 33.
    Habibi, M., Weber, L., Neves, M., Wiegandt, D., Leser, U.: Deep Learning with Word Embeddings improves Biomedical Named Entity Recognition. ISMB/ECCB (2017).
  • 34.
    Wiese, G., Weissenborn, D., Neves, M.: Neural Question Answering at BioASQ 5B. Biomedical Natural Language Processing (BioNLP) Workshop at ACL’17. (2017).
  • 35.
    Teusner, R., Matthies, C., Giese, P.: Should I Bug You? Identifying Domain Experts in Software Projects Using Code Complexity Metrics. 2017 IEEE International Conference on Software Quality, Reliability and Security (QRS). pp. 418–425 (2017).
  • 36.
    Seiffert, M., Holstein, F., Schlosser, R., Schiller, J.: Next Generation Cooperate Wearables: Generalized Activity Assessment Computed Fully Distributed Within a Wireless Body Area Network. IEEE Access Journal. 5, 16793–16807 (2017).


  • 1.
    Neves, M., Yepes, A.J., Névéol, A.: The Scielo Corpus: a Parallel Corpus of Scientific Publications for Biomedicine. Proceedings of the Tenth International Conference on Language Resources and Evaluation (LREC 2016). European Language Resources Association (ELRA) (2016).
  • 2.
    Matthies, C., Kowark, T., Uflacker, M., Plattner, H.: Agile Metrics for a University Software Engineering Course. 2016 IEEE Frontiers in Education Conference (FIE). pp. 1–5. IEEE (2016).
  • 3.
    Richly, K., Bothe, M., Rohloff, T., Schwarz, C.: Recognizing Compound Events in Spatio-Temporal Football Data. International Conference on Internet of Things and Big Data (IoTBD) (2016).
  • 4.
    Schapranow, M.-P.: Die In-Memory-Technologie in der personalisierten Medizin, https://news.sap.com/germany/die-in-memory-technologie-in-der-personalisierten-medizin/, (2016).
  • 5.
    Schulze, F., Neves, M.: Entity-Supported Summarization of Biomedical Abstracts. Fifth Workshop on Building and Evaluating Resources for Biomedical Text Mining at the 26th International Conference on Computational Linguistics (Coling) (2016).
  • 6.
    Kowark, T., Matthies, C., Uflacker, M., Plattner, H.: Lightweight Collection and Storage of Software Repository Data with DataRover. Proceedings of the 31st IEEE/ACM International Conference on Automated Software Engineering. pp. 810–815. ACM, New York, NY, USA (2016).
  • 7.
    Neves, M., Kraus, M.: BioMedLAT Corpus: Annotation of the Lexical Answer Type for Biomedical Questions. OKBQA 2016. p. 49 (2016).
  • 8.
    Cruz, H.F.D., Grasnick, B., Dinger, H., Bier, F., Meinel, C.: Early Detection of Acute Kidney Injury with Bayesian Networks. Proceedings of the 7th International Symposium on Semantic Mining in Biomedicine. pp. 29–36 (2016).
  • 9.
    Bojar, O., Chatterjee, R., Federmann, C., Graham, Y., Haddow, B., Huck, M., Yepes, A.J., Koehn, P., Logacheva, V., Monz, C., Negri, M., Neveol, A., Neves, M., Popel, M., Post, M., Rubino, R., Scarton, C., Specia, L., Turchi, M., Verspoor, K., Zampieri, M.: Findings of the 2016 Conference on Machine Translation. Proceedings of the First Conference on Machine Translation (WMT16) at the Conference of the Association of Computational Linguistics. pp. 131–198 (2016).
  • 10.
    Rueckert, L.: Real-time Exploration of Healthcare Data using In-Memory Database Technology, (2016).
  • 11.
    Faust, M., Boissier, M., Keller, M., Schwalb, D., Bischoff, H., Eisenreich, K., Färber, F., Plattner, H.: Footprint Reduction and Uniqueness Enforcement with Hash Indices in SAP HANA. Database and Expert Systems Applications: 27th International Conference, DEXA 2016, Porto, Portugal, September 5-8, 2016, Proceedings, Part II. pp. 137–151 (2016).
  • 12.
    Postel, M.: Geographical Exploration of Key Performance Indicators for Elderly Care Planning, (2016).
  • 13.
    Dobrigkeit, F., Meyer, S., Uflacker, M.: Case Studies on End-User Engagement and Prototyping during Software Development. In: Plattner, H., Meinel, C., and Leifer, L. (eds.) Design Thinking Research. pp. 183–213. Springer International Publishing, Cham (2016).
  • 14.
    Haeger, F., Uflacker, M.: Time Management Practice in educational Design Thinking Projects. DS 85-2: Proceedings of NordDesign 2016, Volume 2. pp. 319–328. , Trondheim, Norway (2016).
  • 15.
    Horschig, F.: Prediction of Health Research Data using In-Memory Database Technology. (2016).
  • 16.
    Lindemann, J., Klauck, S., Schwalb, D.: A Scalable Query Dispatcher for Hyrise-R. Proceedings of the 3rd HPI Cloud Symposium “Operating the Cloud” 2015. pp. 25–32 (2016).
  • 17.
    Schulze, F., Schüler, R., Draeger, T., Dummer, D., Ernst, A., Flemming, P., Perscheid, C., Neves, M.: HPI Question Answering System in BioASQ 2016. Proceedings of the Fourth BioASQ workshop at the Conference of the Association for Computational Linguistics. pp. 38–44 (2016).
  • 18.
    Schapranow, M.-P., Uflacker, M., Sariyar, M., Semler, S., Fichte, J., Schielke, D., Ekinci, K., Zahn, T.: Towards An Integrated Health Research Process: A Cloud-based Approach. Proceedings of IEEE International Conference on Big Data. pp. 2813–2818. IEEE (2016).
  • 19.
    Schwalb, D., Faust, M., Dreseler, M., Flemming, P., Plattner, H.: Hyrise-NV: Leveraging Non-Volatile Memory for Instant Restarts of In-Memory Database Systems. International Conference on Data Engineering (ICDE) (2016).
  • 20.
    Boissier, M., Djürken, T., Schlosser, R., Faust, M.: A Cost-Aware and Workload-Based Index Advisor for Columnar In-Memory Databases. 22nd International Conference, ICIST 2016, Druskininkai, Lithuania, October 13-15, 2016, Proceedings, CCIS 639. pp. 285–299 (2016).
  • 21.
    Kowark, T., Richly, K., Uflacker, M., Plattner, H.: Incremental, Per-Query Ontology Matching with RepMine. 25th International World Wide Web Conference (WWW), Demo Track, Montreal, Canada (2016).
  • 22.
    Grundke, M., Jasper, J., Perchyk, M., Sachse, J., Krestel, R., Neves, M.: TextAI: Enhancing TextAE with Intelligent Annotation Support. Proceedings of the Seventh International Symposium on Semantic Mining for Biomedicine (SMBM). pp. 80–84 (2016).
  • 23.
    Richly, K., Teusner, R.: Where is the Money Made? An Interactive Visualization of Profitable Areas in New York City. The 2nd EAI International Conference on IoT in Urban Space (Urb-IoT) (2016).
  • 24.
    Meyer, S., Haeger, F., Uflacker, M.: Enhancing Early Mobile Prototype Testing: Requirements Analysis through Interviews and a System Design. (2016).
  • 25.
    Richly, K., Lorenz, M., Oergel, S.: S4J - Integrating SQL into Java at Compiler-Level. To appear in Information and Software Technologies - 22st International Conference, ICIST 2016, Proceedings (Springer - Communications in Computer and Information Science) (2016).
  • 26.
    Matthies, C., Kowark, T., Richly, K., Uflacker, M., Plattner, H.: How Surveys, Tutors, and Software Help to Assess Scrum Adoption in a Classroom Software Engineering Project. Proceedings of the 38th International Conference on Software Engineering Companion. pp. 313–322. ACM, New York, NY, USA (2016).
  • 27.
    Treffer, A., Uflacker, M.: The Slice Navigator: Focused Debugging with Interactive Dynamic Slicing. Proceedings of the 7th IEEE International Workshop on Program Debugging. pp. 1–6. IEEE, New York, NY, USA (2016).
  • 28.
