Borovskiy, V., Koch, W., Zeier, A.: Business Object Query Language as Data Access API in ERP Systems. Lecture Notes on Business Information Processing, Springer. (2011).
Schaffner, J., Eckart, B., Schwarz, C., Brunnert, J., Jacobs, D., Zeier, A., Plattner, H.: Simulating Multi-Tenant OLAP Database Clusters. Datenbanksysteme in Business, Technologie und Web (BTW 2011), 14. Fachtagung des GI-Fachbereichs "Datenbanken und Informationssysteme" (DBIS), Proceedings, Kaiserslautern, Germany (2011).
Panchenko, O., Plattner, H., Zeier, A.: Mapping Terms in Application and Implementation Domains. Workshop on Software Reengineering, Bad-Honnef, Germany (2011).
Grund, M., Krüger, J., Plattner, H., Zeier, A., Cudre-Mauroux, P., Madden, S.: HYRISE - A Hybrid Main Memory Storage Engine. Proceedings of the VLDB Endowment Volume 4 Issue 2. pp. 105–116 (2011).
Grund, M., Cudre-Mauroux, P., Madden, S.: A Demonstration of HYRISE- A Main Memory Hybrid Storage Engine. VLDB (2011).
Panchenko, O., Karstens, J., Plattner, H., Zeier, A.: Precise and Scalable Querying of Syntactical Source Code Patterns Using Sample Code Snippets and a Database. 19th IEEE International Conference on Program Comprehension (ICPC), Kingston, Ontario, Canada (2011).
Kowark, T., Mueller, J., Mueller, S., Zeier, A.: An Educational Testbed for the Computational Analysis of Collaboration in Early Stages of Software Development Processes. 44th Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences (HICSS), Kauai (HI), USA (2011).
Mueller, S., Eickhoff, D., Zeier, A., Plattner, H.: Application-Aware Aggregations in a Columnar In-Memory Database. ICMIA, The 3rd International Conference on Data Mining and Intelligent Information Technnology, Macau, China (2011).
Panchenko, O.: In-Memory Database Support for Source Code Search and Analytics. 18th IEEE Working Conference on Reverse Engineering, Doctoral Symposium (2011).
Panchenko, O., Mueller, S., Plattner, H., Zeier, A.: Querying Source Code Using a Controlled Natural Language. The 6th International Conference on Software Engineering Advances, Barcelona, Spain (2011).
Bog, A., Sachs, K., Zeier, A.: Benchmarking Database Design for Mixed OLTP and OLAP Workloads. Proceeding of the second joint WOSP/SIPEW international conference on Performance engineering (2011).
Schapranow, M.-P., Zeier, A., Plattner, H.: Security Extensions for Improving Data Security of Event Repositories in EPCglobal Networks. The 9th International Conference on Embedded and Ubiquitous Computing pp. 213-220 (2011).
Krüger, J., Grund, M., Jaeckel, I., Zeier, A., Plattner, H.: Applicability of GPU Computing for Efficient Merge in In-Memory Databases. Second International Workshop on Accelerating Data Management Systems Using Modern Processor and Storage Architectures (In conjunction with Very Large Data Bases, VLDB) (2011).
Schaffner, J., Zeier, A., Plattner, H., Kraska, T., Franklin, M., Jordan, M., Patterson, D.: Workload Management for Main Memory Databases in Data Clouds. Proceedings of the Fall 2010 Future SOC Lab Day, Christoph Meinel, Andreas Polze, AIexander Z., Gerhard Oswald, Dieter Herzog, Volker Smid, Doc D’Errico, Zahid Hussain (Eds.), Volume 42 (2011).
Kowark, T., Uflacker, M., Zeier, A.: Towards a Shared Platform for Virtual Collaboration Analysis. The 2011 International Conference on Software Engineering Research and Practice (SERP ’11) (2011).
Alexandrov, A., Schiefer, B., Poelman, J., Ewen, S., Bodner, T., Markl, V.: Myriad: Parallel Data Generation on Shared-nothing Architectures. Proceedings of the PACT Workshop on Architectures and Systems for Big Data. (2011).
Panchenko, O., Plattner, H., Zeier, A.: What Do Developers Search for in Source Code and Why. 3rd International Workshop on Search-driven development: Users, Infrastructure, Tools and Evaluation (SUITE), Co-located with 33rd International Conference on Software Engineering (ICSE) Waikiki, Honolulu, Hawaii (2011).
Faerber, F., Schaffner, J., Mathis, C., Culp, D.D., Kleis, W.: An In-Memory Database System for Multi-Tenant Applications. Datenbanksysteme in Business, Technologie und Web (BTW 2011), 14. Fachtagung des GI-Fachbereichs "Datenbanken und Informationssysteme" (DBIS), Proceedings, Kaiserslautern, Germany (2011).
