Prof. Dr. h.c. mult. Hasso Plattner

Omniscient Debugging in Java

Getting Started

The Quid Accidit? ODB requires a recent Eclipse and a MySql database.


  1. In Eclipse, choose "Help" -> "Install New Software..."
  2. Click "Add" to create a new update site with the following data
    • Name: Quid Accidit US
    • Location: https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/10830039/quid-accidit/site.xml
  3. Install the Quid Accidit Plugin
  4. In "Window" -> "Preferences" -> "Quid Accidit", configure the database you want to use to store execution data
Choosing the Accidit launcher
Choosing the Accidit launcher

Tracing an execution

  1. For your Eclipse project, create a new Java or JUnit run configuration
  2. Select the ACCIDIT launcher
  3. Run the configuration
  4. Wait for the execution to finish
    • Open the Progress View to see if the Import Job has completed
  5. Open the "Quid Accidit" perspective
  6. Right-click the project in the Project Explorer and choose "Select Trace"

Using the Omniscient Debugger

  • Use arrow keys to navigate the Trace Explorer
  • Right-click variables (in the Variable View) or invocations (in the Trace Explorer) to get additional features, such as dynamic slicing

Creating a slice

  1. Right-click a value in the variable view or an entry in the trace explorer
  2. Choose "Slice" from the context menu
  3. Adjust the slice using the Slicing Criteria view

Omniscient Debugging in Stored Procedures

Here is a video that shows our current work on omniscient debugging for stored procedures: Video