    Schlosser, R.: Stochastic Dynamic Multi-Product Pricing with Dynamic Advertising and Adoption Effects. Journal of Revenue and Pricing Management. 15, 153–169 (2016).
  • 29.
    Matthies, C., Kowark, T., Richly, K., Uflacker, M., Plattner, H.: ScrumLint: Identifying Violations of Agile Practices Using Development Artifacts. Proceedings of the 9th International Workshop on Cooperative and Human Aspects of Software Engineering. pp. 40–43. ACM, New York, NY, USA (2016).
  • 30.
    Schapranow, M.-P., Kraus, M., Danner, M., Plattner, H.: IMDBfs: Bridging the Gap between In-Memory Database Technology and File-Based Tools for Life Sciences. Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Bioinformatics and Biomedicine. pp. 1133–1139. IEEE (2016).
  • 31.
    Schwarz, C., Schmidt, C., Hopstock, M., Sinzig, W., Plattner, H.: Efficient Calculation and Simulation of Product Cost Leveraging In-Memory Technology and Coprocessors. The Sixth International Conference on Business Intelligence and Technology (BUSTECH 2016) (2016).
  • 32.
    Boissier, M., Meyer, C., Djürken, T., Lindemann, J., Mao, K., Reinhardt, P., Specht, T., Zimmermann, T., Uflacker, M.: Analyzing Data Relevance and Access Patterns of Live Production Database Systems. Proceedings of the 25th ACM International on Conference on Information and Knowledge Management, CIKM 2016. pp. 2473–2475. ACM, New York, NY, USA (2016).
  • 33.
    Schapranow, M.-P.: Datenspendeausweis für ­Bürger: Ein Plädoyer für mündige Patienten, die die eigenen Gesundheitsdaten am besten verstehen. Management & Krankenhaus. (2016).
  • 34.
    Schlosser, R., Boissier, M., Schober, A., Uflacker, M.: How To Survive Dynamic Pricing Competition in E-commerce. Proceedings of the Poster Track of the 10th ACM Conference on Recommender Systems (RecSys 2016), Boston, USA, September 17, 2016 (2016).
  • 35.
    Schlosser, R.: Joint Stochastic Dynamic Pricing and Advertising with Time-Dependent Demand. Journal of Economic Dynamics and Control. 73, 439–452 (2016).
  • 36.
    Lorenz, M., Hesse, G., Rudolph, J.-P.: Object-relational Mapping Revised - Guideline Review and Consolidation. International Joint Conference on Software Technologies (ICSOFT). pp. 157–168 (2016).
  • 37.
    Matthies, C., Kowark, T., Uflacker, M.: Teaching Agile the Agile Way — Employing Self-Organizing Teams in a University Software Engineering Course. 2016 American Society for Engineering Education (ASEE) International Forum (2016).
  • 38.
    Meyer, S., Haeger, F., Uflacker, M.: FINDING THE APPROPRIATE TEST CONTEXT FOR MOBILE APPLICATION PROTOTYPES-A DECISION MODEL BASED ON A CASE STUDY. DS 84: Proceedings of the DESIGN 2016 14th International Design Conference (2016).
  • 39.
    Schwalb, D., Bk, G.K., Dreseler, M., S, A., Faust, M., Hohl, A., Berning, T., Makkar, G., Plattner, H., Deshmukh, P.: Hyrise-NV: Instant Recovery for In-Memory Databases using Non-Volatile Memory. International Conference on Database Systems for Advanced Applications (DASFAA) (2016).


  • 1.
    Haeger, F., Kowark, T., Uflacker, M.: Experience and Knowledge Transfer Through Special Topic Coaching Sessions. In: Plattner, H., Meinel, C., and Leifer, L. (eds.) Design Thinking Research - Making Design Thinking Foundational. pp. 187–201 (2015).
  • 2.
    Goel, A., Pound, J., Auch, N., Bumbulis, P., MacLean, S., Färber, F., Gropengiesser, F., Mathis, C., Bodner, T., Lehner, W.: Towards Scalable Real-time Analytics: An Architecture for Scale-out of OLXP Workloads. Proceedings of the VLDB Endowment. (2015).
  • 3.
    Schapranow, M.-P., Kraus, M., Perscheid, C., Bock, C., Liedtke, F., Plattner, H.: The Medical Knowledge Cockpit: Real-time Analysis of Big Medical Data Enabling Precision Medicine. Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Bioinformatics and Biomedicine (BIBM). pp. 770–775 (2015).
  • 4.
    Lorenz, M.: The impact of column-orientation on the quality of class inheritance mapping specifications. Software Analysis, Evolution and Reengineering (SANER), 2015 IEEE 22nd International Conference on (2015).
  • 5.
    Mueller, S., Fritzsche, M., Kossmann, J., Schneider, M., Striebel, J., Baudisch, P.: Scotty: Relocating Physical Objects Across Distances Using Destructive Scanning, Encryption, and 3D Printing. TEI ’15 Proceedings of the Ninth International Conference on Tangible, Embedded, and Embodied Interaction. pp. 233–240 (2015).
  • 6.
    Boissier, M., Meyer, C., Uflacker, M., Tinnefeld, C.: And all of a sudden: Main Memory Is Less Expensive Than Disk. In: Rabl, T., Sachs, K., Poess, M., K. Baru, C., and Jacobsen, H.-A. (eds.) Big Data Benchmarking. pp. 132–144. Springer International Publishing (2015).
  • 7.
    Fähnrich, C., Denecke, K., Adeoye, O., Benzler, J., Claus, H., Kirchner, G., Mall, S., Richter, R., Schapranow, M.-P., Schwarz, N.G., Tom-Aba, D., Uflacker, M., Poggensee, G., Krause, G.: Surveillance and Outbreak Response Management System (SORMAS) to support the control of the Ebola virus disease outbreak in West Africa. Euro Surveillance. (2015).
  • 8.
    Schapranow, M.-P., Perscheid, C., Plattner, H.: IT-Aided Business Process Enabling Real-time Analysis of Candidates for Clinical Trials. Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Global Health Challenges. pp. 67–73. IARIA (2015).
  • 9.
    Teusner, R., Richly, K., Staubitz, T., Renz, J.: Enhancing Content between Iterations of a MOOC – Effects on Key Metrics. EMOOCs 2015: European MOOCs Stakeholder Summit. pp. 147–156 (2015).
  • 10.
    Kowark, T., Teusner, R., Richly, K., Plattner, H.: RepMine: A System for Transferrable Analyses of Collaboration Activities in Software Engineering. 2015 Workshop on Software Support for Collaborative and Global Software Engineering, In conjunction with the 30th IEEE/ACM International Conference on Automated Software Engineering (2015).
  • 11.
    Neves, M., Leser, U.: Question answering for biology. Methods. 74, 36–46 (2015).
  • 12.
    Faust, M., Flemming, P., Schwalb, D., Plattner, H.: Partitioned Bit-Packed Vectors for In-Memory-Column-Stores. IMDM 2015, In conjunction with VLDB 2015 Kohala Coast, Hawaii. (2015).
  • 13.
    Denecke, K., Mall, S., Fähnrich, C., Perscheid, C., Adeoye, O.O., Benzler, J., Claus, H., Kirchner, G., Richter, R., Schapranow, M.-P., Schwarz, N., Reigl, L., Tom-Aba, D., Gidado, S., Waziri, N.E., Uflacker, M., Krause, G., Poggensee, G.: „Surveillance and Outbreak Response Management and Analysis System (SORMAS)“ ermöglicht Kontrolle von Ebola-Infizierten in Westafrika. 10. Jahrestagung der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Epidemiologie (DGEpi) (2015).
  • 14.
    Schwalb, D., Berning, T., Faust, M., Dreseler, M., Plattner, H.: nvm_malloc: Memory Allocation for NVRAM. International Workshop on Accelerating Data Management Systems Using Modern Processor and Storage Architectures (ADMS), in Conjuction with VLDB (2015).
  • 15.
    Treffer, A.: Time-travel Queries for Omniscient Database Debuggers. Proceedings of the 9th Ph. D. Retreat of the HPI Research School on Service-oriented Systems Engineering. Hasso-Plattner-Institut, Potsdam, Germany (2015).
  • 16.