Mueller, S., Plattner, H.: Aggregation Strategies for Columnar In-Memory Databases in a Mixed Workload. PIKM, in conjunction with the 20th ACM Conference on Information and Knowledge Management (CIKM), Glasgow, UK (2011).
Wust, J.: Mixed Workload Management for In-Memory Databases. Proceedings of the 37th International Conference on Very Large Data Bases (VLDB2011) - PhD Workshop (2011).
Krüger, J., Grund, M., Wust, J., Zeier, A., Plattner, H.: Merging Differential Updates in In-Memory Column Store. Proceedings of the DBKDA 2011, The Fourth International Conference on Advances in Databases, Knowledge, and Data Applications (2011).
Schwarz, C., Borovskiy, V., Zeier, A.: Optimizing Operation Scheduling for In-Memory Databases. The 2011 International Conference on Modeling, Simulation and Visualization Methods (2011).
Lehner, W., Kossmann, D., Fabian, B., Günther, O., Winter, R., Loos, P., Lechtenbörger, J., Vossen, G., Zeier, A., Krüger, J., Müller, J.: In-Memory-Datenmanagement in betrieblichen Anwendungssystemen. Wirtschaftsinformatik 6. (2011).
Krüger, J., Hübner, F., Wust, J., Boissier, M., Zeier, A., Plattner, H.: Main Memory Databases for Enterprise Applications. IEEE 18Th International Conference on Industrial Engineering and Engineering Management (IE&EM), 2011 (2011).
Grund, M., Krüger, J., Kleine, M., Zeier, A., Plattner, H.: Optimal Query Operator Materialization Strategy for Hybrid Databases. Proceedings of the DBKDA 2011, The Fourth International Conference on Advances in Databases, Knowledge, and Data Applications (2011).
Plattner, H.: SanssouciDB: An In-Memory Database for Processing Enterprise Workloads. BTW (2011).
Lorenz, M., Müller, J., Schapranow, M.-P., Zeier, A.: A Distributed EPC Discovery Service based on Peer-to-peer Technology. Proceedings of the RFID SysTech 2011, 7th European Workshop on Smart Objects: Systems, Technologies and Applications, Dresden. pp. 1–7. VDE (2011).
Schapranow, M.-P., Fähnrich, C., Zeier, A., Plattner, H.: Simulation of RFID-aided Supply Chains: Case Study of the Pharmaceutical Supply Chain. Third International Conference on Computational Intelligence, Modelling and Simulation, pp. 340-345 (2011).
Schapranow, M.-P., Müller, J., Zeier, A., Plattner, H.: What are Authentic Pharmaceuticals Worth?. Designing and Deploying RFID Applications, pp. 204-220, INTECH Press (2011).
Hübner, F., Boese, J.-H., Krüger, J., Renkes, F., Tosun, C., Zeier, A., Plattner, H.: A Cost-Aware Strategy for Merging Differential Stores in Column-Oriented In-Memory DBMS. BIRTE - in conjunction with VLDB’11 (2011).
Tinnefeld, C., Plattner, H.: Exploiting memory locality in distributed key-value stores. ICDE Workshops 2011 (2011).
Panchenko, O., Plattner, H., Zeier, A.: Source Code Analytics. The 15th IASTED International Conference on Software Engineering and Applications (2011).
Zeier, A., Plattner, H., Schapranow, M.-P., Müller, J.: Costs of Authentic Pharmaceuticals: Research on Qualitative and Quantitative Aspects of Enabling Anti-counterfeiting in RFID-aided Supply Chains. Personal and Ubiquitous Computing, Volume 16, Issue 3. 271–289 (2011).
Borovskiy, V., Schwarz, C., Koch, W., Zeier, A.: Semantically Rich API for In-database Data Manipulation in Main-Memory ERP Systems. 13th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems (2011).
Schapranow, M.-P., Zeier, A., Leupold, F., Schubotz, T.: Securing EPCglobal Object Name Service -- Privacy Enhancements for Anti-counterfeiting. 2nd International Conference on Intelligent Systems, Modeling and Simulation, pp. 332-337 (2011).
Kowark, T.: A Shared Platform for the Analysis of Virtual Team Collaboration. Proceedings of the 5th Ph.D. Retreat of the HPI Research School on Service-oriented Systems Engineering (2011).
Krüger, J., Grund, M., Zeier, A., Plattner, H.: An Architecture-Aware Compaction Process. Proceedings of the Fall 2010 Future SOC Lab Day (2011).
Kowark, T., Dobrigkeit, P., Zeier, A.: Towards a Shared Repository for Patterns in Virtual Team Collaboration. 5th International Conference on New Trends in Information Science and Service Science (2011).
Schapranow, M.-P., Lorenz, M., Zeier, A., Plattner, H.: License-based Access Control in EPCglobal Networks. The 7th European Workshop on RFID Systems and Technologies, pp. 1-7 (2011).