    Meyer, C., Boissier, M., Michaud, A., Vollmer, J.O., Taylor, K., Schwalb, D., Uflacker, M., Roedszus, K.: Dynamic and Transparent Data Tiering for In-Memory Databases in Mixed Workload Environments. International Workshop on Accelerating Data Management Systems Using Modern Processor and Storage Architectures - ADMS @ VLDB 2015 (2015).
  • 17.
    Schwalb, D., Kossmann, J., Faust, M., Klauck, S., Uflacker, M., Plattner, H.: Hyrise-R: Scale-out and Hot-Standby through Lazy Master Replication for Enterprise Applications. Proceedings of the 3rd VLDB Workshop on In-Memory Data Mangement and Analytics (IMDM), in conjunction with VLDB 2015 Kohala Coast, Hawaii (2015).
  • 18.
    Schlosser, R.: Dynamic Pricing and Advertising Models with Inventory Holding Costs. Journal of Economic Dynamics and Control. 57, 163–181 (2015).
  • 19.
    Schwalb, D., BK, G., Faust, M., S, A., Dreseler, M., Hohl, A., Berning, T., Makkar, G., Deshmukh, P.: Using non-volatile RAM for inherent persistence and fast recovery of an in-memory database. ACM Symposium on Cloud Computing (SoCC) (2015).
  • 20.
    Schapranow, M.-P., Perscheid, C., Wachsmann, A., Siegert, M., Bock, C., Horschig, F., Liedke, F., Brauer, J., Plattner, H.: A Federated In-Memory Database System For Life Sciences. Proceedings of the 9th International Workshop on Business Intelligence for the Real Time Enterprise (BIRTE) (2015).
  • 21.
    Klauck, S., Butzmann, L., Müller, S., Faust, M., Schwalb, D., Uflacker, M., Sinzig, W., Plattner, H.: Interactive, Flexible, and Generic What-If Analyses Using In-Memory Column Stores. Database Systems for Advanced Applications. pp. 488–497 (2015).
  • 22.
    Butzmann, L., Klauck, S., Mueller, S., Uflacker, M., Plattner, H., Sinzig, W.: Generic Business Simulation Using an In-Memory Column Store. Datenbanksysteme für Business, Technologie und Web (BTW), 16. Fachtagung des GI-Fachbereichs "Datenbanken und Informationssysteme" (DBIS). pp. 633–643 (2015).
  • 23.
    Schwalb, D., Dreseler, M., Uflacker, M., Plattner, H.: NVC-Hashmap: A Persistent and Concurrent Hashmap For Non-Volatile Memories. In-Memory Data Management Workshop (IMDM), in conjunction with VLDB (2015).
  • 24.
    Kowark, T., Plattner, H.: Search Space Reduction for Post-Matching Correspondence Provisioning. The 10th International Workshop on Ontology Matching, In Conjunction with the 14th International Semantic Web Conference (ISWC) (2015).
  • 25.
    Helmes, K., Schlosser, R.: Oligopoly Pricing and Advertising in Isoelastic Adoption Models. Dynamic Games and Applications. 5, 334–360 (2015).
  • 26.
    Hesse, G., Lorenz, M.: Conceptual Survey on Data Stream Processing Systems. IEEE International Conference on Parallel and Distributed Systems (ICPADS). 797–802 (2015).
  • 27.
    Neves, M.: HPI question answering system in the BioASQ 2015 challenge. In Working Notes for CLEF 2015 Conference, Toulouse, France (2015).
  • 28.
    Plattner, H., Mueller, S., Nica, A., Butzmann, L., Klauck, S.: Using Object-Awareness to Optimize Join Processing in the SAP HANA Aggregate Cache. Proceedings of the 18th International Conference on Extending Database Technology (EDBT), Brussels, Belgium (2015).
  • 29.
    Schlosser, R.: A Stochastic Dynamic Pricing and Advertising Model under Risk Aversion. Journal of Revenue and Pricing Management. 14, 451–468 (2015).
  • 30.
    Schlosser, R.: Dynamic Pricing with Time-Dependent Elasticities. Journal of Revenue and Pricing Management. 14, 365–383 (2015).
  • 31.
    Fähnrich, C., Schapranow, M.-P., Plattner, H.: Facing the Genome Data Deluge: Efficiently Identifying Genetic Variants with In-Memory Database Technology. Proceedings of the ACM Symposium on Applied Computing (2015).
  • 32.
    Plattner, H., Uflacker, M.: Eine Neue Welt. ManagementKompass In-Memory Analytics, Frankfurt Business Media. 15–19 (2015).
  • 33.
    Richly, K., Teusner, R., Immer, A., Windheuser, F., Wolf, L.: Optimizing Routes of Public Transportation Systems by Analyzing the Data of Taxi Rides. Workshop on Smart Cities and Urban Analytics, in conjunction with 23rd ACM International Conference on Advances in Geographic Information Systems (ACM SIGSPATIAL) (2015).


  • 1.
    Schaffner, J.: Workload Management and Data Placement. Springer International Publishing (2014).
  • 2.
    Neves, M.: HPI in-memory-based database system in Task 2b of BioASQ. Working Notes for the CLEF BioASQ Challenge (2014).
  • 3.
    Mueller, S., Butzmann, L., Plattner, H.: Efficient Aggregate Cache Revalidation in an In-Memory Column Store. The Sixth International Conference on Advances in Databases, Knowledge, and Data Applications (DBKDA), Chamonix, France (2014).
  • 4.
    Herbst, K., Fähnrich, C., Neves, M., Schapranow, M.-P.: Applying In-Memory Technology for Automatic Template Filling in the Clinical Domain. CLEF 2014 Evaluation Labs and Workshop, Online Working Notes (2014).
  • 5.
    Faust, M., Schwalb, D., Plattner, H.: Composite Group-Keys: Space-efficient Indexing of Multiple Columns for Compressed In-Memory Column Stores. IMDM in conjunction with VLDB (2014).
  • 6.
    Mueller, S., Plattner, H.: Aggregates Caching for Enterprise Applications. Proceedings of the 30th International Conference on Data Engineering (ICDE), PHD Symposium, Chicago, USA (2014).
  • 7.
    Schapranow, M.-P., Haeger, F., Fähnrich, C., Ziegler, E., Plattner, H.: In-Memory Computing Enabling Real-time Genome Data Analysis. International Journal on Advances in Life Sciences, Vol 6, Nr 1-2. (2014).
  • 8.
    Tinnefeld, C., Taschik, D., Plattner, H.: Quantifying the Elasticity of a Database Management System. The 6th International Conference on Advances in Databases, Knowledge, and Data Applications (DBKDA) (2014).
  • 9.
    Boissier, M.: Optimizing Main Memory Utilization of Columnar In-Memory Databases Using Data Eviction. Proceedings of Phd Workshop @ VLDB 2014, Hangzhou (2014).
  • 10.
    Plattner, H.: The Impact of Columnar In-Memory Databases on Enterprise Systems. Proceedings of the VLDB Endowment Volume 7 Issue 13, Hangzhou, China. pp. 1722–1729 (2014).
  • 11.
    Treffer, A.: Omniscient Debugging in Database Applications. Proceedings of the 8th Ph. D. Retreat of the HPI Research School on Service-oriented Systems Engineering. Hasso-Plattner-Institut, Potsdam, Germany (2014).
  • 12.
    Haeger, F., Kowark, T., Uflacker, M.: Pay it forward - Planning and Assessment of a Coaching Seminar for Global-Design Team Alumni. The 10th NordDesign Conference, Espoo, Finland (2014).
  • 13.
    Plattner, H., Schapranow, M.-P., Haeger, F.: Innovations for Personalized Medicine. High-Performance In-Memory Genome Data Analysis. pp. 1–27. Springer (2014).
  • 14.
    Teusner, R., Perscheid, M., Appeltauer, M., Enderlein, J., Klingbeil, T., Kusber, M.: PopulAid: In-Memory Data Generation for Customized Benchmarks. Workshop on Big Data Benchmarking (WBDB) (2014).
  • 15.
    Haeger, F., Teusner, R.: Scaling Design Thinking - Using a multi-team design thinking workshop to kick start software projects. Presented at the , Tel Aviv (2014).
  • 16.
    Schapranow, M.-P., Klinghammer, K., Fähnrich, C., Plattner, H.: In-Memory Technology Enables Interactive Drug Response Analysis. 16th International Conference on e-Health Networking, Applications and Services (Healthcom 2014) (2014).
  • 17.
    Illi, C., Haeger, F., Uflacker, M.: GDriveMonitor: A Tool for Analysing Information Sharing in Virtual Engineering Design Teams Using the Google Drive API. (2014).
  • 18.
    Boissier, M., Krüger, J., Wust, J., Plattner, H.: An Integrated Data Management for Enterprise Systems. ICEIS 2014 - Proceedings of the 16th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems. pp. 410–418 (2014).
  • 19.
    Schapranow, M.-P., Klinghammer, K., Fähnrich, C., Plattner, H.: An Optimized Research Process for Real-time Drug Response Analysis. The Third International Conference on Global Health Challenges (2014).
  • 20.
    Tinnefeld, C., Kossmann, D., Boese, J.-H., Plattner, H.: Parallel Join Executions in RAMCloud. CloudDB - In conjunction with ICDE 2014 (2014).
  • 21.
    Faust, M., Grund, M., Berning, T., Schwalb, D., Plattner, H.: Vertical Bit-Packing: Optimizing Operations on Bit-Packed Vectors Leveraging SIMD Instructions. BDMA in conjunction with DASFAA (2014).
  • 22.
    Schwalb, D., Faust, M., Wust, J., Grund, M., Plattner, H.: Efficient Transaction Processing for Hyrise in Mixed Workload Environments. IMDM in conjunction with VLDB (2014).
  • 23.
    Lorenz, M., Albrecht, J.: Object-Relational Mapping Strategies revised – A comparison of Row- and Column- oriented Database Systems. International Conference on Challenges in IT, Engineering and Technology (ICCIET) (2014).
  • 24.
    Kowark, T., Plattner, H.: One Query at a Time: Incremental, Collective Ontology Matching. The 9th International Workshop on Ontology Matching, In Conjunction with the 13th International Semantic Web Conference (ISWC), Riva del Garda, Trentino, Italy (2014).
  • 25.
    Mueller, S., Möller, P., Plattner, H.: Leveraging Enterprise Application Characteristics to Optimize Incremental Aggregate Maintenance in a Columnar In-Memory Database. Second International DASFAA Workshop on Big Data Management and Analytics (BDMA), in conjunction with DASFAA, Bali, Indonesia (2014).
  • 26.
    Mueller, S., Diestelkämper, R., Plattner, H.: Cache Management for Aggregates in Columnar In-Memory Databases. The Sixth International Conference on Advances in Databases, Knowledge, and Data Applications (DBKDA), Chamonix, France (2014).
  • 27.
    Mueller, S., Butzmann, L., Klauck, S., Plattner, H.: An Adaptive Aggregate Maintenance Approach for Mixed Workloads in Columnar In-Memory Databases. Proceedings of the Thirty-Seventh Australasian Computer Science Conference (ACSC ’14) - Volume 147. pp. 3–12 (2014).
  • 28.
    Wust, J., Grund, M., Hoewelmeyer, K., Schwalb, D., Plattner, H.: Concurrent Execution of Mixed Enterprise Workloads on In-Memory Databases. The 19th International Conference on Database System for Advanced Applications (DASFAA), Bali, Indonesia (2014).
  • 29.
    Schwalb, D., Faust, M., Krüger, J., Plattner, H.: Leveraging In-Memory Technology for Interactive Analyses of Point-of-Sales Data. BDCA in conjunction with ICDE 2014 (2014).
  • 30.
    Wust, J., Meyer, C., Plattner, H.: DAC: Database Application Context Analysis applied to Enterprise Applications. Proceedings of the Thirty-Seventh Australasian Computer Science Conference (ACSC ’14) - Volume 147. pp. 39–48 (2014).
  • 31.
    Schapranow, M.-P., Plattner, H.: High-Performance In-Memory Genome Data Analysis: How In-Memory Database Technology Accelerates Personalized Medicine. Springer (2014).
  • 32.
    Plattner, H.: A Course in In-Memory Data Management. Springer (2014).
  • 33.
    Mueller, S., Butzmann, L., Klauck, S., Plattner, H.: Materialized View Maintenance Leveraging In-Memory Data Structures. International Journal On Advances in Software, vol. 7, no. 3&4. (2014).
  • 34.
    Haeger, F., Kowark, T., Krüger, J., Vetterli, C., Übernickel, F., Uflacker, M.: DT@Scrum: Integrating Design Thinking with Software Development Processes. Understanding Innovation - Building Innovators (2014).
  • 35.
    Treffer, A., Uflacker, M.: Dynamic Slicing with Soot. Proceedings of the 3rd ACM SIGPLAN International Workshop on the State of the Art in Java Program Analysis. pp. 1–6. ACM, New York, NY, USA (2014).
  • 36.
    Bog, A.: The Creation of a Mixed Workload Benchmark and its Application. Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg (2014).
  • 37.
    Alsubaiee, S., Behm, A., Borkar, V., Heilbron, Z., Kim, Y.-S., Carey, M.J., Dreseler, M., Li, C.: Storage Management in AsterixDB. Proceedings of the VLDB Endowment (2014).
  • 38.
    Neves, M., Herbst, K., Uflacker, M., Plattner, H.: Preliminary evaluation of passage retrieval in biomedical multilingual question answering. BioTxtM 2014, Fourth Workshop on Building and Evaluating Resources for Health and Biomedical Text Processing (2014).
  • 39.
    Kowark, T., Plattner, H.: Collective, Incremental Ontology Alignment Through Query Translation. The 8th International Conference On Web Reasoning And Rule Systems, Athens, Greece (2014).
  • 40.
    Schwalb, D., Dreseler, M., Faust, M., Wust, J., Plattner, H.: Split Dictionaries for In-Memory Column Stores in Mixed Workload Environments. Australasian Database Conference (ADC) (2014).
  • 41.
    Fähnrich, C., Schapranow, M.-P., Plattner, H.: Towards Integrating the Detection of Genetic Variants into an In-Memory Database. Proceedings of the International Conference on Big Data (2014).


  • 1.
    Treffer, A.: Extending Omniscient Debuggers. Proceedings of the 9th Ph. D. Retreat of the HPI Research School on Service-oriented Systems Engineering. Hasso-Plattner-Institut, Potsdam, Germany (2013).
  • 2.
    Mueller, S., Butzmann, L., Klauck, S., Plattner, H.: Workload-Aware Aggregate Maintenance in Columnar In-Memory Databases. IEEE International Conference on Big Data (IEEE Big Data 2013), Silicon Valley, USA (2013).
  • 3.
    Grünewald, F., Mazandarani, E., Meinel, C., Teusner, R., Totschnig, M., Willems, C.: openHPI: Soziales und Praktisches Lernen im Kontext eines MOOC. in Proceedings of DeLFI 2013 - 11. e-Learning Fachtagung Informatik (2013).
  • 4.
    Schapranow, M.-P., Meinel, C., Plattner, H.: Big Data soll Genom-Analysen schneller voranbringen. Krankenhaus-IT Journal, p. 26. (2013).
  • 5.
    Schaffner, J., Januschowski, T., Kercher, M., Kraska, T., Plattner, H., Franklin, M., Jacobs, D.: RTP: Robust Tenant Placement for Elastic In-Memory Database Clusters. ACM SIGMOD Conference (2013).
  • 6.
    Kowark, T., Haeger, F., Gehrer, R., Krüger, J.: A Research Plan for the Integration of Design Thinking with Large Scale Software Development Projects. Design Thinking Research - Building Innovation Eco-Systems (2013).
  • 7.
    Schwalb, D., Faust, M., Krüger, J.: A Workload-Aware Merge Process for In-Memory Column Stores. CICCI (2013).
  • 8.
    Vetterli, C., Übernickel, F., Brenner, W., Haeger, F., Kowark, T., Krüger, J., Müller, J., Plattner, H., Stortz, B., Sikka, V.: Jumpstarting Scrum with Design Thinking. Electronic Colloquium on Design Thinking Research (2013).
  • 9.
    Müller, J.: A Real-Time In-Memory Discovery Service: Leveraging Hierarchical Packaging Information in a Unique Identifier Network to Retrieve Track and Trace Information. In-Memory Data Management Research (2013).