Zeier, A., Müller, J., Plattner, H.: A Real-Time RFID Discovery Service for the Extended Enterprise Enabled by In-Memory Data Management. International Journal of RF Technologies. (2011).
Panchenko, O., Treffer, A., Plattner, H., Zeier, A.: Two Algorithms for Locating Ancestors of a Large Set of Vertices in a Tree. International Conference on Software and Data Technologies, Sevillia, Spain (2011).
Schapranow, M.-P., Zeier, A., Plattner, H., Müller, J., Lorenz, M.: Discovery Services in the EPC Network. Designing and Deploying RFID Applications, pp. 109-130, INTECH Press (2011).
Bog, A., Sachs, K., Zeier, A., Plattner, H.: Normalization in a Mixed OLTP and OLAP Workload Scenario. Third TPC Technology Conference on Performance Evaluation & Benchmarking (TPC TC), Collocated with VLDB2011, Aug 29 - Sep 3, Seattle, WA (2011).
Borovskiy, V., Schwarz, C., Wust, J., Koch, W., Zeier, A.: A Linear Programming Approach for Optimizing Workload Distribution in a Cloud. CLOUD COMPUTING (2011).
Tinnefeld, C., Zeier, A., Plattner, H.: Cache-Conscious Data Placement in an In-Memory Key-Value Store. IDEAS’11: 15th International Database Engineering & Applications Symposium (2011).
Schapranow, M.-P., Zeier, A., Plattner, H.: A Formal Model for Enabling RFID in Pharmaceutical Supply Chains. 44th Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences (HICSS). IEEE (2011).
Zeier, A., Jacobs, D., Schwarz, C., Eckart, B., Schaffner, J.: Towards Analytics-as-a-Service Using an In-Memory Column Database. Divyakant Agrawal, K. Selçuk Candan, Wen-Syan Li (Eds.): New Frontiers in Information and Software as Services Service and Application Design Challenges in the Cloud, LNBIP Volume 74, pp. 257–282, Springer-Verlag, Berlin Heidelberg (2011).
Gumienny, R., Gericke, L., Dreseler, M., Meyer, S., Meinel, C.: User-centered Development of Social Collaboration Software. Collaborative Communities for Social Сomputing (CollaborateCom) (2011).
Kowark, T., Zeier, A., Uflacker, M.: An Instrument for Real-Time Design Interaction Capture and Analysis. Design Thinking: Understand – Improve – Apply (2011).
Schaffner, J., Eckart, B., Jacobs, D., Plattner, H., Zeier, A., Schwarz, C.: Predicting In-Memory Database Performance for Automating Cluster Management Tasks. 27th IEEE International Conference on Data Engineering (ICDE) (2011).
Zeier, A., Plattner, H., Butzmann, L., Klauck, S., Tinnefeld, C., Mueller, S.: Available-To-Promise on an In-Memory Column Store. Datenbanksysteme in Business, Technologie und Web (BTW 2011), 14. Fachtagung des GI-Fachbereichs "Datenbanken und Informationssysteme" (DBIS), Proceedings, Kaiserslautern, Germany (2011).
Plattner, H., Zeier, A.: In-Memory Data Management - An Inflection Point for Enterprise Applications. Springer (2011).
Fähnrich, C., Lorey, J., Naumann, F., Forchhammer, B., Mascher, A., Retzlaff, P., Farahani, A.Z., Discher, S., Lemme, S., Papenbrock, T., Peschel, R.C., Stephan, R., Stening, T., Viehmeier, S.: Black Swan: Augmenting Statistics with Event Data. Proceedings of the 20th ACM international conference on Information and knowledge management (CIKM ’11). pp. 2517–2520 (2011).
Loos, P., Lechtenbörger, J., Vossen, G., Zeier, A., Krüger, J., Müller, J., Lehner, W., Kossmann, D., Fabian, B., Günther, O., Winter, R.: In-memory Databases in Business Information Systems. Business & Information Systems Engineering. (2011).
Plattner, H., Zeier, A., Tosun, C., Blessing, S., Krüger, J., Wust, J.: xSellerate: Supporting Sales Representatives with Real-Time Information in Customer Dialogs. In-Memory Data Management (2011).
Grund, M., Krüger, J., Müller, J., Zeier, A., Plattner, H.: Dynamic Partitioning for Enterprise Applications. IEEE International Conference on Industrial Engineering and Engineering Management (2011).
Krüger, J., Kim, C., Grund, M., Satish, N., Schwalb, D., Chhugani, J., Dubey, P., Plattner, H., Zeier, A.: Fast Updates on Read-Optimized Databases Using Multi-Core CPUs. Proceedings of the VLDB Endowment Volume 5 Issue 1. 5, (2011).