  • 10.
    Schapranow, M.-P., Plattner, H., Tosun, C., Regenbrecht, C.: Mobile Real-time Analysis of Patient Data for Advanced Decision Support in Personalized Medicine. The 5th International Conference on eHealth, Telemedicine, and Social Medicine, pp. 129-136 (2013).
  • 11.
    Tinnefeld, C., Kossmann, D., Grund, M., Boese, J.-H., Renkes, F., Sikka, V., Plattner, H.: Elastic Online Analytical Processing on RAMCloud. EDBT (2013).
  • 12.
    Grünewald, F., Mazandarani, E., Meinel, C., Teusner, R., Totschnig, M., Willems, C.: openHPI - a Case-Study on the Emergence of two Learning Communities. EDUCON (2013).
  • 13.
    Mueller, S., Plattner, H.: Aggregates Caching in Columnar In-Memory Databases. 1st International Workshop on In-Memory Data Management and Analytics (IMDM), in conjunction with VLDB 2013, Riva del Garda, Trento, Italy (2013).
  • 14.
    Wust, J., Grund, M., Plattner, H.: TAMEX: A Task-Based Query Execution Framework for Mixed Enterprise Workloads on In-Memory Databases. IMDM, INFORMATIK 2013 (2013).
  • 15.
    Plattner, H., Meyer, C., Plattner, H.: An Approach for Dynamic Materialization of Aggregates in Mixed Application Workloads. The Fifth International Conference on Advances in Databases, Knowledge, and Data Applications (DBKDA), Sevilla, Spain (2013).
  • 16.
    Faust, M., Schwalb, D., Krüger, J.: Fast Column Scans: Paged Indices for In-Memory Column Stores. IMDM (2013).
  • 17.
    Schapranow, M.-P.: Real-time Security Extensions for EPCglobal Networks: Case Study for the Pharmaceutical Industry. In-Memory Data Management Research, Springer (2013).
  • 18.
    Schapranow, M.-P., Plattner, H., Meinel, C.: Applied In-Memory Technology for High-Throughput Genome Data Processing and Real-time Analysis. System on Chip (!SoC) Devices in Telemedicine from !LABoC to High Resolution Images, pp. 35-42 (2013).
  • 19.
    Plattner, H., Schwalb, D., Faust, M., Krüger, J.: Physical Column Organization in In-Memory Column Stores. DASFAA (2013).
  • 20.
    Teusner, R., Gabrysiak, G., Richter, S., Kleff, S.: Interactive Strategy-Based Validation of Behavioral Models. GTVMT (2013).
  • 21.
    Pape, T., Treffer, A.: Extending a Java Virtual Machine to Dynamic Object-oriented Languages. (2013).
  • 22.
    Helmes, K., Schlosser, R., Weber, M.: Dynamic Advertising and Pricing in a Class of General New-Product Adoption Models. European Journal of Operational Research. 229, 433–443 (2013).
  • 23.
    Grund, M., Cudre-Mauroux, P., Krüger, J., Plattner, H.: Hybrid Graph and Relational Query Processing in Main Memory. DESWEB (in conjunction with ICDE) (2013).
  • 24.
    Faust, M., Schwalb, D., Krüger, J.: Storage schemas for mixed workload in-memory column-oriented databases. CICCI (2013).
  • 25.
    Schaffner, J., Januschowski, T.: Realistic Tenant Traces for Enterprise !DBaaS. 8th International Workshop on Self-Managing Database Systems (SMDB 2013) (2013).
  • 26.
    Krüger, J., Plattner, H., Schwalb, D.: Cache Conscious Column Organization in In-Memory Column Stores. HPI (2013).
  • 27.
    Januschowski, T., Kolassa, S., Lorenz, M., Schwarz, C.: Forecasting With In-Memory Technology. Foresight, The International Journal of Applied Forecasting. (2013).
  • 28.
    Schapranow, M.-P., Plattner, H.: In-Memory Technology Enables History-Based Access Control for RFID-Aided Supply Chains. The Secure Information Society: Ethical, Legal and Political Challenges, pp. 187-213 (2013).
  • 29.
    Helmes, K., Schlosser, R.: Dynamic Advertising and Pricing with Constant Demand Elasticities. Journal of Economic Dynamics and Control. 37, 2814–2832 (2013).
  • 30.
    Wust, J., Plattner, H., Grund, M.: Dynamic Query Prioritization for In-Memory Databases. 1st International Workshop on In-Memory Data Management and Analytics (IMDM), in conjunction with VLDB 2013, Riva del Garda, Trento, Italy (2013).
  • 31.
    Mueller, S., Butzmann, L., Höwelmeyer, K., Klauck, S., Plattner, H.: Efficient View Maintenance for Enterprise Applications in Columnar In-Memory Databases. 17th IEEE International Enterprise Distributed Object Computing Conference (EDOC), Vancouver, Canada (2013).
  • 32.
    Schapranow, M.-P., Haeger, F., Plattner, H.: High-Performance In-Memory Genome Project: A Platform for Integrated Real-Time Genome Data Analysis. Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Global Health Challenges. pp. 5–10 (2013).
  • 33.
    Schapranow, M.-P., Plattner, H.: HIG – An In-memory Database Platform Enabling Real-time Analyses of Genome Data. Proceedings of the International Conference on Big Data. pp. 691–696 (2013).
  • 34.
    Tinnefeld, C., Taschik, D., Plattner, H.: Providing High-Availability and Elasticity for an In-Memory Database System with RAMCloud. 1st International Workshop on In-Memory Data Management and Analytics (2013).
  • 35.
    Schapranow, M.-P.: Krebsdatenbank auf Tablet und Smartphone. Best Practice Wireless in der Hauptstadtregion Berlin-Brandenburg, pp. 48-49 (2013).
  • 36.
    Kowark, T.: Applications of Virtual Collaboration Monitoring in Software Development Projects. Proceedings of the 7th Retreat of the HPI Research School on Service-oriented Systems Engineering (to appear) (2013).


  • 1.
    Tinnefeld, C., Wagner, B., Plattner, H.: Operating on Hierarchical Enterprise Data in an In-Memory Column Store. Proceedings of the DBKDA 2012, The Fourth International Conference on Advances in Databases, Knowledge, and Data Applications. pp. 58–63 (2012).
  • 2.
    Kowark, T., Dobrigkeit, P., Zeier, A.: Towards a Shared Repository for Patterns in Virtual Team Collaboration. Design Thinking Research: Measuring Performance in Context (Understanding Innovation) (2012).
  • 3.
    Plattner, H., Kowark, T.: AnalyzeD: A Shared Tool for Analyzing Virtual Team Collaboration in Classroom Software Engineering Projects. Proceedings of the International Conference on Frontiers in Education: Computer Science and Computer Engineering (2012).
  • 4.
    Bog, A., Sachs, K., Plattner, H.: Interactive Performance Monitoring of a Composite OLTP & OLAP Workload. Proceedings of the 2012 ACM SIGMOD International Conference on Management of Data. pp. 645–648 (2012).
  • 5.
    Müller, J., Schapranow, M.-P., Zeier, A., Plattner, H.: Secure RFID-Enablement in Modern Companies: A Case Study of the Pharmaceutical Industry. Handbook of Research on Industrial Informatics and Manufacturing Intelligence: Innovations and Solutions, pp. 507-539, IGI Global (2012).
  • 6.
    Grund, M., Cudre-Mauroux, P., Krüger, J., Madden, S., Plattner, H.: An overview of HYRISE - a Main Memory Hybrid Storage Engine. IEEE Data Engineering Bulletin. (2012).
  • 7.
    Plattner, H., Zeier, A.: In-Memory Data Management - Technology and Applications. Springer (2012).
  • 8.
    Faust, M., Krüger, J., Schwalb, D., Plattner, H.: Fast Lookups for In-Memory Column Stores: Group-Key Indices, Lookup and Maintenance. ADMS (in conjunction with VLDB) (2012).
  • 9.
    Richly, K., Bross, J., Kohnen, M., Meinel, C.: Identifying the top-dogs of the blogosphere. Social Network Analysis and Mining. (2012).
  • 10.
    Treffer, A.: Understanding Code with Execution Traces. Proceedings of the 6th Ph. D. Retreat of the HPI Research School on Service-oriented Systems Engineering. Hasso-Plattner-Institut, Potsdam, Germany (2012).
  • 11.
    Kowark, T.: Sharing Abstracted Subgraphs of Team Collaboration Networks. Proceedings of the 6th Ph.D. Retreat of the HPI Research School on Service-oriented Systems Engineering (2012).
  • 12.
    Folkerts, E., Heimburger, R., Simchi-Levi, D., Youssef, N., Schwarz, C., Lorenz, M., Januschowski, T., Akkas, A.: Demand Forecasting with partial POS Data using In-Memory Technology. 32nd International Symposium on Forecasting in Boston (2012).
  • 13.
    Plattner, H., Meinel, C., Schapranow, M.-P.: Blitzschnelle Datenanalysen für die personalisierte Medizin der Zukunft – Interdisziplinäre Impulse aus Potsdam und Berlin. Themenbroschüre 2012 Gesundheitsstandort Berlin-Brandenburg. (2012).
  • 14.
    Krüger, J., Wust, J., Linkhorst, M., Plattner, H.: Leveraging Compression in In-Memory Databases. Proceedings of the DBKDA 2012, The Fourth International Conference on Advances in Databases, Knowledge, and Data Applications. pp. 147–153 (2012).
  • 15.
    Schwarz, C., Leupold, F., Schubotz, T., Januschowski, T., Plattner, H.: Rapid Energy Consumption Pattern Detection with In-Memory Technology. International Journal On Advances in Intelligent Systems, v5 n 3&4. (2012).
  • 16.
    Krüger, J., Wust, J., Faust, M., Berning, T., Plattner, H.: A Case for Inverted Indices for In-Memory Databases. Proceedings of the DBKDA 2012, The Fourth International Conference on Advances in Databases, Knowledge, and Data Applications (2012).
  • 17.
    Schwarz, C., Leupold, F., Schubotz, T.: Short-Term Energy Pattern Detection of Manufacturing Machines with In-Memory Databases - A Case Study. Proceedings of the Second International Conference on Smart Grids, Green Communications and IT Energy-aware Technologies (2012).
  • 18.
    Wust, J., Boese, J.-H., Renkes, F., Blessing, S., Krüger, J., Plattner, H.: Efficient Logging for Enterprise Workloads on Column-Oriented In-Memory Databases. Proceedings of the 21st ACM international conference on Information and knowledge management (CIKM ’12) (2012).
  • 19.
    Schaffner, J., Jacobs, D., Kraska, T., Plattner, H.: The Multi-Tenant Data Placement Problem. The Fourth International Conference on Advances in Databases, Knowledge, and Data Applications (2012).
  • 20.
    Wust, J., Krüger, J., Grund, M., Hartmann, U., Plattner, H.: Sparse Dictionaries for In-Memory Column Stores. Proceedings of the DBKDA 2012, The Fourth International Conference on Advances in Databases, Knowledge, and Data Applications. pp. 25–33 (2012).
  • 21.
    Schapranow, M.-P., Meinel, C., Plattner, H.: Datenbanktechnologie beflügelt personalisierte Medizin. Laborwelt Nr. 4/2012, 13. Jahrgang. (2012).
  • 22.
    Mueller, S., Plattner, H.: An In-Depth Analysis of Data Aggregation Cost Factors in a Columnar In-Memory Database. ACM Fifteenth International Workshop On Data Warehousing and OLAP colocated with ACM CIKM, Maui (HI), USA (2012).
  • 23.
    Krüger, J., Johannsen, A.: Hauptspeicherdatenbanken für Unternehmensanwendungen. 11. Berlin-Brandenburger SAP-Forum. (2012).


  • 1.
    Borovskiy, V., Koch, W., Zeier, A.: Business Object Query Language as Data Access API in ERP Systems. Lecture Notes on Business Information Processing, Springer. (2011).
  • 2.
    Schaffner, J., Eckart, B., Schwarz, C., Brunnert, J., Jacobs, D., Zeier, A., Plattner, H.: Simulating Multi-Tenant OLAP Database Clusters. Datenbanksysteme in Business, Technologie und Web (BTW 2011), 14. Fachtagung des GI-Fachbereichs "Datenbanken und Informationssysteme" (DBIS), Proceedings, Kaiserslautern, Germany (2011).
  • 3.
    Panchenko, O., Plattner, H., Zeier, A.: Mapping Terms in Application and Implementation Domains. Workshop on Software Reengineering, Bad-Honnef, Germany (2011).
  • 4.
    Grund, M., Krüger, J., Plattner, H., Zeier, A., Cudre-Mauroux, P., Madden, S.: HYRISE - A Hybrid Main Memory Storage Engine. Proceedings of the VLDB Endowment Volume 4 Issue 2. pp. 105–116 (2011).
  • 5.
    Grund, M., Cudre-Mauroux, P., Madden, S.: A Demonstration of HYRISE- A Main Memory Hybrid Storage Engine. VLDB (2011).
  • 6.
    Panchenko, O., Karstens, J., Plattner, H., Zeier, A.: Precise and Scalable Querying of Syntactical Source Code Patterns Using Sample Code Snippets and a Database. 19th IEEE International Conference on Program Comprehension (ICPC), Kingston, Ontario, Canada (2011).
  • 7.
    Kowark, T., Mueller, J., Mueller, S., Zeier, A.: An Educational Testbed for the Computational Analysis of Collaboration in Early Stages of Software Development Processes. 44th Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences (HICSS), Kauai (HI), USA (2011).
  • 8.
    Mueller, S., Eickhoff, D., Zeier, A., Plattner, H.: Application-Aware Aggregations in a Columnar In-Memory Database. ICMIA, The 3rd International Conference on Data Mining and Intelligent Information Technnology, Macau, China (2011).
  • 9.
    Panchenko, O.: In-Memory Database Support for Source Code Search and Analytics. 18th IEEE Working Conference on Reverse Engineering, Doctoral Symposium (2011).
  • 10.
    Panchenko, O., Mueller, S., Plattner, H., Zeier, A.: Querying Source Code Using a Controlled Natural Language. The 6th International Conference on Software Engineering Advances, Barcelona, Spain (2011).
  • 11.
    Bog, A., Sachs, K., Zeier, A.: Benchmarking Database Design for Mixed OLTP and OLAP Workloads. Proceeding of the second joint WOSP/SIPEW international conference on Performance engineering (2011).
  • 12.
    Schapranow, M.-P., Zeier, A., Plattner, H.: Security Extensions for Improving Data Security of Event Repositories in EPCglobal Networks. The 9th International Conference on Embedded and Ubiquitous Computing pp. 213-220 (2011).
  • 13.
    Krüger, J., Grund, M., Jaeckel, I., Zeier, A., Plattner, H.: Applicability of GPU Computing for Efficient Merge in In-Memory Databases. Second International Workshop on Accelerating Data Management Systems Using Modern Processor and Storage Architectures (In conjunction with Very Large Data Bases, VLDB) (2011).
  • 14.
    Schaffner, J., Zeier, A., Plattner, H., Kraska, T., Franklin, M., Jordan, M., Patterson, D.: Workload Management for Main Memory Databases in Data Clouds. Proceedings of the Fall 2010 Future SOC Lab Day, Christoph Meinel, Andreas Polze, AIexander Z., Gerhard Oswald, Dieter Herzog, Volker Smid, Doc D’Errico, Zahid Hussain (Eds.), Volume 42 (2011).
  • 15.
    Kowark, T., Uflacker, M., Zeier, A.: Towards a Shared Platform for Virtual Collaboration Analysis. The 2011 International Conference on Software Engineering Research and Practice (SERP ’11) (2011).
  • 16.
    Alexandrov, A., Schiefer, B., Poelman, J., Ewen, S., Bodner, T., Markl, V.: Myriad: Parallel Data Generation on Shared-nothing Architectures. Proceedings of the PACT Workshop on Architectures and Systems for Big Data. (2011).
  • 17.
    Panchenko, O., Plattner, H., Zeier, A.: What Do Developers Search for in Source Code and Why. 3rd International Workshop on Search-driven development: Users, Infrastructure, Tools and Evaluation (SUITE), Co-located with 33rd International Conference on Software Engineering (ICSE) Waikiki, Honolulu, Hawaii (2011).
  • 18.
    Faerber, F., Schaffner, J., Mathis, C., Culp, D.D., Kleis, W.: An In-Memory Database System for Multi-Tenant Applications. Datenbanksysteme in Business, Technologie und Web (BTW 2011), 14. Fachtagung des GI-Fachbereichs "Datenbanken und Informationssysteme" (DBIS), Proceedings, Kaiserslautern, Germany (2011).
  • 19.
    Mueller, S., Plattner, H.: Aggregation Strategies for Columnar In-Memory Databases in a Mixed Workload. PIKM, in conjunction with the 20th ACM Conference on Information and Knowledge Management (CIKM), Glasgow, UK (2011).
  • 20.
    Wust, J.: Mixed Workload Management for In-Memory Databases. Proceedings of the 37th International Conference on Very Large Data Bases (VLDB2011) - PhD Workshop (2011).
  • 21.
    Krüger, J., Grund, M., Wust, J., Zeier, A., Plattner, H.: Merging Differential Updates in In-Memory Column Store. Proceedings of the DBKDA 2011, The Fourth International Conference on Advances in Databases, Knowledge, and Data Applications (2011).
  • 22.
    Schwarz, C., Borovskiy, V., Zeier, A.: Optimizing Operation Scheduling for In-Memory Databases. The 2011 International Conference on Modeling, Simulation and Visualization Methods (2011).
  • 23.
    Lehner, W., Kossmann, D., Fabian, B., Günther, O., Winter, R., Loos, P., Lechtenbörger, J., Vossen, G., Zeier, A., Krüger, J., Müller, J.: In-Memory-Datenmanagement in betrieblichen Anwendungssystemen. Wirtschaftsinformatik 6. (2011).
  • 24.
    Krüger, J., Hübner, F., Wust, J., Boissier, M., Zeier, A., Plattner, H.: Main Memory Databases for Enterprise Applications. IEEE 18Th International Conference on Industrial Engineering and Engineering Management (IE&EM), 2011 (2011).
  • 25.
    Grund, M., Krüger, J., Kleine, M., Zeier, A., Plattner, H.: Optimal Query Operator Materialization Strategy for Hybrid Databases. Proceedings of the DBKDA 2011, The Fourth International Conference on Advances in Databases, Knowledge, and Data Applications (2011).
  • 26.
    Plattner, H.: SanssouciDB: An In-Memory Database for Processing Enterprise Workloads. BTW (2011).
  • 27.
    Lorenz, M., Müller, J., Schapranow, M.-P., Zeier, A.: A Distributed EPC Discovery Service based on Peer-to-peer Technology. Proceedings of the RFID SysTech 2011, 7th European Workshop on Smart Objects: Systems, Technologies and Applications, Dresden. pp. 1–7. VDE (2011).
  • 28.
    Schapranow, M.-P., Fähnrich, C., Zeier, A., Plattner, H.: Simulation of RFID-aided Supply Chains: Case Study of the Pharmaceutical Supply Chain. Third International Conference on Computational Intelligence, Modelling and Simulation, pp. 340-345 (2011).
  • 29.
    Schapranow, M.-P., Müller, J., Zeier, A., Plattner, H.: What are Authentic Pharmaceuticals Worth?. Designing and Deploying RFID Applications, pp. 204-220, INTECH Press (2011).
  • 30.
    Hübner, F., Boese, J.-H., Krüger, J., Renkes, F., Tosun, C., Zeier, A., Plattner, H.: A Cost-Aware Strategy for Merging Differential Stores in Column-Oriented In-Memory DBMS. BIRTE - in conjunction with VLDB’11 (2011).
  • 31.
    Tinnefeld, C., Plattner, H.: Exploiting memory locality in distributed key-value stores. ICDE Workshops 2011 (2011).
  • 32.
    Panchenko, O., Plattner, H., Zeier, A.: Source Code Analytics. The 15th IASTED International Conference on Software Engineering and Applications (2011).
  • 33.
    Zeier, A., Plattner, H., Schapranow, M.-P., Müller, J.: Costs of Authentic Pharmaceuticals: Research on Qualitative and Quantitative Aspects of Enabling Anti-counterfeiting in RFID-aided Supply Chains. Personal and Ubiquitous Computing, Volume 16, Issue 3. 271–289 (2011).
  • 34.
    Borovskiy, V., Schwarz, C., Koch, W., Zeier, A.: Semantically Rich API for In-database Data Manipulation in Main-Memory ERP Systems. 13th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems (2011).
  • 35.
    Schapranow, M.-P., Zeier, A., Leupold, F., Schubotz, T.: Securing EPCglobal Object Name Service -- Privacy Enhancements for Anti-counterfeiting. 2nd International Conference on Intelligent Systems, Modeling and Simulation, pp. 332-337 (2011).
  • 36.
    Kowark, T.: A Shared Platform for the Analysis of Virtual Team Collaboration. Proceedings of the 5th Ph.D. Retreat of the HPI Research School on Service-oriented Systems Engineering (2011).
  • 37.
    Krüger, J., Grund, M., Zeier, A., Plattner, H.: An Architecture-Aware Compaction Process. Proceedings of the Fall 2010 Future SOC Lab Day (2011).
  • 38.
    Kowark, T., Dobrigkeit, P., Zeier, A.: Towards a Shared Repository for Patterns in Virtual Team Collaboration. 5th International Conference on New Trends in Information Science and Service Science (2011).
  • 39.
    Schapranow, M.-P., Lorenz, M., Zeier, A., Plattner, H.: License-based Access Control in EPCglobal Networks. The 7th European Workshop on RFID Systems and Technologies, pp. 1-7 (2011).
  • 40.
    Zeier, A., Müller, J., Plattner, H.: A Real-Time RFID Discovery Service for the Extended Enterprise Enabled by In-Memory Data Management. International Journal of RF Technologies. (2011).
  • 41.
    Panchenko, O., Treffer, A., Plattner, H., Zeier, A.: Two Algorithms for Locating Ancestors of a Large Set of Vertices in a Tree. International Conference on Software and Data Technologies, Sevillia, Spain (2011).
  • 42.
    Schapranow, M.-P., Zeier, A., Plattner, H., Müller, J., Lorenz, M.: Discovery Services in the EPC Network. Designing and Deploying RFID Applications, pp. 109-130, INTECH Press (2011).
  • 43.
    Bog, A., Sachs, K., Zeier, A., Plattner, H.: Normalization in a Mixed OLTP and OLAP Workload Scenario. Third TPC Technology Conference on Performance Evaluation & Benchmarking (TPC TC), Collocated with VLDB2011, Aug 29 - Sep 3, Seattle, WA (2011).
  • 44.
    Borovskiy, V., Schwarz, C., Wust, J., Koch, W., Zeier, A.: A Linear Programming Approach for Optimizing Workload Distribution in a Cloud. CLOUD COMPUTING (2011).
  • 45.
    Tinnefeld, C., Zeier, A., Plattner, H.: Cache-Conscious Data Placement in an In-Memory Key-Value Store. IDEAS’11: 15th International Database Engineering & Applications Symposium (2011).
  • 46.
    Schapranow, M.-P., Zeier, A., Plattner, H.: A Formal Model for Enabling RFID in Pharmaceutical Supply Chains. 44th Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences (HICSS). IEEE (2011).
  • 47.
    Zeier, A., Jacobs, D., Schwarz, C., Eckart, B., Schaffner, J.: Towards Analytics-as-a-Service Using an In-Memory Column Database. Divyakant Agrawal, K. Selçuk Candan, Wen-Syan Li (Eds.): New Frontiers in Information and Software as Services Service and Application Design Challenges in the Cloud, LNBIP Volume 74, pp. 257–282, Springer-Verlag, Berlin Heidelberg (2011).
  • 48.
    Gumienny, R., Gericke, L., Dreseler, M., Meyer, S., Meinel, C.: User-centered Development of Social Collaboration Software. Collaborative Communities for Social Сomputing (CollaborateCom) (2011).
  • 49.
    Kowark, T., Zeier, A., Uflacker, M.: An Instrument for Real-Time Design Interaction Capture and Analysis. Design Thinking: Understand – Improve – Apply (2011).
  • 50.
    Schaffner, J., Eckart, B., Jacobs, D., Plattner, H., Zeier, A., Schwarz, C.: Predicting In-Memory Database Performance for Automating Cluster Management Tasks. 27th IEEE International Conference on Data Engineering (ICDE) (2011).
  • 51.
    Zeier, A., Plattner, H., Butzmann, L., Klauck, S., Tinnefeld, C., Mueller, S.: Available-To-Promise on an In-Memory Column Store. Datenbanksysteme in Business, Technologie und Web (BTW 2011), 14. Fachtagung des GI-Fachbereichs "Datenbanken und Informationssysteme" (DBIS), Proceedings, Kaiserslautern, Germany (2011).
  • 52.
    Plattner, H., Zeier, A.: In-Memory Data Management - An Inflection Point for Enterprise Applications. Springer (2011).
  • 53.
    Fähnrich, C., Lorey, J., Naumann, F., Forchhammer, B., Mascher, A., Retzlaff, P., Farahani, A.Z., Discher, S., Lemme, S., Papenbrock, T., Peschel, R.C., Stephan, R., Stening, T., Viehmeier, S.: Black Swan: Augmenting Statistics with Event Data. Proceedings of the 20th ACM international conference on Information and knowledge management (CIKM ’11). pp. 2517–2520 (2011).
  • 54.
    Loos, P., Lechtenbörger, J., Vossen, G., Zeier, A., Krüger, J., Müller, J., Lehner, W., Kossmann, D., Fabian, B., Günther, O., Winter, R.: In-memory Databases in Business Information Systems. Business & Information Systems Engineering. (2011).
  • 55.
    Plattner, H., Zeier, A., Tosun, C., Blessing, S., Krüger, J., Wust, J.: xSellerate: Supporting Sales Representatives with Real-Time Information in Customer Dialogs. In-Memory Data Management (2011).
  • 56.
    Grund, M., Krüger, J., Müller, J., Zeier, A., Plattner, H.: Dynamic Partitioning for Enterprise Applications. IEEE International Conference on Industrial Engineering and Engineering Management (2011).
  • 57.
    Krüger, J., Kim, C., Grund, M., Satish, N., Schwalb, D., Chhugani, J., Dubey, P., Plattner, H., Zeier, A.: Fast Updates on Read-Optimized Databases Using Multi-Core CPUs. Proceedings of the VLDB Endowment Volume 5 Issue 1. 5, (2011).


  • 1.
    Schapranow, M.-P., Nagora, M., Zeier, A.: CoMoSeR: Cost Model for Security-Enhanced RFID-Aided Supply Chains. The 18th International Conference on Software, Telecommunication and Computer Networks, pp. 11-16 (2010).
  • 2.
    Krüger, J., Tinnefeld, C., Grund, M., Zeier, A., Plattner, H.: A Case for Online Mixed Workload Processing. Third International Workshop on Testing (DBTest) co-located with SIGMOD Database Systems (2010).
  • 3.
    Grund, M., Schaffner, J., Krüger, J., Brunnert, J., Zeier, A.: The Effects of Virtualization on Main Memory Systems. Sixth International Workshop on Data Management on New Hardware (2010).
  • 4.
    Paradies, M., Lemke, C., Plattner, H., Lehner, W., Sattler, K.-U., Zeier, A., Krüger, J.: How to Juggle Columns: An Entropy-Based Approach for Table Compression. IDEAS (2010).
  • 5.
    Treffer, A., Panchenko, O., Zeier, A.: Towards Query Formulation and Visualization of Structural Search Results. 2nd International Workshop on Search-driven development: Users, Infrastructure, Tools and Evaluation (SUITE), Colocated with 32nd International Conference on Software Engineering (ICSE), Cape Town, South Africa (2010).
  • 6.
    Schapranow, M.-P., Zeier, A., Plattner, H.: A Dynamic Mutual RFID Authentication Model Preventing Unauthorized Third Party Access. The 4th International Conference on Network and System Security, , pp. 371-376 (2010).
  • 7.
    Uflacker, M., Zeier, A.: A semantic network approach to analyzing virtual team interactions in the early stages of conceptual design. Future Generation Computer Systems, Volume 27, Issue 1, pp. 88-99. (2010).
  • 8.
    Plattner, H., Schapranow, M.-P., Müller, J., Zeier, A.: Sustainable Use of RFID Tags in the Pharmaceutical Industry. European Workshop on Smart Objects: Systems, Technologies and Applications, Ciudad Real, Spain (2010).
  • 9.
    Borovskiy, V., Koch, W., Zeier, A., Plattner, H.: Data manipulation APIs for ERP systems. IMS (2010).
  • 10.
    Schapranow, M.-P., Müller, J., Zeier, A., Plattner, H.: RFID Event Data Processing -- An Architecture for Storing and Searching. Proceedings of the 4th International Workshop on RFID Technology - Concepts, Applications, Challenges, Funchal, Madeira, Portugal (2010).
  • 11.
    Panchenko, O., Kupriyanov, Y., Taratoukhine, V., Zeier, A.: Fuzzy Sets for Purchase Planning in Uncertain Conditions. IEEE The 17th International Conference on Industrial Engineering and Engineering Management, Xiamen, China (2010).
  • 12.
    Borovskiy, V., Koch, W., Zeier, A.: Data manipulation API in ERP systems. 22nd International Conference on Software Engineering and Knowledge Engineering, San Francisco, USA (2010).
  • 13.
    Krüger, J., Grund, M., Tinnefeld, C., Plattner, H., Zeier, A., Faerber, F.: Optimizing Write Performance for Read Optimized Databases. Database Systems for Advanced Applications, Japan (2010).
  • 14.
    Eckart, B., Brunnert, J., Schaffner, J., Zeier, A., Jacobs, D.: Towards Enterprise Software as a Service in the Cloud. Second IEEE Workshop on Information & Software as Services in Conjunction with ICDE 2010, Long Beach, CA, USA (2010).
  • 15.
    Müller, J., Oberst, J., Wehrmeyer, S., Witt, J., Zeier, A.: An Aggregating Discovery Service for the EPCglobal Network. Proceedings of the 43th Hawai’i International Conference on System Sciences (HICSS), Koloa, Hawaii, USA (2010).
  • 16.
    Kowark, T.: Towards a service landscape for a real-time project manager dashboard. Proceedings of the 4th Ph.D. Retreat of the HPI Research School on Service-oriented Systems Engineering (2010).
  • 17.
    Krüger, J., Grund, M., Tinnefeld, C., Eckart, B., Zeier, A., Plattner, H.: Hauptspeicherdatenbanken für Unternehmensanwendungen. Datenbank-Spektrum. (2010).
  • 18.
    Krüger, J., Grund, M., Boissier, M., Zeier, A., Plattner, H.: Data Structures for Mixed Workloads in In-Memory Databases. 5th International Conference on Computer Sciences and Convergence Information Technology (ICCIT), 2010 (2010).
  • 19.
    Panchenko, O., Koglin, A., Bohnet, J., Zeier, A.: An XPath-based Query Language for Trace Analysis. 5th International Workshop on Program Comprehension through Dynamic Analysis (PCODA), co-located with WCRE, Boston, USA (2010).
  • 20.
    Borovskiy, V., Koch, W., Zeier, A.: Flexible Data Access in ERP systems. 12th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems, Funchal, Portugal (2010).
  • 21.
    Bog, A., Plattner, H., Zeier, A.: A mixed transaction processing and operational reporting benchmark. Information Systems Frontiers, Springer, pp. 1-15. (2010).
  • 22.
    Schapranow, M.-P., Kühne, R., Zeier, A.: Real-Time Billing in Smart Grid Infrastructures. Power and Energy Student Summit 2010 - Integration of Renewable Energies into the Grid (2010).
  • 23.
    Krüger, J., Grund, M., Zeier, A., Plattner, H.: Enterprise Application-specific Data Management. EDOC 2010 (2010).
  • 24.
    Bog, A., Panchenko, O., Spichale, K., Zeier, A.: Automatic Identification of Cohesive Structures within Modularity Reengineering. International Journal On Advances in Software, vol 3 nr 1&2. (2010).
  • 25.
    Bross, J., Richly, K., Schilf, P., Meinel, C.: Social Physics of the Blogosphere: Capturing, Analyzing and Presenting Interdependencies of Partial Blogospheres. From Sociology to Computing in Social Networks (2010).